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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 25, janvier-mars 1990 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- ÉDITORIAL - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 3-4
- PLURALITÉ DES DÉVELOPPEMENTS BRÉSILIENS - Ignacy Sachs p. 5-12 Brazil's multiple developments, Ignacy Sachs. The Centennial of the proclamation of the Brazilian Republic coincides with the double challenge of renewed growth, after a decade of slow-down and the coming out of the rut of mis development. While the country has many assets for a return to its historie growth pattern (about 6 %), the task is not easy. It implies a change of direction, from wild to civilized capitalism. The vertical development pattern — accompanied by heavy spatial concentration and a highly uneven income distribution — must be replaced by a pattern of horizontal development, more evenly balanced in both respects. But this model must not let us forget sight of the fact that in a country as big as Europe, development is necessarily variable and will differ according to regions or even micro-regions.
- LA CONQUÊTE DE L'ESPACE BRÉSILIEN - Hervé Théry p. 13-28 The conquest of Brazilian space, Hervé Théry. In one century, the organization of Brazilian space has changed decisively, mainly because of changes in the structures of political power. Traditional Brazil gave the image of a justaposition of totally isolated archipelagos controlled by a pyramid of oligarchies based on clientelistic relations. In modern Brazil, on the contrary, there is a constant process of mastery and spatial unification of the territory, closely associated with the centralization of political power.
- AUTOPORTRAITS DU BRÉSIL - Mario Carelli p. 29-36 Self-portraits of Brazil, Mario Carelli. Like all discourses on national identity, the quest for " Brazilianity ", that one can follow through the writings of the intellectuals, poets and novelists, suffers from a two-fold weakness. One weakness is due to its object : national character is more easily described than defined. The other cornes from the ephemeral and ideologically dubious dimension of the concept's références, in particular racial criteria. But that is how Brazil " Brazilianized " itelf, particularly because this perpetual reflexion on the Brazilian, is embodied in major works of fiction.
- LA RUPTURE FRANCO-BRITANNIQUE DE 1940. LE CONSEIL SUPRÊME INTERALLIÉ, DE L'INVASION À LA DÉFAITE DE LA FRANCE - François Bédarida p. 37-48 The Franco-British split of 1940. The Supreme War Council from the invasion to the defeat of France, François Bédarida. Could the Supreme War Council, created during the summer of 1939 to unify French and British strategies, survive the storm of May-June 1940 ? Confronted with the traumatic rout of their army, most French leaders took the path of defeatism, while with Churchill, the British opted resolutely for a light at ail costs. From then on, as can be seen by following the various summit meetings, only a few weeks were needed to lead yesterday's alies to the breaking point.
- NATIONALISME ET RÉACTIONS FONDAMENTALISTES EN FRANCE. MYTHOLOGIES IDENTITAIRES ET RESSENTIMENT ANTIMODERNE - Pierre-André Taguieff p. 49-74 Nationalism and fundamentalist reactions in France. Mythologies of identity and anti-modern resentment, Pierre-André Taguieff. The " traditional-nationalist " component plays a major role today in reactionary doctrines in France, particularly in that of the Front National. Its theoretical definition requires a combination of three concepts : the ideal type of nationalism defined by Isaiah Berlin, resentment, analyzed by Talcott Parsons and secular religion, inspired by Serge Moscovici. This theoretical construction, applied to the discourse of Catholic traditionalism, reveals the constant features of this doctrine since the end of the 19th century, based on an anti-modernity mythology, and makes it possible to analyse the set of arguments that an overly rational vision prevents from grasping at first view.
- L'AFFAIRE RAJK, QUARANTE ANS PLUS TARD - François Fejtö p. 75-84 The Rajk affair, 40 years later, François Fejto. The author reconsiders the conclusions of the article he published in Esprit 40 years ago and maintains most of them, after examining the testimonies and the rare archives opened up to historians since then. Yes, Stalin had Rajk and several other " rabid dogs " hanged in order to bring Tito down ; yes, the trial was fixed. But a few secrets are still lie dormant in the KGB archives. Will perestroika dig them up soon ?
- LE SYSTÈME CEAUSESCU. UTOPIE TOTALITAIRE ET NATIONALISME INSULAIRE - Catherine Durandin p. 85-96 The Ceaucescu System. Totalitarian utopia and insular nationalism, Catherine Durandin. The " systematization " that has been going on in Romania in recent years and Ceausescu's delirious megalomania are not outgrowths of a perverted System. They are at the very heart of the device for creating a " New Man ", set up since 1965, the year of the arrival in power of the " Conducator ". There has also always been a constant attempt by the dictatorship at a historie legitimation, from the Daci to communism, by way of the 1848 nationalists.
- MARTIN MALIA DANS L'HISTORIOGRAPHIE DU MONDE SOVIÉTIQUE - Michel Winock p. 97-106 The stakes/Martin Malia in the historiography of the Soviet world, Michel Winock. This portrait of Martin Malia stresses the originality ot this scholar specialized in the study of Russian and Soviet history in the historiographie landscape of 1990. The author of Comprendre la révolution russe is neither a " Pietist " inebriated by Gorbachev nor a " revisionist ". He remains faithful to an analysis of Communist reality based on the totalitarian model, with a spirited and sharp sense of observation which do not push him towards optimism for the near future of perestroika.
