Contenu du sommaire : Utopian/Dystopian Fiction in Contemporary China
Revue |
China perspectives ![]() |
Numéro | no 2015/1 |
Titre du numéro | Utopian/Dystopian Fiction in Contemporary China |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Special Feature
- Editorial - Chaohua Wang, Mingwei Song p. 3-6 The present special feature focuses on utopian/dystopian literature in contemporary China. Why publish a special feature on literary representations of the utopian/dystopian in China Perspectives, a journal that focuses on Chinese political analysis? In the first place, utopia has always been a political issue, according to Fredric Jameson; or as Douwe Fokkema claims, “[u]topian fiction is arguably the most political of all literary genres and can be studied from a literary as well as a political point of view.” Utopia, named by Thomas More in the sixteenth century and repeatedly revived, reinvented, and reprogrammed by later reformers and revolutionaries, projects an ideal vision of human society that contrasts with the unsatisfying reality, and through literary imagination translates social criticism into a political and/or technological blueprint for a better world… …
- After 1989: The New Wave of Chinese Science Fiction - Mingwei Song p. 7-13 This paper examines the new wave of Chinese science fiction as both a subversion and variation of the genre's utopianism of the earlier age. Wang Jinkang's Ant Life (2007), Liu Cixin's China 2185 (1989), the Three-Body Trilogy (2006-2010), and the short story “The Micro-Era” (1999) are the main texts this paper studies. Their reflections on utopianism speak to the post-1989 changing intellectual culture and political economy. This paper argues that the new wave of Chinese science fiction contains a self-conscious effort to energise the utopian/dystopian variations rather than a simple denial of utopianism or a total embrace of dystopian disillusionment, and this is particularly represented in Liu Cixin's novels. The paper also provides some preliminary thoughts on the vision of a post-human future depicted in Liu Cixin's science fiction.
- Blanks to be Filled - Thomas Chen p. 15-22 Jia Pingwa's Decadent Capital was wildly popular upon its publication in 1993. Offering plenty of sex and a bleak view of Chinese society under reform, it was also highly controversial, not least because of the blank squares strewn throughout the text to represent erotic descriptions edited out by the author. Commentators accused Jia of selling out high culture, much like the intellectuals portrayed in the narrative. The novel was banned in 1994 but rereleased in 2009 with one major change: the blank squares were replaced by ellipses. I argue that these blank squares not only make public censorship itself but also constitute the space of alternative publics, whether harking back to an elided past or projecting into a future yet to be written, that the post-Tiananmen Party-state tries to nullify.
- Dreamers and Nightmares - Chaohua Wang p. 23-31 Wang Lixiong's Yellow Peril (1991) represents the return of political fiction of the future not seen in China for decades. Chan Koonchung's The Fat Years (2009) brings the imagination to a full dystopian vision. Reading the two novels side by side, this paper argues that Chinese fiction of the future in the early 1990s responded to the country's struggle for direction when the bloody crackdown of the Tiananmen protest wiped out collective idealism in society. In the twenty-first century, such fiction is written in response to China's rapid rise as one of the world's superpowers, bringing to domestic society a seemingly stabilised order that has deprived it of intellectual vision.
- Society and Utopia in Liu Cixin - Adrian Thieret p. 33-39 This article examines utopianism in contemporary China through the short stories “Taking Care of God” and “Taking Care of Humans” by best-selling science fiction author Liu Cixin. It argues that these stories constitute an ethical resistance to the shortcomings of the capitalist world order into which China has merged during the reform period. Read as a continuation of the modern Chinese utopian tradition as well as a reaction to contemporary trends, these stories offer an articulation of hope that a more just social order can yet be achieved despite the seemingly intractable problems facing the world today.
- Editorial - Chaohua Wang, Mingwei Song p. 3-6
- Social Media and Collective Remembrance - Hui Zhao, Jun Liu p. 41-48 This paper provides one of the first studies on the role of social media in articulating individuals' experiences and memories and (re-)shaping collective memory in contemporary China. It investigates how social media enable and facilitate the participation of ordinary citizens in distributing and accumulating alternative narratives and memories of the past against the authoritarian version by taking the debate over China's Great Famine – a topic long considered a political taboo – on Sina Weibo, one of the country's most popular social media sites, as the case study. This study demonstrates that weibo provides people with an alternative communicative sphere for sharing previously suppressed, marginalised, “unofficial” memories as civil disobedience and accumulating them into an alternative collective memory that is relevant to the changing socio-political context of China.
- Social Media and Collective Remembrance - Hui Zhao, Jun Liu p. 41-48
Current affairs
- Hong Kong After the Umbrella Movement - Samson Yuen p. 49-53
- Voting Shift in the November 2014 Local Elections in Taiwan - Frank Muyard p. 55-61
- Hong Kong After the Umbrella Movement - Samson Yuen p. 49-53
Book reviews
- Mylène Gaulard, Karl Marx à Pékin – Les racines de la crise en Chine capitaliste (Karl Marx in Beijing: Roots of crisis in Chinese capitalism), - David Bartel p. 62-63
- Chien-wen Kou and Xiaowei Zang (eds), Choosing China's Leaders, - Jérôme Doyon p. 63-64
- Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, The China Threat: Memories, Myths, and Realities in the 1950s, - Edward Friedman p. 64-65
- Kirk A. Denton, Exhibiting the Past: Historical Memory and the Politics of Museums in Postsocialist China, - Léo Kloeckner p. 66-67
- Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Le système politique chinois. Un nouvel équilibre autoritaire (The Chinese Political system: A new authoritarian balance), - Benoît Vermander p. 67-68
- Jeffrey C. Kinkley, Visions of Dystopia in China's New Historical Novels, - Yinde Zhang p. 68-69
- Mylène Gaulard, Karl Marx à Pékin – Les racines de la crise en Chine capitaliste (Karl Marx in Beijing: Roots of crisis in Chinese capitalism), - David Bartel p. 62-63