Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 47, no 6, 2006 |
- Sex differences in cognition among illiterate Bangladeshis: A comparison with literate Bangladeshis and Swedes - Herlitz A., Kabir Z.N. p. 441-447
- Structural equation models of memory performance across noise conditions and age groups - Enmarker I., Boman E., Hygge S. p. 449-460
- Child witnesses' metamemory realism - Allwood C.M., Granhag P.A., Jonsson A.C. p. 461-470
- Updating imagined translational movements - Tlauka M. p. 471-475
- Relations between different types of children's aggressive behavior and sociometric status among peers of the same and opposite gender - Kerestes G., Milanovic A. p. 477-483
- Relations between episodic memory, suggestibility, theory of mind, and cognitive inhibition in the preschool child - Melinder A., Endestad T., Magnussen S. p. 485-495
- Reasoning about complex probabilistic concepts in childhood - Fisk J.E., Bury A.S., Holden R. p. 497-504
- Decreased approach motivation in depression - Wang C.E., Brennen T., Holte A. p. 505-511
- Category and stereotype activation revisited - Akrami N., Ekehammar B., Araya T. p. 513-522
- A psychometric assessment of a Swedish translation of Shafer's personality scale - Hochwälder J. p. 523-530
- Reading words with irregular decoding rules: A test of premorbid cognitive function? - Tallberg I.M., Wenneborg K., Almkvist O. p. 531-539
- Changes at work and employee reactions: Organizational elements, job insecurity, and short-term stress as predictors for employee health and safety - Storseth F. p. 541-550
- Immigration, lack of control and psychological distress: Findings from the Oslo Health Study - Dalgard O.S., Thapa S.B., Hauff E., Mccubbin M., Syed H.R. p. 551-558