Contenu du sommaire : Le football, sport du siècle
Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 26, avril-juin 1990 |
Titre du numéro | Le football, sport du siècle |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- PRÉSENTATION - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 3-4
- LES PREMIÈRES COUPES DU MONDE, OU L'INSTALLATION DU SPORT MODERNE - Georges Vigarello p. 5-10 Georges Vigarello World cup history teaches us how deeply soccer belongs to our social development As it is responsive to mythical investment it easily provides support to imaginary dy namics as well as to national fanaticism Its history moreover shows the formation of the link between sport and the transfor mation of the economic landscape between the presence of more and more supporters at games and the growth of mass tourism It shows above all the development of consumption item in which practice and profit become rapidly indissociableThe first world cups or the beginnings of modern sport, Georges Vigarello. World cup history teaches us how deeply soccer belongs to our social development. As it is responsive to mythical investment, it easily provides support to imaginary dynamics as well as to national fanaticism. Its history, moreover, shows the formation of the link between sport and the transformation of the economie landscape, between the presence of more and more supporters at games and the growth of mass tourism. It shows above all the development of a consumption item in which practice and profit become rapidly indissociable.
- LES COULEURS DU STADE - Michel Pastoureau p. 11-18 The colors of the stadium Michel Pastoureau historian of the Middle Ages analyzes the dominant colors of the stadium the green of the grass which is also that of the gambling table the players contrasting jer seys the black of the umpire with his red or yellow sign of authority the greyness of amateurs meets and the colorful exuberance of the advertising for big games these are the colors of the ritualThe colors of the stadium, Michel Pastoureau. A historian of the Middle Ages analyzes the dominant colors of the stadium : the green of the grass, which is also that of the gambling table, the players' contrasting jerseys, the black of the umpire with his red or yellow sign of authority, the greyness of amateurs' meets and the colorful exuberance of the advertising for big games : these are the colors of the ritual.
- POURQUOI N'Y A-T-IL PAS DE FOOTBALL AUX ÉTATS-UNIS ? L'AUTRE "EXCEPTIONNALISME" AMÉRICAIN - Andrei S. Markovits p. 19-36 Why is there no soccer in the United States The other American exceptio- nalism Andrei Markovits Soccer was rejected in the United States because of the development of sports consi-Why is there no soccer in the United States ? The other American " exceptionalism ", Andrei S. Markovits. Soccer was rejected in the United States because of the development of sports consi- dered more in accordance with the national culture of the New World. At both Harvard and Yale in the 19th century, American football was imposed from above, out of an elitist reflex towards British imported games. The more popular baseball prevented the social extension of soccer to the population at large. Like the weakness of socialism in that " bourgeois " society, that of soccer is the second sign of a certain American " exceptionalism " pointed out at the beginning of the 20th century by Werner Sombart.
- SUPPORTERS ET HOOLIGANS EN GRANDE-BRETAGNE DEPUIS 1871 - Patrick Mignon p. 37-48 Fans and hooligans in Great Britain since 1871 Patrick Mignon English soccer fans come mainly from the working class which explains their so ciological specificities The hooligans in particular demonstrate the survival of the early urban worker violence faced with the upward mobility of the lower classes The confrontations are not spontaneous They result from logic of conquest of the turf the ends and unfold like genuine premeditated battles Regional ethnic or religious particularities meet in an autono mous struggle parallel to the one taking place on the fieldFans and hooligans in Great Britain since 1871, Patrick Mignon. English soccer fans come mainly from the working class, which explains their sociological specificities. The hooligans, in particular, demonstrate the survival of the early urban worker violence faced with the upward mobility of the lower classes. The confrontations are not spontaneous. They resuit from a logic of conquest of the other's turf (the " ends ") and unfold like genuine premeditated battles. Regional, ethnie or religious particularities meet in an autonomous struggle parallel to the one taking place on the field.
- LE FOOTBALL ITALIEN. UNE HISTOIRE A L'ÉCHELLE DU SIÈCLE - Pierre Milza p. 49-58 Italian soccer : a century-long history, Pierre Milza. As an urban phenomenon characteristic of the big industrial cities of the North (Torino, Genoa, Milan), calcio remained until 1914 the prerogative of the bourgeoisie and liberal aristocracy. Between the wars, soccer became a mass sport practiced throughout Italy. It was taken over by fascism, which made it a spectator sport, a factor of " consensus ". That was the period of great international successes, but also of a growing dependence on money. After 1945, calcio became a factor of national solidarity in the framework of the city and region, slowly integrating the clubs of the South.
