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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 45, janvier-mars 1995 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- LES FASCISMES : ESSAI D'HISTOIRE COMPARÉE - Robert O. Paxton p. 3-13 Fascisms: an attempt at comparative history, Robert O. Paxton. To attempt to define fascism, one must go beyond similarities and the extreme variety of the forms of the movements and regimes which called themselves fascist. Adapted to twentieth century history, Marc Bloch's comparative history method makes it possible to define the function of fascism according to its development stages.
- PAUL BOURGET, ÉCRIVAIN ENGAGÉ - Yehoshua Mathias p. 14-29 Paul Bourget, A committed writer, Yehoshua Mathias. In the France of the early twentieth century, Paul Bourget's figure is that of a successful novelist who became gradually a «committed author». A monarchist, deeply conservative, passionate defender of religion and the family as the vital bases of the social order, he thus became the bard of the bourgeois ethic faced with the destabilization of modernity.
- NATALISME ET NATIONALISME PENDANT LA PREMIÈRE GUERRE MONDIALE - Judith Wishnia p. 30-39 Natalism and nationalism at the time of the First World War, Judith Wishnia. Concern about the low French birth rate compared with Germany's demographie dynamism grew into a crisis during the First World War. Nationalism and natalism were from then on linked. The revelation of rapes committed by the German troops during the occupation of Northern and Eastern France posed a dilemma for part of French public opinion: natalism and nationalism clashed when faced with the possible response to the condition of women thereby made pregnant. The advocates of the prohibition of abortion won because, in spite of the circumstances of conception, a child born to a French mother, fed on French milk and brought up in France was French. The mother's nationality superseded that of the male seed.
- ANALYSE CRITIQUE D'UNE FORMULE « RETOUR À L'ORDRE » - Annick Lantenois p. 40-53 «Return to order» : a critical analysis of the formula, Annick Lantenois. Since the 1970s, the historiography of post First World War European art has been marked by the use of «return to order» to characterize the artistic movement of that period. The formula is liable to criticism because it hides the complexity of the fine arts movements and uses the notion of «disorder» as a reference that is negative for some, positive for others. It is a methodological stake of art history to criticize a method which reconstructs the coherence of a historical period from cleavages and patterns of binary opposition (order/disorder, national art/hatred of Other, academicism/avant-garde) and antinomies (reason/instinct, masculine/feminine, right/left, normal/abnormal).
- LES GLIÈRES - Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac p. 54-66 The Glières, Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac. The analysis of the often diverging strategies of the French wartime resistance in London and that within France suggests a new interpretation of the drama of the Glières maquis. It also illuminates the birth of a stake of memory.
- PLEVEN ET MITTERRAND - Éric Duhamel p. 67-75 Pleven and Mitterrand, Eric Duhamel. François Mitterrand's winning the leadership of the UDSR in 1953 has often been presented as the outcome of his conflict with René Pleven for the control of a party that could be considered an instrument of personal promotion. The methods and the networks which led François Mitterrand to victory, and more basically, the opposition between two men so different in training and temperament are symbolic of the debate of the 1950s about priority for Europe or for the French Union.
- SUR DEUX JOURNÉES NATIONALES COMMÉMORANT LA DÉPORTATION ET LES PERSÉCUTIONS DES « ANNÉES NOIRES » - Serge Barcellini p. 76-98 On two «national days» commemorating deportations and persecutions during the «blackyears », Serge Barcellini. What was «the duty of memory» of deportations in France since 1945, and what has it become? A detailed study of the institution of two «national days», that of the National Deportation Day, in 1954, and that commemorating 16 July 1942, in 1993, reveals three stages - dilution in ge- neral memories until 1947, change to an autonomous historie phenomenon from 1947 to 1984, transformation into a vector of Human Rights ideology in 1992-1993 - of a history that has marked the shifts in the French republican identity model.
- L'HISTOIRE DE L'ART ET LES CANNIBALES - Laurence Bertrand Dorléac p. 99-108 Art history and cannibals, Laurence Bertrand Dorléac. A borderline discipline by nature, surrounded by better established scientific fields, art history carved for itself in the past a pure identity, without grasping the strength it could derive from its crossroads position. At a time in which nobody doubts any longer the importance of the study of works of art for an understanding of the world, its members are more and more divided on the behavior to adopt : a fearful withdrawal of the institution (an already long-tested tactic) or a permanent dialogue with the audiences, mediators and neighboring disciplines which make up many of its actors. Between internalists, advocates of an intransigent isolation and holders of an antiquarian tradition, and externalists, favorable to scientific opening up and debate, there is now a war, intensified by the renewal of the status of culture in France.
- L'HISTOIRE DE L'ART ET LES CANNIBALES - Laurence Bertrand Dorléac p. 99-108
- TRISTESSE DE L'HISTORIEN - Henri-Irénée Marrou p. 109-132
- LE RETOUR DE RUSSIE DES ARCHIVES FRANÇAISES. LE CAS DU FONDS DE LA SÛRETÉ - Sophie C?uré, Frédéric Monier, Gérard Naud p. 133-139
- LES ARCHIVES RAYMOND ARON - Stephen Launay p. 145-146
- CRIME ET CHÂTIMENT DU RACISME ? - Marianne Schaub p. 147-148
- L'HISTORIEN ET L'IMAGE - Hélène d'Almeida-Topor p. 149-151
- SARAJEVO, CAPITALE OUBLIÉE ? - Marianne Amar p. 151-152
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 153-154
- COMTE Bernard, Une utopie combattante. L'École des cadres d'Uriage 1940-1942. HELLMAN John, The knight-monks of Vichy France. Uriage 1940-45 - Denis Pelletier p. 155-157
- DEWERPE Alain, Espion : une anthropologie historique du secret d'État contemporain - Frédéric Monier p. 157-158
- DEWERPE Alain, Espion : une anthropologie historique du secret d'État contemporain - Frédéric Monier p. 157-158
- GILLIS John R. (ed.), Commemorations. The politics of national identity - François Cochet p. 158-159
- LACHAISE Bernard, Yvon Delbos. Biographie 1885-1956 - Éric Duhamel p. 159-160
- LACHAISE Bernard, Yvon Delbos. Biographie 1885-1956 - Éric Duhamel p. 159-160
- NICOLAÏDIS Dimitri (dir.), Oublier nos crimes. L'amnésie nationale : une spécificité française ? - François Cochet p. 161
- ALMEIDA-TOPOR (Hélène d'), L'Afrique au 20e siècle - Odile Goerg p. 161-163
- NICOLAÏDIS Dimitri (dir.), Oublier nos crimes. L'amnésie nationale : une spécificité française ? - François Cochet p. 161
- ALMEIDA-TOPOR (Hélène d'), L'Afrique au 20e siècle - Odile Goerg p. 161-163
- BERGÈRE Marie-Claire, Sun Yat Sen - Pierre Brocheux p. 163-164
- DONEGANi Jean-Marie, La liberté de choisir. Pluralisme religieux et pluralisme politique dans le catholicisme français contemporain - Denis Pelletier p. 165-166
- AGOSTINO Marc, Le Pape Pie XI et l'opinion (1922-1939). DURAND Jean-Dominique, L'Église catholique dans la crise de l'Italie (1943-1948) - Denis Pelletier p. 166-167
- BAT Ye'Or, Juifs et chrétiens sous l'islam : les dhimmis face au défi intégriste - Yves Ternon p. 167-168
- Livres reçus - p. 169-171
- ABSTRACTS - p. 173-174
- INDEX DES AUTEURS. Année 1994 (numéros 41 à 44) - p. 2