Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 52, no 3, 2011 |
- Influence of text cohesion on the persuasive power of expository text - Kaakinen J.K., Salonen J., Venäläinen P., Hyönä J. p. 201-208
- The reward value of near-miss situations - Svartdal F. p. 209-217
- Development of the Cognitive Dysfunction Questionnaire (CDQ) in a population based sample - Vestergren P., Rönnlund M., Nyberg L., Nilsson L.G. p. 218-228
- Cytokines and memory across the mature life span of women - Lekander M., von Essen J., Schultzberg M., Andreasson A.N., Garlind A., Hansson L.O., Nilsson L.G. p. 229-235
- Factor structure of the Children's Revised Impact of Event Scale among children and adolescents who survived the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China - Zhang N., Zhang Y., Wu K., Zhu Z., Dyregrov A. p. 236-241
- A longitudinal study of early reading difficulties and subsequent problem behaviors - Kempe C., Gustafson S., Samuelsson S. p. 242-250
- Adolescents born extremely preterm: behavioral outcomes and quality of life - Hallin A.L., Stjernqvist K. p. 251-256
- Do men with excessive alcohol consumption and social stability have an addictive personality? - Berglund K., Roman E., Balldin J., Berggren U., Eriksson M., Gustavsson P., Fahlke C. p. 257-260
- Gender differences in subjective well-being, self-esteem and psychosocial functioning in adolescents with symptoms of anxiety and depression: Findings from the Nord-Trondelag health study - Derdikman-Eiron R., Indredavik M.S., Bratberg G.H., Taraldsen G., Bakken I.J., Colton M. p. 261-267
- The relationship between attachment, personality and antisocial tendencies in a prison sample: A pilot study - Hansen A.L., Waage L., Eid J., Helge Johnsen B., Hart S. p. 268-276
- How social position of origin relates to intelligence and level of education when adjusting for attained social position - Sorjonen K., Hemmingsson T., Lundin A., Melin B. p. 277-281
- Young adults talk about their problems - Jacobsson G., Tysklind F., Werbart A. p. 282-289
- The influence of an online auction's product price and e-retailer reputation on consumers' perception, attitude, and behavioral intention - Wu W.Y., Huang P.C., Fu C.S. p. 290-302
- Family and School Psychosocial Environment (FSPE): Development of a brief questionnaire measuring perceived psychosocial environments in children/siblings - Persson B. p. 303-307