Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Science and Society : A journal of Marxist thought and analysis |
Numéro | Vol. 61, no 4, 1997 |
- Marx's Critique of Hegel's philosophy of nature - Stanley J.I. p. 449-473
- Karl Kautsky: On the relation of theory and practice - Shandro A. p. 474-501
- First reaction: U. S. communist leaders confront the Khrushchev revelations - Harris J. p. 502-512
- Colonies, racism, the CPGB and the Comintern in the inter-war years p.513--524 - Callaghan J.
- Poland: elite, class, and historiography elite and class in Poland: a comment - Tittenbrun J. p. 525-535
- Class and elites: a rejoinder - Guttierez Sanin F. p. 536-540
- "The good old cause" in the new Polish left historiography - Lim J.H. p. 541-549