Contenu du sommaire : Sur le passif, sous la direction de Gaston Gross

Revue Langages Mir@bel
Numéro no 109, mars 1993
Titre du numéro Sur le passif, sous la direction de Gaston Gross
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Présentation - G. Gross p. 5-6 accès libre
  • Classes de constructions directes sans passif - C. Leclère p. 7-31 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    In this article the cases where the passive is blocked are examined. The reasons for this are varied : metaphor, a fixed verb-object relation, deletion of the preposition, incompatibility of certain semantic classes of verbs. The study shows the limitations of a syntactic definition of a property such as the passive, if it is worked out without reference to the lexicon.
  • Un nouvel agent en par - Maurice Gross p. 32-34 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This note is devoted to a small class of complex prepositions {par les soins de Luc) introducing an agent complement. The preposition par may be derived from this.
  • Quelques passifs avec agent obligatoire - Y. Mathieu p. 35-36 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This note is devoted to a small class of complex prepositions {par les soins de Luc) introducing an agent complement. The preposition par may be derived from this.
  • Les locutions verbales et les deux passifs du français - D. Gaatone p. 37-52 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This study focuses on the behaviour of verb phrases of the verb + noun type, as opposed to the ordinary French passive ( Ve par N) and the impersonal passive. The relative autonomy of nouns in this position explains why a subgroup of these verb phrases can be put into the passive. The factors which favour the passive are brought out : the human feature of the subject, the active aspect of the verb, rather than the semantic transparency of the object, as is often claimed.
  • Pourquoi il y a deux passifs - B. Lamiroy p. 53-72 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This article deals with the two forms of the French passive ( Ve par N and se V) for which a unitary explanation is put forward. The hypothesis is a reduction of the argument by deletion of the subject : a passivizing operator then applies : the operator of state or the reflexive operator. The differences are related to the type of subject, the type of verb in relation to the argument, the type of operator and the aspect. The reflexive passive is examined in the various Romance languages.
  • Le passif dans le système des voix du français - J.-P. Desclés, Z. Guentchéva p. 73-102 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This article is a wide-ranging study of the passive in the broadest sense of the term. The authors postulate a reduction of the argument and study the passive in its relations with the active, the reduction of the agent and the problem of aspect. The predicate passive is given attention, situated in the general expression of voice.
  • Les passifs nominaux - G. Gross p. 103-125 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The passive was studied exclusively in relation to verb constructions. This article points out the existence of passives implying noun predicates. These passives are constructed with pairs of support verbs : donner/recevoir, /aire/recevoir, /aire/subir, exercer/subir, faire\faire l'objet de. The similarities and the differences with the verbal passive are examined in detail. This phenomenon concerns thousands of nouns, and may be observed in languages as varied as the Romance languages, English, German and Korean, etc. One is therefore fully justified in introducing the term nominal passive into grammatical nomenclature.
  • Abstracts - p. 126-127 accès libre