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Revue |
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 54, no 2, 2013 |
- Automatic thoughts and meta-cognition as predictors of depressive or anxious symptoms: A prospective study of two trajectories - Hjemdal O., Stiles T., Wells A. p. 59-65
- Rostro-caudal and dorso-ventral gradients in medial and lateral prefrontal cortex during cognitive control of affective and cognitive interference - Rahm C., Liberg B., Wiberg-Kristoffersen M., Aspelin P., Msghina M. p. 66-71
- Experiencing malevolent voices is associated with attentional dysfunction in psychotic patients - Krakvik B., Stiles T., Hugdahl K. p. 72-77
- Task-irrelevant own-race faces capture attention: Eye-tracking evidence - Cao R., Wang S., Rao C., Fu J. p. 78-81
- Positive emotion modulates cognitive control: An event-related potentials study - Xue S., Cui J., Wang K., Zhang S., Qiu J., Luo Y. p. 82-88
- Visual processing speed in old age - Habekost T., Vogel A., Rostrup E., Bundesen C., Kyllingsbaek S., Garde E., Ryberg C., Waldemar G. p. 89-94
- Adolescent predictors and associates of psychosocial functioning in Young men and women: 11 year follow-up findings from the Nord-Trondelag Health Study - Derdikman-Eiron R., Hjemdal O., Lydersen S., Bratberg G.H., Indredavik M.S. p. 95-101
- High emotional arousal and failures in reality monitoring: Pathways to auditory hallucinations in non-psychotic children? - Mertin P., O'Brien N. p. 102-106
- Determination of problems in patients with post-laryngectomy - Oztürk A., Mallaoglu M. p. 107-111
- Psychometric evaluation and normative data for a Swedish version of the Patient Health Questionnaire 15-Item Somatic Symptom Severity Scale - Nordin S., Palmquist E., Nordin M. p. 112-117
- Validity and reliability of electroencephalographic frontal alpha asymmetry and frontal midline theta as biomarkers for depression - Gold C., Fachner J., Erkkilä J. p. 118-126
- Bullying in work groups: The impact of leadership - Birkeland Nielsen M. p. 127-136
- Relationship problems and extradyadic romantic and sexual activity in a web-sample of Norwegian men and women - Traeen B., Thuen F. p. 137-145
- Body image and personality: Associations between the Big Five Personality Factors, actual-ideal weight discrepancy, and body appreciation - Swami V., Tran U.S., Hoffmann Brooks L., Kanaan L., Luesse E.M., Nader I.W., Pietschnig J., Stieger S., Voracek M. p. 146-151
- Social desirabilily in personality inventories: Symptoms, diagnosis and prescribed cure - Bäckström M., Björklund F. p. 152-159
- Is there an optimal factor structure of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale in patients with first-episode psychosis? - Langeveld J., Andreassen O.A., Auestad B., Faerden A., [et al.] p. 160-165
- A meta-mood model of rumination and depression: Preliminary test in a non-clinical population - Salguero J.M., Extremera N., Fernández-Berrocal P. p. 166-172
- Examining a negative halo effect to anabolic steroids users through perceived achievement goals, sportspersonship orientations, and aggressive tendencies - Chantal Y., Bernache-Assollant I., Schiano-Lomoriello S. p. 173-177