Contenu du sommaire : La détermination au regard de la diversité lexicale, sous la direction de Pierre-André Buvet
Revue |
Langages ![]() |
Numéro | no 145, mars 2002 |
Titre du numéro | La détermination au regard de la diversité lexicale, sous la direction de Pierre-André Buvet |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation - Pierre-André Buvet p. 3-7
- Locutions conjonctives et détermination.... - Gaston Gross p. 9-20 This article sets out to describe the internal structure of conjunctive phrases. The starting point is the observation that these sequences are not fixed and that the noun which is used is itself a predicate, the arguments of which are the main clause and the subordinate clause. The determination of this noun is subject to considerable limitations, which are discussed here.
- Les déterminants numéraux, un exemple : les dates horaires - Maurice Gross p. 21-37 Numeral determiners (noted Dnum) are used together with names of units (NUnit) to indicate quantities of varied kinds (e.g. two hundred square meters, one thousand Francs, 1 000 F). Rules that lead to noun phrases of the type Dnum Nunit obey various constraints, among others, the rules of numeration in the decimal system.
- La détermination dans les anaphores fidèles et infidèles - Denis Le Pesant p. 39-59 We intend to show that the selection of the determiner (le or ce) in some anaphoric phrases depends on semantical or syntactical factors having to do with the relation between antecedent and anaphora, as well as the form of the antecedent and of the anaphora itself.
- Les déterminants figés - Xavier Blanco p. 61-81 We study the frozen determiners that we divide into two large classes: the nominal frozen determiners, which are structured (Dét Na de)Dét Nb (and are subdivided into collective, metaphorical, figurative and hyperbolic determiners) and the frozen modifiers, which are structured Dét N Modif with (Dét_Modif)Dét. We highlight some syntactical properties of these different classes of determiners and we present their semantical values. We also make some propositions for their lexicographical treatment.
- La détermination des noms de sentiment en grec moderne - Zoé Gavriilidou p. 83-96 This paper deals with determination in nominal predicates of "feelings". The basic hypothesis that underlies this text is that the lexico-semantic properties of nominal predicates impose constraints on their determination. That is why we put forward the idea that the theoretical framework of classes of objects permits us to describe, formalize and encode nominal predicate determination. Taking as example the class of objects of "feelings", which demonstrate a high semantico-syntactic heterogeneity, we investigate their standard or marked determination in close relation with the Support Verbs that actualize them. First, we briefly present the model of analysis of simple phrases that we adopt, that is the lexicon-grammar, then, we describe the theoretical framework of classes of objects and, finally, we study the determination in predicate nouns of feelings (of first or second degree) and their syntatic behavior as arguments after appropriate verbal, adjectival or nominal predicates.
- Le défini obligatoirement modifié - Pierre-André Buvet p. 97-125 We study a determiner of French LE_MODIF when MODIF is obligatory and when it is not an adjective. We listed approximately 400 nouns which are compatible with this determination. We show how the semantic characterization of these nouns in terms of classes of objects can explain the different morphological and syntactical features of the constructions where they appear simultaneously with LE_MODIF.
- Abstracts - p. 126-127