Contenu du sommaire : Les discours intérieurs au lexique, sous la direction de Amr Helmy Ibrahim

Revue Langages Mir@bel
Numéro no 142, juin 2001
Titre du numéro Les discours intérieurs au lexique, sous la direction de Amr Helmy Ibrahim
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Dans la langue, par la langue mais tout entière - Amr Helmy Ibrahim p. 3-9 accès libre
  • Argumentation interne et argumentation externe au lexique : des propriétés différentes - Marion Carel p. 10-21 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    According to Anscombre and Ducrot, words can be described by means of argumentative discourses. In fact, there are, I believe, two kinds of relations between words and argumentative discourses. This paper aims at defining them. It aims at distinguishing the relation of indulgent and il est indulgent donc il est aimé from the relation of indulgent and elle avait commis une faute pourtant il ne l'a pas punie. Key words: Argumentation, Lexicon, Paradox, Grading, Negation, Semantic Block.
  • Critères argumentatifs et analyse lexicale - Oswald Ducrot p. 22-40 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The meaning of words is studied within the framework of Carel's theory of « blocs sémantiques ». Each word is defined by a set of argumentative discourses, containing DONC {therefore) or POURTANT {however). Thus, neither things, nor ideas, are involved in lexical description, and criteria can be established to choose between the various definitions that each studied word seems to have. Key words: Argumentation, Lexicon, Paradox, Grading, Negation, Semantic Block
  • Les connecteurs espagnols encima / además : argumentation transgressive et argumentation normative - Maria Marta Garcia Negroni p. 41-56 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This paper describes the discourse function of two additive connectives in Spanish: encima [moreover] and además [furthermore]. The study aims to demonstrate that the difference in signification between these two additive connectives can be explained appealing to normative and transgressive argumentations, following the notions defined by the Theory of Argumentation in Language and, more specifically, by the Theory of Semantic Blocks. Thus, we can explain that when using además we have to interpret the first of the connected segments as evoking normative argumentations with therefore [fr.: done] and the occurrence of encima in an enunciation as imposing a transgressive interpretation with nevertheless [fr.: pourtant]. Key words: Connectives, Argumentation, Semantic Block, Normative,
  • Le rôle du lexique dans la théorie des stéréotypes - Jean-Claude Anscombre p. 57-76 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The aim of this article is to develop the claim made in earlier papers that the standard form (±P, ±Q) of the topoï at work in the Theory of Argumentation in Language are in fact contrary to the basic claims this theory relies on. After examining several objections, an alternative theory will then be suggested, namely the Theory of Stereotypes, based on ideas adapted from Putnam, Kripke, and others. This theory, apart from evading the above mentioned objections, is consistent with the basic hypothesis of the Theory of Argumentation in Language, and moreover, provides a more satisfactory explanation for a wide range of facts. Key words: Argumentation, Stereotypes.
  • Dénotation et argumentation dans le discours - Heronides M. Moura p. 77-91 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This paper, developed within the frame of dynamic semantics combined with the precisification principle, proposes a new distinction between polysemy and vagueness. According to this distinction, a polysemous word is underspecified in relation to a set of lexicalized precisifications, whereas a vague word is underspecified in relation to a set of precisifications which are not lexicalized. It is also proposed that, notwithstanding the independence of denotative and argumentative levels, neither of these levels can be bypassed in the semantic representation. Key words: Dynamic semantics, Precisification, Underspecified, Denotative level.
  • Argumentation interne et enchaînements dans les matrices définitoires - Amr Helmy Ibrahim p. 92-126 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    To make sense is to set up, through the words and their grammar, the shapes that have, just by being shaped as they are, alike DNA coding for polypeptidic chains, the power to give instructions that code, in an abridged version, for very redundant definitions. This paper shows how and why the general framework of defining matrixes allows to deal with these instructions and, namely, with the aim of accounting for the chains in discourse, to integrate into the analysis of a strictly grammatical and derivational lexical data, that of the semantics of internal arguments. Key words: Internal arguments, Matrixes, Definition, Lexicon, Grammar, Chains, Redundancy.
  • Abstracts - p. 127-128 accès libre