Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Studies in Family Planning |
Numéro | Vol. 29, no 4, 1998 |
- Dead mothers and injured wives: the social context of maternal morbidity and mortality among the Hausa of Northern Nigeria - Wall L.L. p. 341-359
- Covert contraceptive use: prevalence, motivations, and consequences - Biddlecom A.E., Fapohunda B.M. p. 360-372
- Looking locally at China's one-child policy - Short S.E., Bloom S.S., Ong Tsui A. p. 373-387
- Husbands' reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Uttar Pradesh, India - Singh K.K., Bloom S.S., Tsui A.O. p. 388-399
- Husbands' involvement in abortion in Vietnam - Johansson A., Nga N.T., Huy T.Q., Dat D.D., Holmgren K. p. 400-413
- The validity of verbal autopsies for assessing the causes of institutional maternal death - Hayes R.J., Chandramohan D., Rodrigues L.C., Maude G.H. p. 414-422