Contenu du sommaire : Linguistique et poétique: après Jakobson, sous la direction de Nicolas Ruwet, Jean-Michel Gouvard et Marc Dominicy
Revue |
Langue française ![]() |
Numéro | no 110, mai 1996 |
Titre du numéro | Linguistique et poétique: après Jakobson, sous la direction de Nicolas Ruwet, Jean-Michel Gouvard et Marc Dominicy |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation - Nicolas Ruwet p. 3
- L'interface forme/sens en poétique (post-)jakobsonienne - Jean-Louis Aroui p. 4-15 The interface between form and meaning within (post-) Jakobsonian poetics Jakobson's work in poetics has been both carried on and criticized by Nicolas Ruwet in France and Marc Dominicy in Belgium. This paper introduces and discusses the major theoretical works of all three scholars.
- Parole et musique dans « L'ombre des arbres » : Verlaine et Debussy - In-Ryeong Choi-Diel p. 16-34 Words and music in « The shadow of the trees » : Verlaine and Debussy The study of a poem and its setting into music. Starting from both formal and cognitive principles, we try to show that structural links converge on the evocation of a prototypical image.
- La fabrique textuelle de l'évocation. Sur quelques variantes des Fleurs du mal - Marc Dominicy p. 35-47
- Les formes proverbiales - Jean-Michel Gouvard p. 48-63 Proverbial forms The word proverb refers to a wide range of utterances among which it is hard to find one's way. I show that it is impossible to study such an array without distinguishing between subclasses of « proverbs » and taking into account all aspects of language. Only afterwards it will be possible to examine the role of proverbs in poetry.
- Les vers blancs sont-ils toujours blancs ? - Rémi Lemaire p. 64-85 Is blank verse always blank ? An analysis of a poem by Paul Eluard set in 12-syllable lines without rhyme. We show that the metrical structure creates a number of « rhyme effects » in various salient positions.
- La musique du « Lac » - Nicolas Ruwet p. 86-102 Lamartine : The music of The Lake A formal study and interpretation of a moderately long Romantic poem. We stress features that point to the universality of the poem ; we also point to a number of features which are strinkingly similar to devices that are commonplace in music .
- Métaphore, contexte, analogie : « Le lézard » de Francis Ponge - Joseph Sanchez p. 103-117 Métaphore, contexte, analogie ; "Le Lézard" de Francis Ponge. I introduce a hypothesis on the metaphorical process, based on a study of Francis Ponge's poem Le Lézard (« The Lizard »). Within a cognitivist framework, I try to define the concepts of context and analogy in the way they are linked in the production of metaphorical sentences.
- Bibliographie générale - p. 118-125
- Abstracts - p. 126