Contenu du sommaire : La linguistique comme discipline en France, sous la direction de Jean-Louis Chiss et Christian Puech

Revue Langue française Mir@bel
Numéro no 117, février 1998
Titre du numéro La linguistique comme discipline en France, sous la direction de Jean-Louis Chiss et Christian Puech
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Présentation - J.-L. Chiss, C. Puech p. 3-5 accès libre
  • De l'émergence disciplinaire à la didactisation des savoirs linguistiques : le tournant des années 60 et ses suites - J.-L. Chiss, C. Puech p. 6-21 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    From the emergence of linguistics as a subject to be taught to the didactization of linguistic knowledge: the turning-point of the sixties and its consequences The point here is to show how linguistics — and more specifically structural linguistics — gradually became a subject to be taught, namely a constituted disciplinary body with a given teaching content. From the standpoint of the French situation and its specificity, the article analyses some of the stages the transmission of linguistic knowledge went through at school and university level. Special reference is made to textbooks for beginners and a linguistic school has been chosen as an example: functionalism.
  • Science et institution : la linguistique et l'université en France (1865-1945) - G. Bergounioux p. 22-35 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Science and institution: linguistics in the University in France (1865-1945) The institutionalization of linguistics became effective during the 1870s, when a French comparativist school appeared at the time of the creation of the École Pratique des Hautes Études (1868) and the reform of the licence syllabus (1876). The spread of the historical grammar network took place principally in research oriented institutions and less in the faculties of Arts which kept up the tradition of the humanities. Linguistics came into its own during the 1880s with the new syllabus of the lycées and the creation of specific teachers' entrance examinations. Henceforth, under the authority of Antoine Meillet, French comparativism, which was construed as the scientific approach in philological studies, was to hinder the development of structuralism until the 1940s.
  • Les sujets de grammaire à l'agrégation. Eléments d'une mémoire disciplinaire (1852-1869) - D. Savatovsky p. 36-50 accès libre
  • La notion d'interaction en linguistique : origine, apports, bilan - C. Kerbrat-Orecchioni p. 51-67 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The concept of interaction in linguistics: its origins, contributions and results We will first mention a number of reasons concerning why interactive orientations were so long to take hold in France. We will then touch upon some innovations that this new orientation has introduced as regards the object of analysis (prime importance of oral discourse in dialogue), the methodology (exclusively data-driven) and the facts considered relevant in the analyzed corpus. The study will end with an attempt to draw conclusions of the impact of interactive orientation on linguistic studies.
  • Place des revues dans la constitution d'une discipline : la linguistique française (1947-1997) - J.-C. Chevalier p. 68-81 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Part and functions of journals in french linguistics development (1947-1997) Having first defined the part played, and the function assumed by journals in scientific life, the author proposes an overwiew concerning the main developments in the after-war II french linguistics. Through examination of french journals creations and english and american ones reception, several sample surveys lead to conclusion that french linguistics presents a specific development, compared to what occurs in the international movement devoted to linguistic sciences. Jean-Claude CHEVALIER, Part and functions of journals in french linguistics development (1947-1997) Having first defined the part played, and the function assumed by journals in scientific life, the author proposes an overwiew concerning the main developments in the after-war II french linguistics. Through examination of french journals creations and english and american ones reception, several sample surveys lead to conclusion that french linguistics presents a specific development, compared to what occurs in the international movement devoted to linguistic sciences.
  • Recherche universitaire et enseignement du français langue étrangère. A propos d'une rencontre de 1961 - D. Coste p. 82-98 accès libre
  • Introduire à la linguistique : le point de vue de Narcisse - O. Soutet p. 99-111 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Throughout this article, the author goes back to his recently published book, Linguistique, in order to emphasize the most original features of it, at least in his eyes. Without neglecting the closely complementary nature of linguistics and grammar — which ought to lead to go back over the mutual debarments of the 60' and 70' and, consequently, to reconsider the exact part of history in linguistic studies- the author stresses what seemes to him as strictly new for a beginner — from a material point of view: sociolinguistics, neurolinguistics, etc. — from a conceptual point of view; the author enlarges on two concepts, which are typical of the poststructural linguistics, the concept of constructing operation and this of continuum.
  • La linguistique comme discipline en France de 1981 à 1997 - B.-N. Grunïg p. 112-123 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Blanche-Noëlle Grunig tries to estimate the influence of French institutions upon linguistics in recent years (1981-1997). She also notices the weight of material cares and social requirements. They all act upon the evolution of linguistics, either directly or indirectly through the representations built by searchers, teachers and students.
  • Abstracts - p. 124-125 accès libre