Contenu du sommaire : La terminologie : nature et enjeux, sous la direction de Loïc Depecker

Revue Langages Mir@bel
Numéro no 157, mars 2005
Titre du numéro La terminologie : nature et enjeux, sous la direction de Loïc Depecker
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Présentation - Loïc Depecker p. 3-5 accès libre
  • Contribution de la terminologie à la linguistique - Loïc Depecker p. 6-13 accès libre
  • Terminologie, traduction et rédaction spécialisées - Daniel Gouadec p. 14-24 accès libre
  • Terminologie, ingénierie linguistique et gestion de l'information - Stéphane Chaudiron p. 25-35 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Terminologie, ingénierie linguistique et gestion de l'information. Terminology science is part of the broader field of language processing. Terminology is involved in several key domains of the new industries issued from researches on data processing applied to languages. Knowledge engineering, data mining, search engines are in some aspects dependant on terminology science.
  • Linguistique de corpus et terminologie - Anne Condamines p. 36-47 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Linguistique de corpus et terminologie. New trends in linguistics lead to analyse the way sense runs in context. The traditional mode terminology science is developed induces a rather fixed and logical way of considering concept. However in context, concepts are grasped in particular systems, which are properly linguistic. The aim of the paper is to point out some of the difficulties we encounter by considering concepts as fixed entities.
  • Terminologie et ontologie - Christophe Roche p. 48-62 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Terminologie et ontologie. Occidental philosophy has been for centuries implicated in the way languages refer to the world. Ontologies are the result of the thought applied to the existence of things. Nowadays, ontologies represent entities handled by companies, such as products, processes, and so on. They are more and more involved in data processing. Actually, one of the aims of ontology treatment is to make sure that a designation corresponds to a concept and that both -concept and designation- refer to a well specified object. Logic as science of well formulated propositions is also involved in such data modeling.
  • Terminologie traductive et représentation des connaissances : l'usage des relations hyponymiques - Maarten Janssen, Marc Van Campenhoudt p. 63-79 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Terminologie traductive et représentation des connaissances : l'usage des relations hyponymiques. One of the major problems in multilingual terminology is the existence of lexical gaps. Amongst the models that have been proposed to deal with this problem are the TERMISTI model, using a tree, and SIMuLLDa, using a lattice. The TERMISTI model is prompted by a practical need; the SIMuLLDA system is a practical implementation of a formal framework. This article gives a brief overview and a comparison of these two models, and how they deal with lexical gaps. A central question is whether the concrete cases raised by the TERMISTI project can be correctly dealt with in the more formalised SIMuLLDA system. The major obstacle for the SIMuLLDA system are the cases of partial overlap, where two terms have overlapping, but non-identical meanings.
  • La socioterminologie - François Gaudin p. 80-92 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    La socioterminoiogie. Several language planning experiences, such as those developed in France or in Canada, have led to a new scientifical field. The so called "socioterminology" deals with all the sociological aspects of terminologies. Mainly, the way terminologies are created, the way they circulate in human societies, or the way they are perceived by speakers are some of the matters dealt with by socioterminologists.
  • Terminologie et aménagement des langues - Louis-Jean Rousseau p. 93-102 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Terminologie et aménagement des langues. Terminology work is part of the broader field of language planning which forms nowadays a new field of experience characterised by its theoretical approach as well as by its operating methods. This paper deals with the various approaches of terminology in the context of language planning activities.
  • Terminologie et nomenclatures scientifiques : l'exemple de la taxonomie zoologique - Simon Tillier p. 103-116 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Terminologie et nomenclatures scientifiques : l'exemple de la taxonomie zoologique. What is at stake in this paper is the implication of terminology in the field of taxonomy. The taxonomist has to identify, describe and designate the objects coming under his observation. Thus, he has to observe the way nouns correspond to objects in the world. Taxonomists have different ways to classify those objects, as regarding their evolution and historical development. The investigation is here pinpointed in the domain of zoology.
  • Terminologie et approche interculturelle : terminologies scientifiques du chinois - Georges Métailié p. 117-127 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Terminologie et approche interculturelle : terminologies du chinois. Is Chinese language able to describe world? Can we think with such a language? These questions were rather frequent a few years ago. The paper is dealing with the way Chinese language, by virtue of its way of designating reality, classifies the world. The ideograms, using mimetic keys, cannot but classify objects. There are several historical reasons explaining the constitution of scientific Chinese. Here are described some of them, picking up examples in terminologies of modern Chinese.
  • Abstracts - p. 128 accès libre