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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 28, octobre-décembre 1990 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- LES PARTIS COMMUNISTES ITALIEN ET FRANÇAIS ET L'APRÈS-STALINE - Marc Lazar p. 3-14 The Italian and French Communist parties and the post-Stalin era, Marc Lazar The article deals a hitherto unpublished document, recently found in Italian archives : the report Pietro Secchia made on returning from Moscow in July 1953. The Soviets had admitted to him, four months after Stalin's death, that there had been in the URSS a « personality cuit » and a « deviation from Leninist principles ». The author underscores the impact of this secret revelation on the party of Thorez and that of Togliatti, three years before the famous Khrushchev report to the 20th Congress.
- L'HISTOIRE AUX ÉDITIONS ALCAN (1874-1939) - Valérie Tesnière p. 15-28 History at Editions Alcan (1874-1939), Valérie Tesnière. A former student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, very much at home in the intellectual and academic circles, Félix Alcan was one of the great publishers of the Third Republic, with whose pedagogic humanism he was constantly associated. The Editions Alcan provide a privileged vantage point for the analysis of a key moment in the history of French publishing, that of the emergence of modem and diversified firms. The study also shows, in the case of the positivist historians published by Alcan, the complex components of the relations between the academic and the publishing worlds.
- DES BEAUX-ARTS AUX AFFAIRES CULTURELLES (1959-1969) - Charles-Louis Foulon p. 29-40 From Beaux-Arts to Cultural Affairs (1959-1969). André Malraux's entourage and ministerial structures, Charles-Louis Foulon. There were three circles of power around André Malraux, Minister of Cultural Affairs from 1959 to 1969 : friends and companions, managers (often back from Overseas France), and the burgraves, the heirs of the Beaux-Arts tradition. The minister's genius was not sufficient to overhaul intangible administrative structures. From the Maisons de la Culture to cultural action there was nevertheless much progress, even if the issue of mass culture was not settled.
- DISCOURS HISTORIQUES ET IDENTITÉ NATIONALE EN ARGENTINE - Diana Quattrocchi-Woisson p. 41-56 Historical discourse and national identity in Argentina, Diana Quattrocchi-Woisson. Ever since the 19th century, Argentina, then a young nation in the making and searching for its difference, has looked for its identity in an uninterrupted line of « revisions » of its own history. An oligarchic vision at the time of Rosas, democratic at the time of Yrigoyen, populist in the Peron era, with attacks by Maurrassians, antagonism by the academic and university circles, history in Argentina is a continuous battle of memory and counter-memory.
- 1940 : LE VAR ROUGE DANS LA VAGUE BLANCHE - Jean-Marie Guillon p. 57-64 1940 : The red Var, and the white wave, Jean-Marie Guillon. In the Var department, as elsewhere, the beginnings of opposition to the Vichy re- gime were neither early nor unanimous. In 1940, the Resistance was still to be invented, especially since it represented a break with a political tradition which had forgotten the clandestine action and republican insurrections of the previous centuries. Resistance was built up through stages, first in cities and then on the coast. There was no single center : it was formed from distant circles in which Gaullists, Anglophiles, democrats, antiparliamentarians and partial supporters of the Vichy regime coexisted. At the end of 1940, there was still a long way to go for the republicans who had to discover what the Resistance was and for the Resistance, which had to rediscover the Republic.
- CONTRÔLER OU ENCADRER ? - Denis Peschanski p. 65-76 What kind of control ? Information and propaganda during Vichy, Denis Peschanski. As in other areas, the information and propaganda policy of the Vichy regime displayed a constant authoritarianism but also heterogeneity. Following the first months of bitter conflicts for the control of decision-making structures, three men defined three specific policies : Marion's policy was to structure society, with the prospect of a future one-party regime ; Laval's policy was that of mere control, for better collaboration with Germany ; for Henriot, it was a civil war waged by a desperate police state.
- « IL ÉTAIT UNE FOIS UN MARÉCHAL DE FRANCE... » - Thierry Crépin p. 77-82 « Once upon a time, there was a French Field Marshall... », Thierry Crépin. The Vichy regime children's press was not of one kind. Although the French State had its heart set on directing propaganda to young readers, the regime did not succeed in really contributing to the development of the children's press. The situation was hardly favorable to the emergence of a new genre which required authors and publishers willing to follow non traditional roads ; plans and aims remained imprecise. The legacy of the period was the rise of young draughts-men as well as the American fashion which was to experience a bright future.
- LA MILICE - Jean-Pierre Azéma p. 83-106 The Militia, Jean-Pierre Azéma. This study of the Vichy Militia is entirely based on archives. The Praetorian Guard of the French State, first recruited among members of the War Veterans' Legion it mobilized up to 30.000 « revolutionaries » often of modest background. Its leader, Joseph Darnand, made it the worst tool in the « Franco-French war », the Gestapo's zealous auxiliary perfectly at home in the structures of the French State, even if it did not succeed in making it fully totalitarian. Thoroughly hated, the Militians carried to an extreme the internal logic of the Vichy regime.
