Contenu du sommaire : L'École guillaumienne de Bulgarie
Revue |
Langages ![]() |
Numéro | no 165, mars 2007 |
Titre du numéro | L'École guillaumienne de Bulgarie |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation - Francis Gandon, Assen Tchaouchev p. 3-12
- Éléments d'idéogénie (domaine français) première partie - Krassimir Mantchev, Christo Todorov p. 13-31 Foundations of ideogenesis. The main purpose of this study is to expound the ideogenesis (of the conceptual system) in French. It deals with the first zone of the chronological axis of verbal matter. This zone includes three consecutive positions of the verb be : be1 (=exist), be2 (=copula), be3 (circumstantial function) and the three main modal positions : possibility, volition, obligation. The subject-object relationship, which is directional and has as a final result the shaping of its two constituents, is used to define these positions. The distribution of this relationship as regards the individual positions determines the matter of the respective verbs. The three positions of be and of the three modal verbs (pouvoir, vouloir, devoir) are explained in a consistent way, i.e. linguistically.
- Le système d'identification en français contemporain (dans le cadre de la complexification de l'énoncé) - Krassimir Mantchev p. 32-51 The Identification System of the Contemporary French language (in regard to sentence complication). The article analyses stages in the formation of the complex sentence in terms of studying the process of gradual linking of a growing number of phrasal units to the simple sentence. The subordinate clauses proper – the object, adjective and adverb clauses – are treated as the final stage in the process of complication when two relatively autonomous units are juxtaposed to one another. This final stage is preceded by two preliminary degrees of complication when the separate parts stand in correspondence to the main sentence. The article focuses on the first degree of complication which deals with the so-called identification system consisting of two groups and four sub-systems depending on the expanding and specifying of the content of identifiers.
- La syntagmatique et la psycho-mécanique du langage de Gustave Guillaume - Assen Tchaouchev p. 52-64 Gustave Guillaume's syntagmatics and psycho-mecanics of language. The article summarizes and systematizes the results of previous studies of the French verbal syntagm within the framework of G. Guillaume's psycho-systematics of language and his theory of the word in particular. The syntagm is analysed as a linguistic structure resulting from the actualization of the grammatical form of the predicative parts of speech by means of morphology external to the word : articles, demonstrative and possessive determiners, auxiliaries, and personal pronouns.
- Krassimir Mantchev et son approche unifiée du langage - Francis Tollis p. 65-81 Krassimir Mantchev and his unified approach to langage. After claiming his autonomy, Rastier contributed to unifying linguistic semantics, in a model that included the lexicon, deep syntax as well as textual structures. Before him, Mantchev too worked on an analysis of French that could account for all of its components. And, some of the axes on which he built his structurology and his semantic syntax, have a lot in common with Rastier's : a linguistic perspective based on its generalized semanticity, a search for transversal approaches that could blur the usual stratification of the description and help unify its study, and the use of analytical procedures that are both operative and iterative. The fundamentaly semantic linguistics he thus created is concerned with the idiomaticity of languages : it deals with all the « specific articulations » that constitute its « signifying whole », encompassing in a single movement the building up of their forms, of the notions that circulate through them, and the construction of meaning, from the lowest level to the level of texts. Those are the aspects that are dealt with.
- La typologie saussurienne des signes à l'aune du tenseur binaire radical - Francis Gandon p. 82-88 Saussurean signs'typology and Guillaume's radical binary tensor . This article tests the relevance of Guillaume's model : radical binary tensor ( « tenseur binaire radical ») in the special field of Saussurean typology of signs. An initial operation of discernment ( « discernement ») generates the structural sign through three phases : onymics ( « onymique »), 1898 ; so called phonetic « laws » ; mimicry ( « mimologie », resemblance between the two faces of the symbol). A first kind of diachrony, as a move to limit ( « marche à l'étroit ») is generated. The structural sign eventually fits into a move to widen ( « marche au large ») through linearity of speech and consecutiveness (or « rhapsody ») of legend. Such a « progress to wide » finally reverses itself as a disarticulation between significant ( « signifiant ») and signification ( « signifié ») : « kénôme », « tourbillons » (whirlwind), void. Such a dramaturgy does not coincide with the diachronic production of concepts : it converts the latter into a logical chronology ( « chronologie de raison ») according to which there is, strictly speaking, no evolution within Saussure's thought.
- De la définition lexicographique des adjectifs français dérívés de substantifs - Radka Bechkova p. 89-104 Lexicographical definitions of French adjectives derived from nouns. This study presents models of lexicographical definitions of adjectives derived from a nominal base and a suffix. It is based on Prof. K. Manchev's theory that the quality conveyed by an adjective may be viewed as a process which evolved a permanent feature of its subject. This type of adjective possesses four main semantic components which are recognized as their four functions (subject, object, destination and instrument) and their variants (origin and result). Various combinations of them presented through their semantic and syntactic configurations and conveying a definite relationship, have been analyzed. In terms of syntax each of these relations have a corresponding pattern which can build up a periphrastic lexicographic definition of a number of adjectives.
- Les temps futurs en français et en bulgare - Silvia Boteva p. 105-114 Future tenses in French and Bulgarian. The article discusses the system of the future tenses in French and Bulgarian. Diachronically it is modality that dominates in the semantic of these tenses while in the contemporary state it is exactly the opposite – it is the temporal characteristics that dominate on the systematic level. This structure of the system of the future forms both in French and Bulgarian is entirely specific and unique. The basic difference is that the French forms have a very rich semantic content, which includes both temporal and modal meanings ; the Bulgarian ones are semantically differentiated, they are more specialized in denoting one or the other type of meaning, which explains their relatively higher number in comparison to the French ones.
- Sur le traitement de la forme du signifié interjectionnel - Albena Vassileva p. 115-122 On treatment of interjectionnal signification as a formal datum. This paper questions the relevance of the concept of « parts of the speech » regarding interjection. From the psychomecanical theory of word, Damourette and Pichon's taxinomy and K. Mantchev's structurology, the author proposes an original classification and a new definition of interjection as an element of substitution directly acting at the level of text ( « énoncé »). Interjection must eventually be considered as a « part of the speech ».