Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Journal de la Société des Océanistes |
Numéro | Tome 32, no 53, décembre 1976 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- L'ethnologue et l'Océanien - Jean Guiart p. 267-269
- Chants funèbres de l'île Wallis. II. Analyse et commentaire - Raymond Mayer, Maline Nau p. 271-279 Following up their description of twelve contemporary Uvean dirges published in the previous issue, the authors present here an inventory of observable literary constants. They attempt to demonstrate how these recurrences are undergirded by social codes. Taking an historic bent in comparing the Wallis Island texts to Futunan dirges of the 19th century, the authors discover thematic, symbolic and structural consistencies evidenced in the composition of these contemporary dirges.
- Recherche d'identité mélanésienne et société traditionnelle [Avec une introduction de Jean Guiart] - Jean-Marie Tjibaou, Jean Guiart p. 281-292
- Fête funéraire à Lendombwey (Centre-Sud Malekula) - Catherine D. Huchet p. 293-298 The author describes a funeral ceremony — netemestamp — in which she had been able to participate during a brief stay in 1974 at Lendombwey, centre-south Malekula, in the Mbotgote group (small Nambas). The ceremony, dedicated to seven dead people, was organized around the presentation of funerary objects of high quality, of which there were seven rambaramb and many temes nevimbür. It was the occasion for an important exchange of possessions (tubers and pigs) between the relatives of the deceased. The two days of the ceremony and its key moments (dance of the "marionettes" and departure of the mortuary effigies) are first retraced chronologically. The reconstitution of the genealogies of the village makes it possible to evoke the identity and rôle of the organisers of the ceremony. This tentative explanation is the subject of the second part of the article, which ends with information gathered on the ways of participation in the ceremony, and the exchange and redistribution of possessions.
- Medical Practices and Funeral Ceremony of the Dunkwi Anga - Ivan G. Mbaginta'o p. 299-305 L'auteur, mélanésien, décrit les coutumes du peuple Dunkwi vivant dans les Eastern Highlands, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée : la pratique de la médecine, ses procédés pour obtenir la guérison ; les mesures préventives pour éviter les épidémies ; les rites observés pour les funérailles, l'enterrement, et la manière traditionnelle de traiter la veuve après la mort de son mari.
- Rapport préliminaire sur les recherches archéologiques effectuées aux îles Wallis et Futuna (Polynésie occidentale) - Patrick Vinton Kirch p. 307-310
- In Memoriam : le Docteur Guy Loison - Dr Marc Tivollier p. 311
Actualité dans le Pacifique
- Un prix Nobel mérité : le Dr. Carlton Gajduseck - Jean Guiart p. 312-313
- Dammed if you do and dammed if you don't: dilemmas in development for Pacific Health - Margaret Mackenzie p. 314-316
- Pacific Ocean Countries : a Fourth World [Introduction by Jean Guiart] - Carlton Skinner, Jean Guiart p. 316-321
- Micronesia - William E. Tagupa p. 321-322
- Communiqué du Secrétariat du Gouvernement de Nauru le 22.12.76 - p. 322
Comptes rendus
Compte rendus
- Kirtley, Bacil F. A motif-Index of traditional Polynesian narrative - Guiart Jean p. 323
- Bloch, Maurice. Political Language and Oratory in Traditional Society - Pascal Martine p. 323-324
- Mikloucho-Maclay (Nicolai Nikolaevich). New Guinea Diaries 1871-1883 - Guiart Jean p. 324-325
- Kamakau, Samuel Maniakalani. The Works of the People of Old (Na Hana a ka Po'e Kahiko) - Tagupa William E. H. p. 325-326
- Nayacakalou, R. R. Leadership in Fiji - Tagupa William E. H. p. 326
- Laracy, Hugh. Marists and Melanesians; A History of the Catholic Missions in the Solomon Islands - Tagupa William E. H. p. 326-327
- Threlkeld, Lancelot Edward. Australian Reminiscences. Papers of L. E. Threlkeld, Missionary to the Aborigines, 1824-1859 - O'Reilly Patrick p. 327
- Corrigenda. Karel Kupka (à propos de l'article paru dans le n° 49 de décembre 1975) - p. 328