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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 54, avril-juin 1997 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- L'EXPRESSION « CAMP DE CONCENTRATION » AU 20e SIÈCLE - Annette Wieviorka p. 4-12 The expression "concentration camp" in the 20th century, Annette Wieviorka. One expression, "concentration camp", runs through the century since 1901 with the Boers war. "But it is too erratic to allow different phenomena to be grasped." Because the meaning of this type of camp can cover a desire to put a population temporarily outside the grasp of the enemy as well as decision of exclusion leading to the establishment of a special world. And there has not been one same concentration "system" or "universe" in this century. The historical and comparative study of the camps, this new area opening up to research, can not risk lexical approximation; its intelligence, lucidity and truth are at stake.
- CAMPS DE LA MORT, CAMPS DE CONCENTRATION ET CAMPS D'INTERNEMENT DANS LA MÉMOIRE COLLECTIVE BRITANNIQUE - David Cesarani p. 13-23 Death camps, concentration camps and internment camps in British collective memory, David Cesarani. In studying cases of arbitrary detentions and massive detention that occurred in Great Britain during the first and second world wars, David Cesarani shows that several times the British government was led to twisting rules of law on which it was supposed to be founding its legitimacy as well as its prestige. The ignorance of these facts since 1945 has reassured the British conscience concerning the death camps.
- 1939-1940 : L'INTERNEMENT EN TEMPS DE GUERRE LES POLITIQUES DE LA FRANCE ET DE LA GRANDE-BRETAGNE - Anne Grynberg p. 24-33 1939-1940: Internment in wartime. French and British policies, Anne Grynberg. At the beginning of the Second World War, France and Great Britain have both to face the question of aliens and refugges from the Third Reich who might be, according to some set ideas, dangerous spies of the Fifth Column. Since september 1939, internment camps are created but the British authorities decide in favour of a selective policy and most people are exempted. In France, on the other hand, the government doesn't make any difference at first between foreigners from these countries, whatever their origins or political opinions may be; sorting commissions are organized afterwards. In May 1940, with the increasing military danger, the English population is panic stricken. As the inclusive internment of aliens appears as a goof pledge to allay it, thousands of inmates are sent to the Isle of Man. In France, most of the men who had been liberated during the winter and women are arrested as well. At this period, aliens and refugees function as easy scapegoats in the two countries. Must this attitude be explained only in the context of war? It may be interesting to go ahead and to study it in the frame of the immigration policy of Great Britain and France during the thirties, clearly marked by nationalism and xenophobia.
- « DÉPLACÉS SPÉCIAUX » ET « COLONS DE TRAVAIL » DANS LA SOCIÉTÉ STALINIENNE - Nicolas Werth p. 34-50 "Special displaced" people and "work colonials" in the stalinian society, Nicolas Werth. The opening of the central archives of the Gulag now make it possible to describe precisely the functioning and recruitment of a second Gulag, camps made up of a hybrid category of individuals, neither free nor really prisoners, the special displaced persons and work colonials. These banished people of a special kind symbolize the astonishing osmosis between the free universes and the concentrationary universe that characterized the stalinian society.
- UNE ENTREPRISE CONCENTRATIONNAIRE SS. LA SOCIÉTÉ DES TERRES ET PIERRES ALLEMANDES (1938-1945) - Michel Fabréguet p. 51-60 An SS concentrationary enterprise. The Society of German Land and Stones (1938-1945), Michel Fabréguet. The concentrationary System was also an economic enterprise marked by the exploitation of deported labor. This obvious fact can be understood from the Society of German Land and Stones. Catastrophically managed in the beginning, it became profitable little by little for the industrial empire that the SS as well as private firms built up.
- LA PHOTO DE PRESSE ET LA LIBÉRATION DES CAMPS EN 1945 : IMAGES ET FORMES DE LA MÉMOIRE - Barbie Zeliger p. 61-78 The press photo and the liberation of the camps in 1945. Images and Forms of memory, Barbie Zeliger. At the liberation of the camps, the atrocity put language itself in question, and words were lacking to account for it usefully. The image alone became capable of transmitting the horror. The press photo in reportage or as a still played a decisive role in registering the Holocaust in universel consciences. It is a particularly rich aid for collective memory in construction and to which it has given some particular forms.
