Contenu du sommaire : L'hyperlangue brésilliène, sous la direction de Sylvain Auroux, Eni Puccinelli Orlandi et Francine Mazière

Revue Langages Mir@bel
Numéro no 130, juin 1998
Titre du numéro L'hyperlangue brésilliène, sous la direction de Sylvain Auroux, Eni Puccinelli Orlandi et Francine Mazière
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Introduction - Sylvain Auroux, Eni Puccinelli Orlandi p. 3-7 accès libre
  • La formation d'un espace de production linguistique. La Grammaire au Brésil - E. Puccinelli Orlandi, E. Guimarães p. 8-27 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This article aims to coordinate the history of linguistic ideas with the constitution of a national language, taking the Portuguese language in Brazil as its specific object. So we need to study the relations between unity and diversity that are found in language studies as well as in the formation of a nation. Thanks to the notion of "Hyperlangue", we can analyse the processes of the constitution of the Brazilo-Portuguese language, which leads us to the question of national language and to the role played in this matter by the process of Brazilian grammatisation. We here analyse the birth of Brazilian grammars at the end of the 19th century in three respects: first, their definition of "grammar"; second, the problem of the marks of innovation/tradition in the development of Brazilian grammatisation; and third, lexical description as a tool for verifying the difference between Brazil and Portugal. Finally, we are led to study the relation between grammatisation and linguistic identity just as we do the relation between grammar and linguistic policy.
  • Lexique et langue nationale. Éléments d'histoire de la lexicographie au Brésil - J. Horta Nunes p. 28-41 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    In this article, we consider the production of a lexicographic knowledge in Brazil as it is linked to the constitution of a national language. The corpus is made up of accounts by travellers, bilingual dictionaries (Portuguese-Tupi, Tupi-Portuguese) and monolingual dictionaries of Portuguese, written between 16th and 19th centuries. The dictionaries are considered as tools which are introduced into Brazilian space-and-time and produce successive transformations in the linguistic body. They also are discourses, and we study their entry-words, the structure and certain forms of their definitions. The article shows how, in the 19th century, the notion of "Brazilianism" plays an important role in the production of a lexicographic discourse.
  • Premiers symptômes syntaxiques d'une grammaire brésilienne - F. Tarallo p. 42-51 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This article studies the linguistic bases of the discussions out of which Brazilian grammar was developed at the turn of the century. From the end of the 19th century, this grammar reveals obvious differencies with respect to Portuguese grammar, differencies that have since continued to increase. We study, here, four important syntactic facts that are specially Brazilian: first, the rearrangement of the preonominal system and its consequencies on the implementation of zero objects and the increasing number of lexical subjects; second, the change in strategies of relativization; third, a rearrangement in the patterns of basic sentences; fourth, changes in the patterns of direct and indirect questionning.
  • La langue générale et la grammatisation des langues indiennes - L. C. Borges, J. Horta Nunes p. 52-67 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This article analyses certain aspects of the grammatisation of Brazil's native languages, especially the Tupi language. The historical and discursive constitution of the lingua geral ("general language") is considered with respect to certain of its varieties. Thanks to the study of bilingual dictionaries (Portuguese-Tupi, Tupi-Portuguese), we can examine the appearence, in the 19th century, of both the practice of the archives studying conducted in the Geographic and Historical Institute of Brazil, and the development, in the study of native languages, of two tendencies: nationalist romantism and universalist naturalism.
  • Portugais du Brésil et langues africaines - E. Bonvini, M. M. Taddoni Petter p. 68-83 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This article is devoted to the position of the relationship between African languages and the Portuguese language of Brazil. In the year 1930, two types of analyses were proposed: for the first one, African languages influenced Brazilian language; for the second, the Brazilian language was creolized by its contact with African languages. Now, research in this field is being reorganized: linguistic structures and social organization are being studied together, from the sociolinguistic and ideological points of view. We study here the languages spoken in Brazil by African slaves, African multilinguism, the specific status of certains languages and the complex relationship between Portugal, Brazil, and specific African countries such as Angola and Nigeria.
  • L'institutionnalisation de la langue, de la mémoire et de la citoyenneté au Brésil durant le XVIIIe siècle. Le rôle des académies littéraires et de la politique du Marquis de Pombal - B. S. C. Mariani p. 84-96 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The aim of this article is to understand what processes are at work in memorizing and forgetting in the institutionalisation of the Portuguese language in Brazil. The following textual data are analyzed: first, Historia da America Portuguesa by Sebastião de Rocha Pitta; second, Dissertasão sobre as Coisas Naturais do Brazil by Brito e Figueiredo; third, Atas de Fundação de Academia Brasilica das Renascidos, and last, the Directoriao dos Îndios, published with the blessing of Marquês de Pombal.
  • Alphabétisation, écriture et oralité - M. Vieira Da Silva p. 97-102 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    In this article, our aim is to understand the building of the Brazilian subject-pattern as it appears in and through the alphabetic writting of Indians, half-breeds and the colonizing people, within a multilingual space where the Portuguese discursive memory is at work. We confront the mechanisms out of which the referent "illiterate" is constituted and the hierarchical opposition between "illiterate" and "literate", in two important periods of our history, the 16th and the 19th centuries.
  • Polémiques autour de la langue nationale (fin du XIXe siècle et début du XXe) - C. Castellanos Pfeiffer p. 103-111 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    At the turn of the century, Brazil experienced an intense and wide spread controversy when the "homens de letras" (educated people, writers, historians, grammarians, newspapermen, teachers) fought over the most effective ways of expression — especially in writing — in a Brazilian national language. In this article, we consider texts concerning this controversy such as surfaces texts which become, by mean of discourse analysis, a discursive space that enables us to understand the discursive processes at work in the writings of these authors, who where building up meanings in the Brazilian language. In this discursive game we can see four main lines of enunciation; by establishing and destabilizing meanings, there is built up a discursive memory of the national language: at the root of the process of meaning is the opposition, related to the Portuguese language of Portugal, between what was pointed out as oral language and what was considered as written language.
  • Langue et nationalité au Brésil. Années 1930 et 1940 - M. Onice Payer, L. F. Dias p. 112-124 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    In this article we consider two linguistic facts which occured in Brazil during the years 1930-1940: first, the project of the Parliament to change the name of the language spoken in Brazil from Portuguese language to Brazilian language; second, the campaigns for nationalizing the educational system, intended for the large wave of European immigrante. Those campaigns aimed at teaching immigrants Brazil's national language and at officially discouraging them from talking or writing their own languages. From these two facts, one can see how citizenship and Brazilianity are related to the general questions of language and nationality. At the root of those juridical measures there is a discursive formulation of national unity and linguistic homogeneity, related to the heterogeneity of Brazilian society.
  • Abstracts - p. 125-127 accès libre