- LE FOOTBALL SARROIS DE 1947 A 1952. UN CONTRE-PIED AUX ACTIONS DIPLOMATIQUES - Pierre Lanfranchi p. 59-66 Saar soccer from 1947 to 1952, Pierre Lanfranchi. After the Second World War, while integration of Saar soccer to France was part of governmental objectives to win pacification through denazification and de-Germanization, it demonstrated mostly a new interference of international political issues in sport. But neither pressure nor manoeuvres were effective in winning the teams away from Germany. The Saar, without really trying to understand its deep reasons, was able to show in practice that independence could exist in the stadium and to assert the primacy of the sports ethics over the reason of State.
- UNE HISTOIRE ÉCONOMIQUE DU FOOTBALL EN FRANCE EST-ELLE POSSIBLE ? - Jacques Marseille p. 67-72 Is an economic history of French soccer possible Jacques Marseille Through the mass of spectators attracted to stadiums and the advertising revenues from the show that it offers the local industrial stakes which it exacerbates the income of the clubs soccer now has great economic weight The French example shows that this sport deserves to become topic for an original economic history dea ling with the clubs as firms and with the specific market that soccer has structured Its success in France was closely connected like previously the overall industrial deve lopment of the country to that of small groups in medium-sized citiesIs an economie history of French soccer possible ? Jacques Marseille. Through the mass of spectators attracted to stadiums and the advertising revenues from the show that it offers, the local industrial stakes which it exacerbates, the income of the clubs, soccer now has a great economie weight. The French example shows that this sport deserves to become a topic for an original economie history, dealing with the clubs as firms, and with the specifie market that soccer has structured. Its success in France was closely connected, like previously the overall industrial development of the country, to that of small groups in medium-sized cities.
- LE MAI 68 DES FOOTBALLEURS FRANÇAIS - Alfred Wahl p. 73-82 The French soccer players 68 Alfred Wahl Is soccer closed world Far from it as shown by the May 1968 protest movement Under the auspices of group of protesting journalists belonging to Miroir du Football handful of players occupied the premises of the all-powerful French Football Fede ration with demands concerning the status of soccer players the organizational struc tures and the very concept of the game By thus shaking rigid edifice the May of soccer players had non-negligible impactThe French soccer players' May'68, Alfred Wahl. Is soccer a closed world ? Far from it, as shown by the May 1968 protest movement. Under the auspices of a group of protesting journalists belonging to Miroir du Football, a handful of players occupied the premises of the all-powerful French Football Federation, with demands concerning the status of soccer players, the organizational structures and the very concept of the game. By thus shaking a rigid edifice, the " May of soccer players " had a non-negligible impact.
- L'IMMIGRATION DANS LE FOOTBALL - Stéphane Beaud, Gérard Noiriel p. 83-96 Immigration in soccer, Stéphane Beaud, Gérard Noiriel. Why has immigration always played an important role in the French soccer job market ? The round bail has always been an extremely important integration factor for young immigrants, though in highly diverse forms. Thinking about " national style " shows how national and patriotic reflexes corne together and fade away, and how the question of " social habitus " is easier to circumscribe in social groups and individuals who are seeking to get even with the society that takes them in.
- LA PERCÉE DU FOOTBALL EN TERRE DE RUGBY. L'EXEMPLE DU SUD-OUEST FRANÇAIS ET DE L'AGGLOMÉRATION BORDELAISE - Jean-Pierre Augustin p. 97-110 The breakthrough of soccer in the land of rugby. The example of the French South-West and the Bordeaux area, Jean-Pierre Augustin. Rugby, which came from England, imposed itself in the Bordeaux metropolitan area and the whole South-West at the beginning of this century as a factor of regional identity. But soccer, until the spectacular successes of the Bordeaux Girondins Club in the last few years, was able to make its way by imposing the image of a major national sport in the context of a local particularity.
