Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Journal de la Société des Océanistes ![]() |
Numéro | Tome 23, 1967 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Art primitif et « structures » - Jean Guiart p. 1-10
- La représentation politique en Polynésie française, 1880-1903 [Étude d'un cas d'assimilation] - Colin W. Newbury p. 11-27
- Histoire ancienne de 'Ana'a, atoll des Tuamotu - Kenneth P. Emory, Paul Ottino p. 29-57
- Dix bambous gravés néo-calédoniens du musée des Arts africains et océaniens (Paris) - Marguerite Lobsiger-Dellenbach, Georges Lobsiger-Dellenbach p. 59-99
- Les îles Gilbert comparées aux Tuamotus. Introduction. Traits communs - André Guilcher p. 101-113 Following a short visit paid to the Gilberts in 1967, a comparison is made with the Tuamotus. The island distribution around the Gilbert atolls is strongly asymmetrical, more than usually in other archipelagoes. The renewal of water in lagoons through oceanic supply is easy since atoll rims are discontinuous. Coral growth on reef flats is almost nil, but corals thrive on outer upper slopes. The Porolithon ridge is absent, a feature to be probably ascribed to the moderation of surf in the doldrums, whereas surf is heavier under the Tropics where trade winds blow stronger. Shallow gaps between islands are not frequently closed by spits on their inner sides, since the waves in lagoons are not so high as in the Tuamotus where such features are common. No old emerged ledge was found in those islands which were investigated. Mangrove thrives, while it is not found in the Tuamotus. As to the human and economic geography, the Gilberts are overpopulated (50.000 inhabitants). Their present economic status keeps many features of the old Pacific island civilisation; Pandanus still plays a very large role in the Gilbertese life, and old fashions in crops are still in use, as the taro cultivation in pits. Coconut trees are poorly grown, and islander wages are not high. Housing of native civil servants is, however, getting more modern, and a semi-urban pattern appears in the southern part of Tarawa, the main atoll of the group. But the possibilities for a further economic development look to be limited.
- Art primitif et « structures » - Jean Guiart p. 1-10
- Actes de la Société - p. 115-119
- Carl A. Schmidt (1920-1966) - Françoise Girard p. 121-122
- Carl A. Schmidt (1920-1966) - Françoise Girard p. 121-122
- Introduction à une filmographie des Aborigènes australiens - M. Salzmann p. 123-134
- De quelques affaires récentes de « voyants » en Nouvelle-Calédonie - J. Guiart p. 135-144
- A 25 heures de Paris : une semaine de tourisme à l'île de Pâques - M.-Ch. Laroche p. 144-148
- La Ciguatera en Polynésie française en 1966 - Dr. R. Bagnis p. 148-152
- Le Code de procédure civile de la Polynésie française - R. Bonneau p. 152-153
- Introduction à une filmographie des Aborigènes australiens - M. Salzmann p. 123-134
- Travaux en cours. Le français régional de Tahiti. Recherches linguistiques pour une thèse doctorale à l'Université d'Auckland (Nouvelle-Zélande) - J.C. Corne p. 153-154
Comptes rendus
Références et bibliographie
- The Bigge Reports, 1966 - Faivre Jean-Paul p. 155
- Crowley, F. K. 1966 South Australian History. A survey for research students - Faivre Jean-Paul p. 155
- Craig, Beryl F. 1966 Arhem Land peninsular region, including Bathurst and Melville Islands - O'Reilly Patrick p. 155
- Guiart, Jean. Heyum, Renée et autres. Bibliographies Analytiques. — 1, Oceania, vol. I-XXXIV, 1930-1964 - O'Reilly Patrick p. 156
- Mackaness, George. Bibliomania. An Australian book collector's essays - O'Reilly Patrick p. 156
- Robert, W. C. H. ed. Contributions to a bibliography of Australia and the South Sea islands ; vol. 1, books, papers, maps and manuscripts relating to discovery, exploration and travel published in the Netherlands to 1865 - O'Reilly Patrick p. 156-157
- The Journal of Pacific History, vol. 1, 1966 - Faivre Jean-Paul p. 157
- Dodd, Edward., A pictorial peregrination through the shapely and harmonious often enigmatical sometimes shocking realms of Polynesian Art - O'Reilly Patrick p. 158
- Kemble, John Haskell, ed. To California and the South seas. The diary of Albert G. Osbun, 1849-1851 - O'Reilly Patrick p. 158-159
- The Bigge Reports, 1966 - Faivre Jean-Paul p. 155
- Blixen, Olaf. Lenguaje honorifico y comportamiento reverente en Samoa y Tonga. - Haudricourt André-Georges p. 159
- Milner G. B. Samoan Dictionary. Samoan english, english samoan - Haudricourt André-Georges p. 159-160
- Robson, Robert William. Queen Emma - Laracy Hugh p. 160
- Walsh, D. S. et Biggs, Bruce. Proto-polynesian Word List I - Haudricourt André-Georges p. 160
- Blixen, Olaf. Lenguaje honorifico y comportamiento reverente en Samoa y Tonga. - Haudricourt André-Georges p. 159
- L. S. Kingsborough, The Horse Tramways of Adelaide and its suburbs, 1875-1907 - Faivre Jean-Paul p. 161
- Plomley, N. J. B. ed. Friendly mission. The Tasmanian Journals and Papers of George Augustus Robinson, 1829-1834 - Taylor J. J. p. 161
- Walker R. B. (University of New England) Old New England - Faivre Jean-Paul p. 162-163
- Hassell Kathleen. The relations between the settlers and Aborignes in South Australia, 1836-1860 - Faivre Jean-Paul p. 163-164
- Journal de James Morrison, second maître à bord de la « Bounty » - Faivre Jean-Paul p. 164-165
- Handy C. Willowdean. Forever the Land of men. An account of a visit to the Marquesas islands - du Vigier A. p. 165
- L. S. Kingsborough, The Horse Tramways of Adelaide and its suburbs, 1875-1907 - Faivre Jean-Paul p. 161
- Harré, John. Maori and Pakeha. A study of mixted marriages in New Zealand et Metge, Joan. The Maoris of New Zealand - Newbury Colin p. 165-166
- Villeminot, Jacques et Villeminot Paule. Coutumes et mœurs des Papous 1964— La Nouvelle- Guinée 1966— Les Seigneurs des Mers du Sud 1967 - Laroche Marie-Charlotte p. 166-167
- Musikgeschichte in Bildern - Rouget Gilbert p. 167-169
- Harré, John. Maori and Pakeha. A study of mixted marriages in New Zealand et Metge, Joan. The Maoris of New Zealand - Newbury Colin p. 165-166
- Triolet, Elsa. A Tahiti - O'Reilly Patrick p. 169-170
- Paul Bloc, Les filles de la Néama et le colon Brossard - Teppaz M. p. 170-171
- Philip Snow, ed. Best stories of the South Seas - O'Reilly Patrick p. 171
- Catala, René. Carnaval sous la mer - Dillenseger Julien p. 171
- Triolet, Elsa. A Tahiti - O'Reilly Patrick p. 169-170
- Bibliographie de l'Océanie pour 1966 - R. Heyum p. 173-236