- LES CAMPS POUR PERSONNES DÉPLACÉES JUIVES EN ALLEMAGNE DE 1945 À 1957 - Juliane Wetzel p. 79-88 Jewish displaced persons camps in Germany (1945-1957), Juliane Wetzel. Among the populations given the "displaced persons" status after the liberation of Germany, the Jewish populations of Central and Southern Europe were not immediately given a specific status. They were grouped with others in "Lodging Centers" that sometimes used former Nazi concentration camps. It was only in the American occupation zone, after a February 1946 report revealed the painful conditions in which the former Jewish deportees were gathered, that they received a special status, without, however, obtaining the closing of the camps. In this milieu, Jewish "displaced persons" developed an intensive cultural activity, organized with the financial and moral aid of international Jewish organizations. The rupture with the German society and the old tradition of assimilation helped bring about the emergence of a new culture, of which the reprinting of the Babylon Talmud is the most important testimony. In spite of the bad relations with the German populations that by and large remained hostile, this intellectual life, that continued until 1957, date of the closing of the last camp, allowed the transition between the former Jewish communities of Central Europe and the identity that formed through the emigration towards the United States and the participation in the construction of the State of Israël.
- L'EXPRESSION « CAMP DE CONCENTRATION » AU 20e SIÈCLE - Annette Wieviorka p. 4-12
- COMMÉMORATION. TÉMOIGNAGE D'UN ANCIEN DÉPORTÉ - Georges Petit p. 89-102 Commemoration. Testimony from a former deportee, Georges Petit. First deported to Compiègne and then to Buchenwald, Georges Petit offers a personal reflection on his itinerary and on the discrepancy between official memory (that acknowledges the heroism of the deportees and the abnegation of the communists) and individual memory. That me- mory today has difficulty transcribing the meaning of the concentrationary experience in a period in which totalitarianisms seem forever banished.
- INDUSTRIALISATION, HIÉRARCHIES AU TRAVAIL ET HIÉRARCHIES SOCIALES AU 20e SIÈCLE - Sylvie Schweitzer p. 103-115 Industrialization, hierarchies at work and social hierarchies in the 20th century, Sylvie Schweitzer. Social history of the 20th century hasn't focused enough on the role of the company in the education and diversification of hierarchies and social statuses. The second industrialization has modified the traditional association between bosses and workers by introducing new functions and a more complex hierarchy within the company. Shifting the center of analysis from the possession of capital towards the occupation of management jobs in the firm, one discovers the ambiguity of the words boss, business community, industrialist, entrepreneur or director and the variety of individual itineraries they cover. The term engineer designates a social status made complex by the variety of initial educational routes and the diversification of careers. Foremen, whose power used to be based on technical skill and their position of authority over the workers, have lost their autonomy by specializing and being subjected to the authority of engineers. At the bottom of the ladder, the same diversification affects worker status whose classification no longer resides on the inheritance of the dominant former trades. The deep modification of hierarchies, the consequence of internal changes in the company, affected all collective representations after the second world war. It substituted both a more opaque and a less fixed image of social groups for the traditional boss/worker opposition marked by the growing place of the "middle-classes", themselves fragmented in multiple roles.