- LES ÉCRIVAINS ET LE FOOTBALL EN FRANCE. UNE ANTHOLOGIE - Pascal Balmand p. 111-126 Writers and soccer in France. An anthology, Pascal Balmand Although soccer has not been a great inspiration to French writers, the develop-ment of literary, intellectual and artistic reactions to this popular sport reveals changes in the intellectual world. A brief anthology shows two phases. In the 1920s, writers and intellectuals saw in soccer an expression of values : the development of body and mind, or the coming together of classes and nations. The 1960s and 1970s stressed the playful and aesthetic aspects of the game, along with the scholarly studies.
- LE FOOTBALL, UN NOUVEAU TERRITOIRE DE L'HISTORIEN - Alfred Wahl p. 127-132 Soccer : a new territory for the historian, Alfred Wahl. Although soccer represents a social and cultural fact of substantial importance, French historic research has long neglected it. French historians lag far behind foreign, particularly British historians, as well as sociologists and anthropologists. While taking stock of the present situation, the author shows the emergence of soccer as a historical object. Emphasizing the many facets of that history, he pleads for its growth and autonomy.Soccer new territory for the historian Alfred Wahl Although soccer represents social and cultural fact of substantial importance French historic research has long neglected it French historians lag far behind foreign particularly British historians as well as sociologists and anthropologists While ta king stock of the present situation the author shows the emergence of soccer as historical object Emphasizing the many fa cets of that history he pleads for its growth and autonomy
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 133-134
- Philippe Burrin, Hitler et les Juifs, Genèse d'un génocide. Benno Müller-Hill, Science nazie. Science de mort. L'extermination des juifs, des Tsiganes et des malades mentaux de 1933 à 1945 - Alfred Grosser p. 135-137
- LIFTON Robert Jay, Les médecins nazis. Le meurtre médical et la psychologie du génocide - Michel Pollack p. 137-138
- BROSZAT Martin SCHWABE Klaus (ed.), Die deutschen Eliten und der Weg in den Zweiten Weltkrieg - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 138
- POGUE Forest G., George Marshall, vol.1, Education of a general. 1880-1939 - Laurent Césari, Donald. S. Detwiler p. 139-141
- GRESH Alain, VIDAL Dominique, Les Cent Portes du Proche-Orient. SOLIMAN Lotfallah, Pour une histoire profane de la Palestine. PICAUDOU Nadine, Le mouvement national palestinien. Genèse et structures. PICAUDOU Nadine, ~~La déchirure libanaise~ - Robert Ilbert p. 141-145
- CORM Georges, Europe et Orient. De la balkanisation à la libanisation : histoire d'une modernité inaccomplie - Yves Gonzales-Quijano p. 146-147
- HAZAN Pierre, La guerre des Six jours : la victoire empoisonnée - Alain Dieckhoff p. 147
- DIECKHOFF Alain, Les espaces d'Israël, Essai sur la stratégie territoriale israélienne - Renée Pozmanski p. 147-148
- SOUTOL Georges-Henri, L'or et le sang. Les buts de guerre économiques de la première guerre mondiale - Nicolas Roussellier p. 148-149
- SOUTOL Georges-Henri, L'or et le sang. Les buts de guerre économiques de la première guerre mondiale - Nicolas Roussellier p. 148-149
- PEDRONCINI Guy, Pétain, Le soldat et la gloire - Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau p. 149
- BONZON Thierry, ROBERT Jean-Loui, Nous crions grâce. 154 lettres de pacifistes, juin- novembre 1916 - Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau p. 150
- COUTAU-BÉLARIE Hervé, HUAN Claude, Darlan - Olivier Wieviorka p. 150
- PÉTAlN Philippe, Discours aux français, 17 juin 1940-20 août 1944 - denis Perschanski p. 151