- LA SECTION SPÉCIALE DE CAEN (1941-1944) - Yves Lecouturier p. 107-114 The Caen « Special section », Yves Lecouturier. The « Special section » of the Caen Court was established in August 1941. After several trials of Communist Party militants, with relatively mild verdicts, the cases concerned mostly non political misdemeanors such as animal thefts, black market activities and illegal dealings. Was that because German court martials very quickly took in hand political repression even before the Bousquet-Oberg agreements of August 1942 ? Whatever the reason, Norman judges dont seem to have been very severe towards their compatriots.
- 1940 : LE VAR ROUGE DANS LA VAGUE BLANCHE - Jean-Marie Guillon p. 57-64
- LA PROPAGANDE SOUS VICHY - Annick Lantenois p. 115-118
- LE THÉÂTRE DE LA MODE - Dominique Veillon p. 118-120
- LA PROPAGANDE SOUS VICHY - Annick Lantenois p. 115-118
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 121-122
- MICHEL Marc, Gallieni - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 123-124
- PANICACCI Jean-Louis, Les Alpes-Maritimes de 1939 à 1945. Un département dans la tourmente - Claude Lévy p. 124-125
- KLEE Ernst, DRESSEN Willy, RIESS Volker, Pour eux « c'était le bon temps ». La vie ordinaire des bourreaux nazis - Jean-Marie Flonneau p. 125
- VEILLON Dominique, La mode sous l'Occupation. Débrouillardise et coquetterie dans la France en guerre (1939-1945) - Danièle Voldman p. 125-126
- WOLPERT Stanley, Jinnah of Pakistan - Antoine J. Bullier p. 126-127
- MICHEL Marc, Gallieni - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 123-124
- WOLPERT Stanley, Jinnah of Pakistan - Antoine J. Bullier p. 126-127
- SISSON Richard, WOLPERT Stanley, Congress and Indian nationalism - Antoine J. Bullier p. 127-128
- REY Alain, « Révolution ». Histoire d'un mot - Nicolas Roussellier p. 128-129
- WOLPERT Stanley, Jinnah of Pakistan - Antoine J. Bullier p. 126-127
- REY Alain, « Révolution ». Histoire d'un mot - Nicolas Roussellier p. 128-129
- JENNINGS Jeremy, Syndicalism in France. A study of ideas - Christophe Prochasson p. 129-130
- Collectif, François Perroux (dossier dirigé par François Denoël) - Denis Pelletier p. 130-131
- MÉNY Yves (études réunies par), Idéologies, partis politiques et groupes sociaux. Pour Georges Lavau - Nicolas Roussellier p. 131-132
- GÓMEZ MOLLEDA María Dolores, MONTERO GARCIA Feliciano, MARTINEZ QUINTEIRO María Esther, CUESTA BUSTIFFO Josefina, SAMANIEGO BONEU Mercedes (dir.), Los seguros sociales en la España del siglo 20, tome 1,~~Orígenes y antecedentes de la previsión social~ - Abel Septsault p. 132-133
- REY Alain, « Révolution ». Histoire d'un mot - Nicolas Roussellier p. 128-129
- GÓMEZ MOLLEDA María Dolores, MONTERO GARCIA Feliciano, MARTINEZ QUINTEIRO María Esther, CUESTA BUSTIFFO Josefina, SAMANIEGO BONEU Mercedes (dir.), Los seguros sociales en la España del siglo 20, tome 1,~~Orígenes y antecedentes de la previsión social~ - Abel Septsault p. 132-133
- WEIL François, Les Franco-Américains - Pierre Guillaume p. 133
- HUSSER Philippe, Un instituteur alsacien. Entre France et Allemagne, journal 1914-1951 - Jacques Gavoille p. 133-134
- MENSION-RIGAU Éric, L'enfance au château. L'éducation familiale des élites françaises au 20e siècle - Dominique Lejeune p. 134
- MAGRI Susanna, TOPALOV Christian (dir.), Villes ouvrières,1900-1950 - Danièle Voldman p. 134-135
- RICHEZ Jean-Claude, STRAUSS Léon, IGERSHEIM François, JONAS Stéphane, 1869-1935, Jacques Peirotes et le socialisme en Alsace - Danièle Voldman p. 135
- GRMEK Mirko D., Histoire du SIDA - Pierre Guillaume p. 135-136
- AUMONT Jacques, GAUDREAULT André, MARIE Michel (dir.), L'histoire du cinéma. Nouvelles approches - Rémy Pithon p. 136-137
- GÓMEZ MOLLEDA María Dolores, MONTERO GARCIA Feliciano, MARTINEZ QUINTEIRO María Esther, CUESTA BUSTIFFO Josefina, SAMANIEGO BONEU Mercedes (dir.), Los seguros sociales en la España del siglo 20, tome 1,~~Orígenes y antecedentes de la previsión social~ - Abel Septsault p. 132-133
- AUMONT Jacques, GAUDREAULT André, MARIE Michel (dir.), L'histoire du cinéma. Nouvelles approches - Rémy Pithon p. 136-137
- FUKSIEWICZ Jacek, Le cinéma polonais - Rémy Pithon p. 137
- AUMONT Jacques, GAUDREAULT André, MARIE Michel (dir.), L'histoire du cinéma. Nouvelles approches - Rémy Pithon p. 136-137
- Livres reçus - p. 138-142
- ABSTRACTS - p. 143-144