Contenu du sommaire : La Méditerranée. Affrontements et dialogues
Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 32, octobre-décembre 1991 |
Titre du numéro | La Méditerranée. Affrontements et dialogues |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- QUELLE MÉDITERRANÉE ? - Gérard Chastagnaret, Robert Ilbert p. 3-6
- L'INVENTION DE LA MÉDITERRANÉE - Anne Ruel p. 7-14 Inventing the Mediterranean, Anne Ruel. The history of the Mediterranean area is also a matter of words. In describing the slow and late emergence of the noun ' Mediterranean ', the author lays bare the mechanisms by which the concept of Mediterranean results as much from a construction of the mind as from ' objective ' data. Geographers like Elisée Reclus and historians like Fernand Braudel established an idea to which imagination, especially under the guise of nostalgia, may have contributed as much as reason.
- DE BEYROUTH À ALGER : LA FIN D'UN ORDRE URBAIN - Robert Ilbert p. 15-24 From Beirut to Alger, the end of an urban order, Robert Ilbert. Like Beirut, the inmost extreme example, the port-cities of the Ottoman Empire have gone little by little from the stage of dynamism and brilliance to that of dismantlement, when not chaos... Understanding such a process implies an analysis of the very specifie urban order which characterized them at the time of their apogee : they were cosmopolitan cities functioning almost like genuine city-states, organized around the power of their elites, the social and cultural weight of their communitarian System and of the relative autonomy of their municipal agencies. But the logic of the nation-states gained increasingly and broke their always precarious balance, pushing them into an apparently unending crisis.
- LE LIBAN ET L'OCCIDENT. RÉCIT D'UN PARCOURS - Henry Laurens p. 25-32 Lebanon and the West, a tale of an itinerary, Henry Laurens. How did the loss of a century-old communication between the Lebanese land and the West occur ? Despite an undeniable democratie experience, a free press and a dynamic cultural life, Lebanon ceased after 1945 to appear as the western outpost in the Orient, the indispensable intermediary it had always wanted to be. It is not possible to blame this disinvestment on ' Arab face ' which was only one of the aspects of its reality. The belated Phoenician affirmation shows that the break cannot be imputed to the Lebanese alone, especially since it would appear that the West could not have two respondents in the Orient. The state of Israël was able to capture the images and imaginations of the West, while reminding it of its responsibility in the catastrophe that led to its birth. This left no place for Lebanon, which could slide into barbarianism.
- SORTIR DU SUD : LE MODÈLE ESPAGNOL - Gérard Chastagnaret p. 33-42 The way out of the South : the Spanish model, Gérard Chastagnaret. In the 19th century, Spain's economic growth did not bring about real development, and fortunes were made without enough investment. As of the 1950s, however, Spain really ' took off '. It stopped being a periphery of Europe and became a genuine European south. Can this successful Spanish model be exported to other Mediterranean countries ? Yes, if a few conditions are net.
- LE MAGHREB ET L'EUROPE : QUE FAIRE DE LA MÉDITERRANÉE ? - Kaoem Basfao, Jean-Robert Henry p. 43-52 North Africa and Europe : what is one to do with the Mediterranean ? Kasem Basfao, Jean-Robert Henry. There is a psychological tension between the Maghrib and Europe, whose strength is additional to the diplomatie, demographie and economic stakes. Dream of a unifying Mediterranean, lost Andalusia, modernity, wealth of a common heritage : the fantasies meet and cancel out. The scenarios of the future do not justify much optimism : the Mediterranean is a ditch as much as a link.
- LA RECOMPOSITION MARSEILLAISE - Bernard Morel p. 53-64 The restructuring of Marseille, Bernard Morel. The restructuring of Marseille means the development of a metropolis composed of five urban and industrial poles, including the city of Marseille. But the city is going through a multi-faceted crisis : that of the industrial port complex, the demographic imbalances after a phase of growth, the crisis of the fordist system. These economic and social factors affect the political level, with the fear of a loss of identity as one of its essential components.