- HAMACHER Werner, HERTZ Neil, KEENAN Thomas (eds.), Responses on Paul de Man's wartime journalism - Laurent Césari p. 151
- CORDI Daniel, Jean Moulin. L'inconnu du Panthéon, tome 1, Une ambition pour la République. Juin 1889-1936 ; tome 2, Le choix d'un destin. Juin 1936-novembre 1940 - Claude Lévy p. 152-153
- ACCOCE Pierre, Les Français à Londres. 1940-1941 - Claude Lévy p. 154
- KEDWARD Harry Roderick, Naissance de la Résistance dans la France de Vichy - Pierre Laborie p. 154-155
- SÉMELIN Jacques, Sans armes face à Hitler. La résistance civile en Europe - Claude Lévy p. 155-156
- JUDT Tony (dir.) Resistance and revolution in Mediterranean Europe 1939-1948 - Marc Lazar p. 156
- GUILLERMAZ Jacques, Une vie pour la Chine. Mémoires (1937-1989) - Lucien Bianco p. 156-157
- JUDT Tony (dir.) Resistance and revolution in Mediterranean Europe 1939-1948 - Marc Lazar p. 156
- GUILLERMAZ Jacques, Une vie pour la Chine. Mémoires (1937-1989) - Lucien Bianco p. 156-157
- FAIRBANK John K., La grande révolution chinoise 1800-1989 - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 157-158
- DE BEER Patrice, La Chine. Le réveil du dragon - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 158-159
- LETAMENDIA Pierre, Eduardo Frei - Annick Lempérière-Roussin p. 159
- LETAMENDIA Pierre, Eduardo Frei - Annick Lempérière-Roussin p. 159
- VAYSSIÈRE Pierre, Nicaragua Les contradictions du sandinisme - Annick Lempérière-Roussin p. 160
- LERUEZ Jacques, Gouvernement et politique en Grande Bretagne - Anthony Rowley p. 160-161
- VAYSSIÈRE Pierre, Nicaragua Les contradictions du sandinisme - Annick Lempérière-Roussin p. 160
- LERUEZ Jacques, Gouvernement et politique en Grande Bretagne - Anthony Rowley p. 160-161
- MINK Georges La force ou la raison. Histoire sociale et politique de la Pologne (1980-1989) - Michel Wieviorka p. 161
- ANCOLAS Jean-Pierre, Cinéma hongrois 1963-1988 - Rémy Pithon p. 161-162
- MINISTÈRE DE L'ÉCONOMIE, DES FINANCES ET DU BUDGET, Histoire économique et financière de la France, Etudes et documents - Nathalie Carré de Malberg p. 162
- MINISTÈRE DE L'ÉCONOMIE, DES FINANCES ET DU BUDGET, Histoire économique et financière de la France, Etudes et documents - Nathalie Carré de Malberg p. 162
- L'argent en France depuis 1880. Banquiers financiers, épargnants - Philippe Mioche p. 163
- TREMPÉ Rolande, Les trois batailles du charbon, 1936-1947 - Philippe Mioche p. 163
- GUESLIN André, L'économie ouverte, 1948- 1990. Nouvelle histoire économique de la France contemporaine - Philippe Mioche p. 163-164
- MOUSSA (Pierre), La roue de la fortune. Souvenirs d'un financier - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 164
- FLAMAND Jean-Paul, Essai sur l'histoire du logement social. Loger le peuple - Danièle Voldman p. 165
- QUELLA-VILLÉGER Alain, Le cas Farrère. Du Concourt à la disgrâce - catherine Bethelot p. 165-166
- CHARTIER Anne-Marie, HÉBRARD Jean, Discours sur la lecture 1880-1980 - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 166-167
- ORY Pascal, L'aventure culturelle française (1945-1989) - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 167
- JANKOWSKI Paul, Communism and collaboration. Simon Sabiani and politics in Marseille 1919-1944 - Jean-Marie Guillon p. 167-168
- ALEXANDER Martin S., GRAHAM Helen (eds) The French and Spanish Popular Fronts. Comparative perspectives - Jean Sagnes p. 168
- LYOTARD Jean-François, La guerre des Algériens. Ecrits 1956-1963 - René Chartier p. 168-169
- EVENO Patrick, PLANCHAIS Jean , La guerre d'Algérie - René Chartier p. 169-170
- GROSSER Alfred, Affaires extérieures.La politique étrangère de la France 1944-1989 - Laurent Césari p. 170
- ADDA Jacques, SMOUTS Marie-Claude, La France face au Sud. Le miroir brisé - Claude Liauzu p. 170-171
- ABSTRACTS - p. 173-176