Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 49, no 2, 2008 |
- The effect of childhood bilingualism on episodic and semantic memory tasks - Kormi-Nouri R., Shojaei R.S., Moniri S., Gholami A.R., Moradi A.R., Akbari-Zardkhaneh S., Nilsson L.G. p. 93-109
- Gender differences in facial imitation and verbally reported emotional contagion from spontaneous to emotionally regulated processing levels - Sonnby-Borgström M., Jönsson P., Svensson O. p. 111-122
- Respiratory sinus arrhythmia in response to fear-relevant and fear-irrelevant stimuli - Jönsson P., Hansson-Sandsten M. p. 123-131
- Internal imagery training in active high jumpers - Olsson C.J., Jonsson B., Nyberg L. p. 133-140
- The effect of comparative context upon stereotype content: Children's judgments of ingroup behavior - Bennett M., Sani F. p. 141-146
- Cyberbullying: Another main type of bullying? - Slonje R., Smith P.K. p. 147-154
- Forgiveness: A perception and motivation study among married adults - Orathinkal J., Vansteenwegen A., Burggraeve R. p. 155-160
- A validation and short form of the Basic Character Inventory - Neilands T.B., Silvera D.H., Perry J.A., Richardsen A., Holte A. p. 161-168
- Psychometric evaluation and further validation of the Hagedoorn et al. modified EVLN measure - Liljegren M., Nordlund A., Ekberg K. p. 169-177
- Can learning potential in schizophrenia be assessed with the standard CVLT-II? An exploratory study - Vaskinn A., Sundet K., Friis S., Ueland T., Simonsen C., Birkenaes A.B., Engh J.A., Opjordsmoen S., Andreassen O.A. p. 179-186
- Intellectual function in children with teacher reported language problems - Lundervold A.J., Posserud M., Sorensen L., Gillberg C. p. 187-193
- Change in interpersonal problems after cognitive agoraphobia and schema-focused therapy versus psychodynamic treatment as usual of inpatients with agoraphobia and Cluster C personality disorders - Gude T., Hoffart A. p. 195-199