Contenu du sommaire : Effacement énonciatif et discours rapportés, sous la direction de Alain Rabatel
Revue |
Langages ![]() |
Numéro | no 156, décembre 2004 |
Titre du numéro | Effacement énonciatif et discours rapportés, sous la direction de Alain Rabatel |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- L'effacement énonciatif dans les discours rapportés et ses effets pragmatiques - Alain Rabatel p. 3-17 Enunciative effacement in reported speech and pragmatic effects. This article presents the notion of enunciative effacement, which functions as a continuum, according to the degrees of production of lexical and indexical marks by the speaker. Enunciative effacement allows the speaker to efface himself from what he says, bringing about varied pragmatic effects. This possibility relies on the disconnection between speaker and enunciator, and especially on the existence of intratextual enunciators at the origin of points of view, which are not necessary spoken. In reported speech, the different types of speaker/enunciator's effacement quoting or quoted in the interactive construction of points of view correspond to enunciative postures: the coenunciators co-produce a shared point of view, the superenunciator (the most often, the speaker who quotes) imposes his point of view on others, while the subenunciator constructs his point of view with reference to a dominant enunciator (most often, the quoted speaker).
- Stratégies d'effacement énonciatif et posture de surénonciation dans le Dictionnaire philosophique de Comte-Sponville - Alain Rabatel p. 18-33 Strategies of enunciative effacement and superenunciation posture in Comte-Sponville's Dictionnaire philosophique. Using an example from a philosophical dictionary, this article analyses the construction of enunciative postures, essentially those of the superenunciator, in a context marked by various forms of enunciative effacement, ranging from enunciative effacement stricto sensu to lato sensu forms of ЕЕ with enunciative disengagement. It emphasizes the posture of the superenunciator adopted by the speaker, through discourse management, the recontextualisation of reported speech and the argumentative role that it confers on them to support his own vision of things, by choosing when and how he wants to quote, by deciding on the beginning and the end of the quotation, by selecting the verbal episodes of the verba dicendi, by playing on range, the modalities of the sentence, and the argumentative orientation of the quotation, or by drawing on argumentative mechanisms based on polyphonic authority.
- La surénonciation comme norme du genre : l'exemple de l'article de recherche et du dictionnaire en linguistique - Francis Grossmann, Fanny Rinck p. 34-50 Superenunciation as a norm of the genre: the example of linguistic research articles and dictionaries. This article studies the posture of "superenunciator" in two genres that are both related to "enunciative effacement": French research articles and dictionaries in human sciences. According to our hypothesis, such a posture is required by these two genres, although it varies with their enunciative specificities. We first discuss how to analyse the plurality of enunciators and their relationships at the level of the text; this leads us to envisage a "polyphonic coherence" between the various viewpoints raised in a text. Then, by introducing the question of authorship in order to associate the enunciative responsibility with a textual one, we attempt to examine the role of discourse legitimization played by superenunciation. The analysis highlights some differences between the two genres: in dictionaries, the posture of superenunciator is related to the structural possibilities of the genre, and to a uniform enunciative authority. In the articles, it is directly construed by the plurality of enunciators, so that the author himself appears as a heterogeneous and divided figure.
- L'effacement énonciatif dans la presse contemporaine - Sophie Marnette p. 51-64 Enunciative Deletion in the Contemporary Press. This article studies "enunciative effacement", i.e. the deleting of the speaking subject (locuteur) from his utterances (énoncés), in the contemporary French press. The analysis envisages how enunciative deletion is linked to reported speech in a corpus of journalistic texts including women's magazines, gossip magazines, newsmagazines and newspapers. Sophie Marnette first examines cases where the use of reported speech clearly places the journalist (i.e. the quoting speaker) in a situation of superenunciation vis-à-vis the quoted speaker, by commenting on his own discourse or that of the people he quotes, by erasing the origin of the quoted material, or by recontextualising it. Second, she highlights more complex cases where the journalist plays on both super- and subenunciation, by disappearing behind the quoted sources but displaying them through his own point of view (or that of the publication he writes for), so that one strategy can hide behind another.
- La circulation des discours à la lumière de « l'effacement énonciatif » : l'exemple du discours puriste sur la langue - Laurence Rosier p. 65-78 The circulation of speech in the light of "enunciative effacement": the example of "purist discourse" on language. In this paper, we study purist discourse language (ironic criticism about language compiled into dictionaries, language chronicles in newspaper) by focusing on the enunciative postures adopted by the speakers that circulate this kind of speech. In the case of purist discourse in particular, how is this position translated into the presentation of other people's speeches and of their enunciators? The purist is the one who quotes speech's fragments that circulate, and who stigmatises and classifies the enunciators of those circulating fragments, according to an axiologic scale. The article describes some practices that privilege mechanisms of understating, on the borders of enunciative effacement.
- Effacement énonciatif et co-construction de l'opinion dans les forums du journal Le Monde - Juan Manuel López Muñoz p. 79-95 Enunciative effacement and co-construction of the opinion in the forums of Le Monde web site. This article approaches the question of the enunciative effacement in reported speech linked to the issue of the co-construction of the opinion through the slant of the others' speeches, without producing an unanimous collective opinion. This co-construction is apprehended by means of the scientific paradigms of Pragmatics and analysed in its enunicative, interactional and argumentative dimensions. His hypothesis is that ЕЕ lies on the basis of meta-pragmatic knowledge and that it is because of this that it acquires its power of argumentation. Juan Manuel López Muñoz focuses on the importance of the argumentative strategies of counter-argumentation, in the case of extraction linked to the superenunciation; and of justification, in the case when the speaker makes use of an undetermined point of view, linked to a dominating coenunciation.
- Modalités, modalisations et discours représentés - Robert Vion p. 96-110 Modalities, modalisations and represented discourse. The concepts of modality, modalisations or enunciative staging are valuable tools to analyse discourse dynamics. Modality may be defined as a reaction of the speaker towards a representation he/she builds in his/her own speech. This reaction, which results in the anchoring of the representation in a particular universe has little to do with the concept of modalisation which dwells on an enunciative split with the production of a reflexive commentary. If modality contributes to the meaning of the utterance, modalisation makes enunciative staging more complex to such an extent that meaning becomes opaque and the relation is blurred. In this study, we examine the way discourse develops, using these tools and taking into account represented discourse as well as sub- (or under-) and superenunciation (or overenunciation) phenomena.
- Hyperénonciateur et « particitation » - Dominique Maingueneau p. 111-126 Hyperenunciator and "particitation". This article is written from a pragmatic and anthropolinguistic point of view. The category of "Hyperenunciator" is introduced, associated with a specific regime of enunciation named "particitation". This regime involves autonomous utterances that belong to a "Thesaurus" shared by the speaker and his/her addressee, as members of the same community. The "hyperenunciator" is the source and the guarantor of the Thesaurus. The speaker is supposed to quote what could be said by the addressee, and even by any true member of the community. Three main types of particitation are distinguished (sentence, scripture, group particitations), illustrated by various genres from different periods.
- Abstracts - p. 127-128