- « LA VIE ET RIEN D'AUTRE » - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 107-108
- UNE CATHÉDRALE POUR ÉVRY - Michel Brisacier p. 108-111
- MÉMOIRES DE L'ÉDITION CONTEMPORAINE - Michel Trebitsch p. 115-116
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 117-118
- AFANASSIEV Iouri (sous la direction de), La seule issue - Marie-Hélène Mandrillon p. 119-121
- KONDRATIEVA Tamara, Bolcheviks et jacobins - Lucien Jaume p. 122
- RAULET Gérard, FÜRNKÄS Josef (dir.), Weïmar. Le tournant esthétique - Michel Trebitsch p. 122-123
- KONDRATIEVA Tamara, Bolcheviks et jacobins - Lucien Jaume p. 122
- RAULET Gérard, FÜRNKÄS Josef (dir.), Weïmar. Le tournant esthétique - Michel Trebitsch p. 122-123
- VOLLNHALS Clemens, Evangelische Kirche und Entnazifizierung 1945-1949. Die Last der nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit - Alfred Wahl p. 123
- SCHULZE Winfried, Deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft nach 1945 - Étienne François p. 123-124
- LÜDTKE Alf (Ed.),Alltagsgeschichte Zur Rekonstruktion historischer Erfahrungen und Lebensweisen - Étienne François p. 124-125
- TOINET Marie-France (dir.),L'État en Amérique - Jacques Portes p. 125
- BAYON Daniel, L'Amérique mythifiée. Le Reader's Digest de 1945 à 1970 - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 125-126
- TOINET Marie-France (dir.),L'État en Amérique - Jacques Portes p. 125
- BAYON Daniel, L'Amérique mythifiée. Le Reader's Digest de 1945 à 1970 - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 125-126
- JEFFREYS-JONES Rhodri, The CIA and American democracy - Jacques Portes p. 126-127
- BONALDI Jacques-François, L'empire US contre Cuba. Du mépris au respect - Laurent Césari p. 127
- FRANQUI Carlos, Vie, aventures et désastres d'un certain Fidel Castro - Annick Lempérière-Roussin p. 127-128
- DESTEXHE Alain, Amérique centrale. Enjeux politiques - Annick Lempérière-Roussin p. 128
- BEHR Edward, Hiro-Hito. L'empereur ambigu - Éric Seizelet p. 129
- RUSCIO Alain, Vietnam. L'histoire, la terre, les hommes - Jacques Dalloz p. 129-130
- BERNARD Jean-Alphonse, L'Inde, le pouvoir et la puissance - Eric Meyer p. 130-131
- JAUME Lucien, Le discours jacobin et la démocratie - Nicolas Roussellier p. 131-132
- JAUME Lucien, Le discours jacobin et la démocratie - Nicolas Roussellier p. 131-132
- KLEJMAN Laurence, ROCHEFORT Florence, L'égalité en marche. Le féminisme sous la Troisième république - Danièle Voldman p. 132-133
- WALL Irwin M., L'influence américaine sur la politique française, 1945-1954 - Laurent Césari p. 133-134
- DUROSELLE Jean-Baptiste, SERRA Enrico (dir.), Italia e Francia, 1946-1954 - Marc Lazar p. 134-137
- PUDAL Bernard, Prendre parti. Pour une sociologie historique du PCF, . HELDMAN Henri, Les fils du peuple de Staline à Gorbatchev. Aristocratie ouvrière, communisme et industrialisation en France et en URSS - Philippe Buton p. 135-136
- MAYER Nonna, PERRINEAU Pascal (dir.), Le Front national à découvert - Anne-Marie Duranton-Crabol p. 136
- BRUNET Jean-Paul, Histoire du socialisme en France (de 1871 nos jours) - Pascal Balmand p. 137
- DUPÂQUIER Jacques (dir.), Histoire de la population française, tome 4, de 1914 à nos jours - Pierre Guillaume p. 137-138
- BRUNET Jean-Paul, Histoire du socialisme en France (de 1871 nos jours) - Pascal Balmand p. 137
- DUPÂQUIER Jacques (dir.), Histoire de la population française, tome 4, de 1914 à nos jours - Pierre Guillaume p. 137-138
- FOURCAUT Annie (dir.), Un siècle de banlieue parisienne (1859-1964). Guide de recherche - Alain Faure p. 138-139
- GÉROME Noëlle, TARTAKOVSKY Danielle, WILLARD Claude (textes réunis et présentés par), La banlieue en fête, de la marginalité urbaine à l'identité culturelle - Danièle Voldman p. 139-142
- WAHL Alfred, Les archives du football. Sport et société en France (1880-1980) - Pascal Balmand p. 140
- SOULEZ Philippe (dir.), Les philosophes et la guerre de 14, . ST-MECHIN Jacques, À l'épreuve du temps 1905-1940. RACZYMOW Henri, Maurice Sachs ou les travaux forcés de la frivolité. MÉNAGER Yves (dir.), ~~La littérature française sous l'Occupa - Pascal Balmand p. 140-141
- WAHL Alfred, Les archives du football. Sport et société en France (1880-1980) - Pascal Balmand p. 140
- SOULEZ Philippe (dir.), Les philosophes et la guerre de 14, . ST-MECHIN Jacques, À l'épreuve du temps 1905-1940. RACZYMOW Henri, Maurice Sachs ou les travaux forcés de la frivolité. MÉNAGER Yves (dir.), ~~La littérature française sous l'Occupa - Pascal Balmand p. 140-141
- COCTEAU Jean, Journal (1942-1945) - Olivier Dumoulin p. 142-143
- KALAORA Bernard, SAVOYE Antoine, Les inventeurs oubliés. Le Play et ses continuateurs aux origines des sciences sociales - p. 143-144
- PIESSAT Louis, Tony Garnier - Danièle Voldman p. 144-145
- KUHLMANN Marie, KUNTZMANN, Nelly BELLOUR Hélène, Censure et bibliothèques au 20e siècle - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 145
- Livres reçus - p. 146-149
- ABSTRACTS - p. 151-152