Contenu du sommaire : La classification à facettes revisitée
Revue | Cahiers du numérique |
Numéro | vol. 13, no 1, 2017 |
Titre du numéro | La classification à facettes revisitée |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Introduction. La classification à facettes revisitée. De la théorie à la pratique - Michèle Hudon, Widad Mustafa El Hadi p. 9-24
- La classification à facettes comme théorie générale pour l'organisation des connaissances - Vanda Broughton p. 25-48 Le manifeste du Classification Research Group, Faceted classification as the basis of all information retrieval (1955), a été réalisé au moins partiellement, et il semble évident que la classification à facettes a influencé une grande variété d'outils contemporains de recherche d'information. Cet article examine la théorie qui sous-tend la classification à facettes, explique comment et pourquoi la classification à facettes est devenue si populaire et décrit les avantages qu'elle présente pour l'organisation des connaissances. Le rôle de l'analyse par facettes comme instrument de recherche est également considéré, notamment par comparaison avec d'autres outils d'analyse utilisés pour la modélisation des domaines de la connaissance.The Classification Research Group manifesto of 1955, « Faceted classification as the basis of all information retrieval », has been in part achieved, and there is much evidence of faceted classification influencing a whole range of modern information retrieval tools. This paper examines the theory underlying faceted classification, how and why it has taken up so widely, and what benefits it brings to the activity of knowledge organization. The role of facet analysis as a general research tool is also considered, and how it compares with other content analysis tools as a means of modeling subject domains.
- The APUPA bell curve : Ranganathan's visual pattern for knowledge organization - Carlo Bianchini, Luca Giusti, Claudio Gnoli p. 49-68 Among many clever innovations, the pioneer of faceted classifications, S.R. Ranganathan, introduced a structural model called APUPA (Alien-Penumbral-Umbral-Penumbral-Alien). This model can be visualized in the form of a bell curve. APUPA is commonly cited as an ideal shape resulting from the arrangement of works according to the principles of faceted classification, which should enable a reader browsing shelves to visually find "his book" as located in the middle of a sequence of related subjects on both its left and its right. However, we show how this is but one application of a more general model of thought recurring throughout Ranganathan's works. Main classes order of Colon Classification (CC), and anteriorizing common isolates, are two more features where the bell curve model can be observed. We analyze the presence of this concept in Ranganathan's work through excerpts from a variety of his published books. The concept is compared with models adopted in the work of other classificationists, and with various ideas available in scientific literature, including Bernoulli numbers and the mathematical theory of communication. It can be concluded that the bell curve pattern is yet another facet of the deep originality of Ranganathan's complex and rich classificatory thought.Among many clever innovations, the pioneer of faceted classifications, S.
R. Ranganathan, introduced a structural model called APUPA (Alien- Penumbral-Umbral-Penumbral-Alien). This model can be visualized in the form of a bell curve. APUPA is commonly cited as an ideal shape resulting from the arrangement of works according to the principles of faceted classification, which should enable a reader browsing shelves to visually find "his book" as located in the middle of a sequence of related subjects on both its left and its right. However, we show how this is but one application of a more general model of thought recurring throughout Ranganathan's works. Main classes order of Colon Classification (CC), and anteriorizing common isolates, are two more features where the bell curve model can be observed. We analyze the presence of this concept in Ranganathan's work through excerpts from a variety of his published books. The concept is compared with models adopted in the work of other classificationists, and with various ideas available in scientific literature, including Bernoulli numbers and the mathematical theory of communication. It can be concluded that the bell curve pattern is yet another facet of the deep originality of Ranganathan's complex and rich classificatory thought. - Production scientifique brésilienne sur la classification à facettes - Lígia Maria, Arruda Café, Camila Monteiro de Barros p. 69-88 La théorie de la classification à facettes (TCF) est un paradigme théorique fondamental dans l'organisation des connaissances. Elle étend et approfondit la compréhension du processus de classification car, étant fondée sur la théorie dynamique de la connaissance développée par Ranganathan, elle ne dépend pas des évidences empiriques. Face à la diversité d'approches et d'applications rendues possibles par cette théorie, le but du présent article est d'analyser la littérature scientifique brésilienne sur la classification à facettes diffusée dans les sources nationales, de façon à construire un panorama à la fois quantitatif et qualitatif de la contribution brésilienne à cette thématique. Il s'agit d'une recherche à caractère exploratoire basée sur le prélèvement et l'analyse de textes pertinents. Les documents proviennent de deux sources : la base de données référentielles d'articles de revues en sciences de l'information1 (BRAPCI) et les actes du Colloque national de recherche en sciences de l'information2 (ENANCIB).Faceted classification theory is a fundamental theoretical paradigm in knowledge organization. It expands and deepens our understanding of the classification process because it does not depend on empirical evidence, since it is founded on Ranganathan''s dynamic theory of knowledge. Based on the diversity of approaches and applications supported by this theory, this paper aims to analyze the Brazilian scientific literature on faceted classification published in national sources, and to develop a quantitative and qualitative overview of Brazil's contribution in this domain. This is an exploratory research based on a bibliographical survey and analysis. The survey was conducted in two sources: the Base de Dados Referenciais de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação (Brapci) and the Proceedings of the Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação (ENANCIB). The corpus is composed of 44 documents, published by 39 distinct authors. Sixty-five percent (65%) of the documents retrieved in ENANCIB report on applied research, while 64% of the documents retrieved from BRAPCI are of a theoretical nature. Three themes emerge from the analysis: 1) Faceted classification theory; 2) Thematic organization of documents and databases; 3) Knowledge organization systems (KOS). This third group, with 17 documents, constitutes more than 40% of Brazilian production on faceted classification.
- Prise en charge de la classification à facettes par SKOS : Quelle représentation pour les sujets complexes ? - Edwige Pierot p. 89-114
- Facettes et système d'information : Une approche de la classification focalisée sur un besoin de savoir pour agir - Francis Beau p. 115-142 Dans la méthode d'organisation des connaissances qui fait l'objet de nos travaux théoriques, le mode de classification choisi est avant tout un outil de planification de l'activité documentaire relative à un domaine d'intérêt particulier. Reposant sur l'alimentation de dossiers numériques, la méthode envisagée opère une description verticale des sujets acteurs du domaine d'intérêt en question, qui présente leurs différentes facettes sur six niveaux. Ces facettes, qui se succèdent de haut en bas, de la plus synthétique à la plus analytique, sont à chaque niveau un objet d'intérêt, observé sous différents angles, dans une partition horizontale qui distingue six nouveaux sujets répondant chacun à un ciblage ou focus différent. Chaque sujet ainsi ciblé représente une nouvelle facette de niveau inférieur qui sera l'objet d'une nouvelle observation dans une nouvelle partition de même nature.In the knowledge organization method which is the purpose of our work, the classification scheme chosen is above all a documentation work planning tool in relation with a particular field of interest. Based on the filling of digital files, the intended method realise a vertical description of the subjects acting in the given field, presenting their different facets on six levels. Those facets, succeeding each other from top to bottom, from the most synthetic to the most analytic, are for each level an object of interest, observed then through different perspectives, in an horizontal partition of representative objectives of the community, discerning six new subjects each one responding to a different focus. Every new subject thus focused represents a new facet of lower level which will be the object of a new observation in a new partition of similar nature.