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Revue |
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute : Incorporating Man ![]() |
Numéro | vol. 22, n° 3, 2016 |
Original Articles
- To be Makiran is to see like Mr Parrot: the anthropology of wonder in Solomon Islands - Michael W. Scott p. 474-495
- Under the Law of God: mimesis and mimetic discipleship among Jewish-affinity Christians - Hillary Kaell p. 496-515
- The dialogical collective: mediumship, pain, and the interactive creation of Ndyuka Maroon subjectivity - Stuart Earle Strange p. 516-533
- Catching the pulse: money and circulation in a Sri Lankan marketplace - Luke Heslop p. 534-551
- The threat of rebellion: claiming entitled personhood in Central Africa - Louisa Lombard p. 552-569
- How I learned to love the bomb: excavating pueblo politics, love, and salvaged technologies after conflict - Rachel Carmen Ceasar p. 570-590
- Managerial relations in Kenyan health care: empathy and the limits of governmentality - Hannah Brown p. 591-609
- A house is more than a house: aesthetic politics in a Northeastern Thai railway settlement - Eli Elinoff p. 610-632
- ‘[Not] talking like a Motorola': mobile phone practices and politics of masking and unmasking in postcolonial Kinshasa - Katrien Pype p. 633-652
- What gets left behind for future generations? Reproduction and the environment in Spey Bay, Scotland - Katharine Dow p. 653-669
- Sorcery and the dividual in Australia - Benjamin R. Smith p. 670-687
- ‘There are no chickens in suicide vests': the decoupling of human rights and animal rights in Israel - Erica Weiss p. 688-706
- To be Makiran is to see like Mr Parrot: the anthropology of wonder in Solomon Islands - Michael W. Scott p. 474-495
Review and Comment
Review article
- Is the future beyond culture? Rollason Will (Ed.). Pacific futures: projects, politics and interests, 2014. Sissons, Jeffrey. The Polynesian iconoclasm: religious revolution and the seasonality of power, 2014, - Joel Robbins p. 707-711
- Recent transformations in how anthropologists study money. Martin, Emily. The meaning of money in China and the United States, 2015. Maurer, Bill. How would you like to pay? How technology is changing the future of money, 2015 - Keith Hart p. 712-716
- Borders, biopolitics, and spaces of refusal. Demetriou, Olga. Capricious borders: minority, population, and counter-conduct between Greece and Turkey, 2013. Hall, Alexandra. Border watch: cultures of immigration, detention and control, 2012. Rosas, Gilberto. Barrio libre: criminalizing states and delinquent refusals of the new frontier, 2012 - Madelaine Reeves p. 717-721
- The ground between : Das, Veena, Michael Jackson, Arthur Kleinman & Bhrigupati Singh (eds). The ground between: anthropologists engage philosophy, 2014 - Paul Rabinow p. 722-724
Book Reviews
Environment and conservation
- Henry Joy. Science and Sustainability: Learning from indigenous wisdom, 2014 - Stephen Brush p. 725-726
- Keller Eva. Beyond the lens of conservation: Malagasy and Swiss imaginations of one another, 2015 - Sara Pena Valderrama p. 726-727
- Larsen Peter Bille. Post-frontier resource governance: indigenous rights, extraction and conservation in the Peruvian Amazon, 2015 - Evan Killick p. 727-728
- Rasmussen Mattias Borg. Andean waterways: resource politics in highland Peru, 2015 - Jessica Barnes p. 728-729
Ethnicity, indigeneity and identity
- Gressier, Catie. At home in the Okavango: white Batswana narratives of emplacement and belonging, 2015 - Heidi Armbruster p. 729-730
- Guilbault Jocelyne & Roy Cape. Roy Cape: a life on the calypso and soca bandstand, 2014 - Carlo Cubero p. 730-731
- Markowitz, Fran, Stephen Sharot & Moshe Shokeid (Eds). Toward an anthropology of nation building and unbuilding in Israel (afterword by Alex Weingrod), 2015 - Ian McGonigle p. 731-732
- Barbara L. Voss The archaeology of ethnogenesis: race and sexuality in colonial San Francisco, 2015 - Quentin Lewis p. 732-733
Health and healing
- Biehl, João & Adriana Petryna. When people come first: critical studies in global health, 2013 - Jessica Jerome p. 733-735
- Ecks Stefan. Eating drugs: psychopharmaceutical pluralism in India, 2013 - Susan Reynolds Whyte p. 735-736
- Herrmans Isabell. Ritual retellings: Luangan healing performances through practice, 2015 - Andrew Alan Johnson p. 736-737
Histories of ideas
- Baert, Patrick. The existentialist moment: the rise of Sartre as a public intellectual, 2015 - Nigel Rapport p. 737-738
- Eriksen Thomas Hylland. Fredrik Barth: an intellectual biography, 2015 - Jens Kjaerulff p. 738-739
- Kuper Adam. Anthropology and anthropologists: the British School in the twentieth century, 2015 - David Shankland p. 739-740
- Mason Peter. The ways of the world: European representations of other cultures: from Homer to Sade, 2015 - Robert Launay p. 740-741
Kinship, childhood and parenting
- Davis, Dona Lee. Twins talk: what twins tell us about person, self, and society, 2015 - Gísli Pálsson p. 741-742
- Teresa Kuan. Love's uncertainty: the politics and ethics of child rearing in contemporary China, 2015 - Orna Naftali p. 742-743
- Oaks Laury. Giving up baby: safe haven laws, motherhood, and reproductive justice, 2015 - Cecilia Tomori p. 743-744
- Freeman, Carla. Entrepreneurial selves: neoliberal respectabilty and the making of a Caribbean middle class, 2015 - Huon Wardle p. 744-745
- Daniel M. Knight History, time, and economic crisis in central Greece, 2015 - Michael Herzfeld p. 745-746
- Song Jesook. Living on your own: single women, rental housing, and post-revolutionary affect in contemporary South Korea, 2014 - June Hee Kwon p. 746-747
States and Borders
- Gellner, David N. (Ed.). Borderland lives in Northern South Asia, 2014 - Anssi Paasi p. 747-748
- Donald M. Nonini ‘Getting by': class and state formation among Chinese in Malaysia, 2015 - Souchou Yao p. 748-749
- Piliavsky Anastasia (ed.). Patronage as politics in South Asia, 2014 - Stephen M. Lyon p. 749-750
- Turner Sarah, Christine Bonnin & Jean Michaud. Frontier livelihoods: Hmong in the Sino-Vietnamese borderlands, 2015 - Magnus Fiskesjö p. 750-751
Visual and material culture
- Carta, Silvio. Visual anthropology in Sardinia, 2014 - Aide Esu p. 751-752
- Miller Daniel & Jolynna Sinanan. Webcam, 2014 - Heinz Scheifinger p. 752-753
- Ross Kerry. Photography for everyone: the cultural lives of cameras and consumers in early twentieth-century Japan, 2015 - Elisabeth Edwards p. 753-754