- LES AVATARS DU « GRAND DESSEIN » RUSSE - Taline Ter Minassian p. 65-74 The successive embodiments of the Russian ' grand design ', Taline Ter Minassian. A Messianic theme developed over several centuries, the Mediterranean question in its classic form of the problem of the access to the Straits has been a constant first of Russian, then of Soviet foreign policy. But in the present state of the URSS's economic and national decomposition, Soviet diplomacy is no longer able to carry out a power policy, one aspect of which has been the search for the Mediterranean locks since at least the 19th century. In a more modest perspective, it is now applied outside of the Mediterranean area, even it still aspires to dispose of some influence in the hypothesis of a general settlement of the Near East problems.
- L'INSTITUT DU MONDE ARABE ENTRE DEUX RIVES - Thierry Fabre p. 75-80 The Institute of the Arab World between two shores, Thierry Fabre. Immediately after its creation in Paris, in 1987, the Institute of the Arab World has gone through a severe financial crisis, because the Arab countries are not contributing to its operation. The Institute also suffered from the international tension and the Gulf war. Its ambitions have not always been clearly stated. It nevertheless dreams of being a site for exchange and reflection common to all the civilizations that dot the shores of the Mediterranean. Will it succeed ?
- QUELLE MÉDITERRANÉE ? - Gérard Chastagnaret, Robert Ilbert p. 3-6
- L'HISTOIRE DE L'ARMEMENT NUCLÉAIRE - Maurice Vaïsse p. 93-94
- LE PREMIER ÂGE DE LA DÉCENTRALISATION THÉÂTRALE (1945-1958) - Pascale Goetschel p. 94-95
- LA RECONSTRUCTION DU PARTI RADICAL (1944-1948) - Olivier Forcade p. 95-97
- L'HISTOIRE DE L'ARMEMENT NUCLÉAIRE - Maurice Vaïsse p. 93-94
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 98-100
- JEANNENEY Jean-Noël, Georges Mandel. L'homme qu'on attendait. BILLARD Thierry, Paul Deschanel (1855-1922) - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 101
- BETZ Albrecht, Exil et engagement. Les intellectuels allemands et la France, 1930-1940 - Michel Trebitsch p. 102
- COPFERMANN Emile, David Rousset. Une vie dans le siècle. Fragments d'autobiographie - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 102-103
- COURTOIS Stéphane, LAZAR Marc (dir.), 50 ans d'une passion française. De Gaulle et les communistes - Jean-Marie Guillon p. 103
- MARTIN Marc (dir.), Histoire et médias, journalisme et journalistes français (1950-1990) - Hélène Eck p. 103-104
- BOUSSARD Isabel, Les agriculteurs et la république - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 104-105
- BELTRAN Alain, CARRÉ Patrice A., La fée et la servante, La société française face à l'électricité,19e -20e siècle - Danièle Voldman p. 105-106
- AGERON Charles-Robert (dir.), Histoire de la France coloniale, tome 1, Des origines à 1914, tome 2, 1914-1990 - Pierre Guillaume p. 106-107
- PETIT Jacques-Guy et al., Histoire des galères, bagnes et prisons, XIIe-XXe siècles. Introduc tion à l'histoire pénale en France - Denis Peschanski p. 107-108
- Institut d'histoire des conflits contemporains/Deutsches historisches institut Paris, La France et l'Allemagne en guerre (septembre 1939-novembre 1942) - Olivier Wieviorka p. 108
- JEANNENEY Jean-Noël, Georges Mandel. L'homme qu'on attendait. BILLARD Thierry, Paul Deschanel (1855-1922) - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 101
Vichy et la guerre
- Institut d'histoire des conflits contemporains/Deutsches historisches institut Paris, La France et l'Allemagne en guerre (septembre 1939-novembre 1942) - Olivier Wieviorka p. 108
