Contenu du sommaire : La négation en français classique, sous la direction de Claire Badiou-Monferran
Revue |
Langue française ![]() |
Numéro | no 143, septembre 2004 |
Titre du numéro | La négation en français classique, sous la direction de Claire Badiou-Monferran |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation - Claire Badiou-Monferran p. 3-9
- Bibliographie sélective - Françoise Lesage p. 10-18
- Sur quelques emplois particuliers de « pas » et « point » à l'aube du français classique - Claude Muller p. 19-32 During the 1 7th century, the two negative words pas and point begin to be used exactly as they are now in Modern French. But beyond the appearance of an identical use in the two terms negation of French since that period of time, it remains in the beginning of the 17th century survivals of older values of these two words, and the semantic value of the two negative markers ne and pas, point is not the same as now: ne had still a strong negative value. On the contrary, pas and point maintained some remnants of older, non fully negative, values: that of a "semi-negation", word associated with negation like personne, jamais, allowing negative concord; and that of a negative polarity item, dissociated from the syntactic combination with ne. These values, which disappeared in standard French during that period, marginally survived for a long time in popular or dialectal French.
- Pas rien / Pas aucun en français classique : variation dialectale et historique - France Martineau, Viviane Déprez p. 33-47 We examine the relation between ne... pas rien and ne... pas aucun in I7th and I 8th centuries French negative contexts, in Standard French but also in vernacular French. We make the hypothesis that the source of negative concord with pas + Neg Word is not linked to the deletion of ne and the weakening of pas but is rather triggered by changes which affected the value of the negative word itself. We argue that, as in forclusive contexts, the Neg word is analyzed as an polarity item in the context ne... pas rien/aucun. This polarity reading in that context disappears during Classical Standard French with the fixation of the two-terms negation (ne... N-word) and the reanalysis of rien as an negative adverb. However.the polarity item reading has been maintained in vernacular French for rien and aucun, more particularly in contexts where the polarity item is modified.
- Approches théoriques, valeur en langue et emplis du ne dit ‛explétif' en français classique - Nathalie Fournier p. 48-68 This paper deals with expletive negation, ne, in 1 7th century French. By 'expletive' ne, we usually mean the use of ne, in dependant clauses (comparative clauses: il est plus grand que n'était son frère, or noun clauses: je crains qu'il ne vienne), where it can commute with zéro, but not with full negation ne., .pas. The first part of the paper examines the theoretical treatments of expletive ne, and especially its relation to negative ne (used alone or with pas); in case of a unitary treatment of the morpheme ne, two positions are possible: either deny to ne any full semantic value and consider it as a conditioned element, dependant of other contextual markers; or attribute to ne a basis semantic value, either negative (Guillaume) or "discordantielle" (Damourette et Pichon), which is responsible of different contextual values. The second and third parts, working on classical French corpora (first comparative clauses, then noun clauses), proves that expletive ne is used in much more delimitated contexts than in contemporary French, and its competition with zero is very limited. The paper examines which are the contextual factors correlated to the use of expletive ne or zero, and which semantic interpretation can be proposed when they can commute in similar contexts.
- Négation et coordination en français classique : le morphème ni dans tous ses états - Claire Badiou-Monferran p. 69-92 Négation et coordination en français classique : le morphème ni dans tous ses états In classical French, conjunctive ni, which can be equally written ni ou ny (but no more ne), is no more — as it was in medieval French — a "conjunction of virtually" appearing in "not entirely affirmative contexts" (like affirmative interrogative clauses, or affirmative comparative clauses of superiority, in particular). Ni is not yet — as it is in contemporary French — a "negative forclusive conjunction" exclusively linked to ne. It works as an argumentative connector, organizing into a hierarchy of increasing relevance the connected sequences when it appears as a single ni, and giving this connected sequences as argumentatively equivalents when it appears as ni... ni (polysyndetic conjunction).
- Les verbes substituts lexicaux de la négation dans le théâtre classique. Le corpus racinien - Françoise Berlan p. 93-110 Les verbes substituts lexicaux de la négation dans le théâtre classique. Le corpus racinien Verbs of negative meaning are as commonly used in French as negative adverbs, and have always been during the different periods of this language models underlying this possibility of substitution appear more clearly using the theory of support verbs and predicative nouns (ex: manquer de courage is almost synonym of ne pas avoir de courage). These lexical resources have been extensively used in french over the XVI Ith century. This phenomenon affects mainly constrained forms of writing such as verses and in particular dramatic alexandrine. It is linked to the large number of sentences with support verbs and rests on preferences and prohibitions. We suggest that this process eventually offers an immediately available solution, because of its obvious conveniency. Although it cannot be said to have affected the linguistic system, its influence still exists nowadays.
- Sens contraire, ironie et négation dans le Dictionnaire universel de Furetière - Hélène Merlin-Kajman p. 111-126 Sens contraire, ironie et négation dans le Dictionnaire universel de Furetière Furetière's Dictionnaire universel is filled with metalinguistic commentaries indicating that words having an antithetical meaning (gegensinn) do exist for him. This fact allows us to renew the debate between psychoanalysis and linguistics about this problem which Benveniste considered as an illusion, and also about irony. Analysing Dictionnaire universel shows that we can distinguish two sorts of negation: the first one can be compared to forclusion: the opposite term (or person) becomes invisible because it is absorbed and rejected by the double meaning of gegensinn or irony, and the language functions here on the model of sovereignty. The second one gives a place to refuted term or person. It can be related with conversational pact, where each interlocutor maintains his value as an individual
- Abstracts - p. 127-128