Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Scandinavian Journal of Psychology |
Numéro | Vol. 46, no 4, 2005 |
- Enactment enhances integration between verb and noun, but not relational processing, in episodic memory - Von Essen J.D p. 315-321
- Rewarded remembering: Dissociations between self-rated motivation and memory performance - Ngaosuvan L., Mäntylä T. p. 323-330
- Effects of stop signal modality, stop signal intensity and tracking method on inhibitory performance as determined by use of the stop signal paradigm - Van der Schoot M., Licht R., Horsley T.M., Sergeant J.A. p. 331-341
- Teachers' knowledge about adolescents: An interview study - Adamson L., Meister D.G. p. 343-348
- Compensating strategies in collaborative remembering in very old couples - Johansson N.O., Andersson J., Rönnberg J. p. 349-359
- The association between implicit and explicit prejudice: the moderating role of motivation to control prejudiced reactions - Akrami N., Ekehammar B. p. 361-366
- Adolescents' social strategies: Patterns and correlates - Sondaite J., Zukauskiene R. p. 367-374
- Quality of phonological representations, verbal learning, and phoneme awareness in dyslexic and normal readers - Elbro C., Nygaard Jensen M. p. 375-384
- The role of coping styles as predictors of depressive symptoms among adolescents: A prospective study - Murberg T.A., Bru E. p. 385-393