- DURAND Yves, Le nouvel ordre européen nazi (1938-1945) - Olivier Wieviorka p. 109
- COINTET Michèle et Jean-Paul, La France à Londres. Renaissance d'un Etat (1940-1943) - François Bédarida p. 109-110
- DALADIER Edouard, Journal de captivité. 1940-1945 - Claude Lévy p. 110-111
- GIOLITTO Pierre, Histoire de la jeunesse sous Vichy - Dominique Veillon p. 111-112
- ROSSIGNOL Dominique, Histoire de la propagande en France de 1940 à 1944 - Dominique Veillon p. 112
- THALMANN Rita, La mise au pas. Idéologie et stratégie sécuritaire dans la France occupée - Denis Peschanski p. 112-113
- GRANDJONC Jacques, GRUNDTNER Thérèse (dir.), Zone d'ombres 1933-1944. Exil et internement d'Allemands dans le Sud-Est de la France. GRYNBERG Anne, Les camps de la honte. Les internés juifs des camps français, 1939-1944 - Denis Peschanski p. 113-114
- EKSTEINS Modris, Le Sacre du printemps. La Grande guerre et la naissance de la modernité - Michel Trebitsch p. 114-115
- Institut d'histoire des conflits contemporains/Deutsches historisches institut Paris, La France et l'Allemagne en guerre (septembre 1939-novembre 1942) - Olivier Wieviorka p. 108
Enjeux internationaux
- EKSTEINS Modris, Le Sacre du printemps. La Grande guerre et la naissance de la modernité - Michel Trebitsch p. 114-115
- CHENAUX Philippe, Une Europe vaticane ? Entre le plan Marshall et les traités de Rome - Étienne Fouilloux p. 115
- AMRANE Djamila, Les femmes algériennes dans la guerre - Benjamin Stora p. 115-116
- GREILSAMMER Ilan, Israël. Les hommes en noir. Essai sur les partis ultra-orthodoxes - Alain Dieckhoff p. 116-117
- BERGÈRE Marie-Claire, BIANCO Lucien, DOMES Jürgen (dir.), La Chine au XXe siècle, tome 2,De 1949 à aujourd'hui - Jean-Pierre Beriro p. 117
- JOYAUX François, Géopolitique de l'Extrême-Orient, tome 1, Espaces et politiques, tome 2, Frontières et stratégies - Éric Seizelet p. 117-118
- TRINH van Thao, Vietnam. Du confucianisme au communisme. Un essai d'itinéraire intellectuel - Pierre Brocheux p. 118-119
- ALBA Richard D., Ethnic identity. The transformation of white America - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 119
- MUSIEDLAK Didier, Université privée et formation de la classe dirigeante. Université L. Bocconi de Milan (1902-1925) - Jean-Christophe Bourquin p. 119-120
- EKSTEINS Modris, Le Sacre du printemps. La Grande guerre et la naissance de la modernité - Michel Trebitsch p. 114-115
Enseignement et méthode
- ALBA Richard D., Ethnic identity. The transformation of white America - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 119
- MUSIEDLAK Didier, Université privée et formation de la classe dirigeante. Université L. Bocconi de Milan (1902-1925) - Jean-Christophe Bourquin p. 119-120
- ROLLET-ECHALlER Catherine, La politique à l'égard de la petite enfance sous la IIIe République - Pierre Guillaume p. 120-121
- HERMANN Armin, KRIGE John, MERRITS Ulrike, PESTRE Dominique, WEISS Laura, History of CERN, tome 2 - Alain Beltran p. 121
- KOSELLECK Reinhart, Le futur passé, contribution à la sémantique des temps historiques - Philippe Ratte p. 122
- TODOROV Tzvetan, Les morales de l'histoire - Philippe Ratte p. 122-123
- CROIX Alain, GUYVARC'H Didier (dir.), Guide d'histoire locale. Faisons notre histoire ! - Danièle Voldman p. 123
- ALBA Richard D., Ethnic identity. The transformation of white America - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 119
- Livres reçus - p. 124-126
- ABSTRACTS - p. 127-128