- REBÂTIR LA RÉPUBLIQUE - Odile Rudelle p. 117-119
- LA SHOAH, ŒUVRES ET TÉMOIGNAGES - Karla Grierson p. 119-122
- DES MUSÉES D'HISTOIRE : POUR QUI, POUR QUOI ? - Annette Becker p. 122-124
- CAPITAINE CONAN DE BERTRAND TAVERNIER, 1996 - Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, Annette Becker, Jean-Jacques Becker p. 128-131
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 132-137
- UN LIVRE EN DÉBAT : GOLDHAGEN Daniel Jonah, Hitler's Willings Executioners : Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust - Delphine Bechtel p. 138-140
- BARTOV Orner, Murder in our Midst. The Holocaust, Industrial Killing, and Representation - Delphine Bechtel p. 140-141
- FARCY Jean-Claude. Les camps de concentration français de la première guerre mondiale (1914-1920) - Emile Témime p. 141-142
- FARCY Jean-Claude. Les camps de concentration français de la première guerre mondiale (1914-1920) - Emile Témime p. 141-142
- PAXTON Robert 0., Le temps des Chemises vertes. Révoltes paysannes et fascisme rural (1929-1939) - Édouard Lynch p. 142-143
- SWEETS John F., Clermont-Ferrand à l'heure allemande - Claude Lévy p. 143-144
- GILLOT-VOISIN Jeanne, La Saône-et-Loire sous Hitler. Périls et violence - Olivier Wieviorka p. 144
- GROS Dominique (dir.), "Le droit antisémite de Vichy", Le genre humain - Claude Singer p. 144-145
- PESCHANSKI Denis, Les Tsiganes en France (1939-1946) - Emile Témime p. 145-146
- BURCH Noël et SELLIER Geneviève, La drôle de guerre des sexes du cinéma français (1930-1956) - Rémy Pithon p. 146-147
- LEFORT Bernard, Mes carnets secrets de la IVe. L'aller et retour du Général (22 août 1944-1er juin 1958) - Éric Duhamel p. 147-148
- STRUDEL Sylvie, Votes juifs. Itinéraires migratoires, religieux et politiques - Odile Rudelle p. 148
- MONJARDET Dominique, Ce que fait la police. Sociologie de la force publique - Hélène L'Heuillet p. 148-149
- WORONOFF Denis, Histoire de l'industrie en France. Du 16e siècle à nos jours - Alain Beltran p. 149-150
- WORONOFF Denis, Histoire de l'industrie en France. Du 16e siècle à nos jours - Alain Beltran p. 149-150
- JOLY Hervé, Patrons d'Allemagne. Sociologie d'une élite industrielle (1933-1989) - Jean-François Eck p. 150-151
- BISCHOF Günter, PELINKA Anton (eds), Austro-Corporatism. Past, Present, Future - Paul Pasteur p. 151
- BATTILOSSI Stefano, L'Italia nel sistema economico mondiale. Il management dell'integrazione. Finanza, industria e istituzioni 1945-1955 - Antonio Bechelloni p. 152
- MORSEL Henri (dir.), Histoire de l'électricité en France - Alain Beltran p. 152-153
- ATTEN Michel, Histoire, recherche, télécommunications. Des recherches au CNET (1940-1965) - Jean-François Picard p. 153-154
- ALOHZO Philippe, Femmes employées. La construction sociale du salariat - Sylvie Schweitzer p. 154-155
- PAVONE Claudio, Alle origini della Repubblica. Scritti su fascismo, antifascismo e continuità dello Stato - Jean-Marie Guillon p. 155-156
- PAVONE Claudio, Alle origini della Repubblica. Scritti su fascismo, antifascismo e continuità dello Stato - Jean-Marie Guillon p. 155-156
- Di NOLFO Ennio, La Republica delle Speranze e degli Inganni. L'Italia dalla Caduta del Fascismo al Crollo della Democrazia Cristiana - Davide Rodogno p. 156-157
- MOUGEL François-Charles, Histoire du Royaume-Uni au 20e siècle - Bertrand Lemonnier p. 157
- HÜSER Dietmar, Frankreichs-doppelte Deutschlandpolitik. Dynamik aus der Defensive- Planen, Entscheiden, Umsetzen in gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen, innen und aussenpolitiscben Krisen zeiten 1944-1950 - Alfred Wahl p. 157-158
- TEMIME Émile, La guerre d'Espagne - Aline Angoustures p. 158-159
- WOLFFSOHN, Michael, Die Deutschland-Akte- Juden und Deutsche in Ost und West, Tatsachen und Legenden - Dominique Trimbur p. 159-160
- MIDANT Jean-Paul (dir.), Dictionnaire de l'architecture du 20e siècle - Gérard Monnier p. 161
- SARGET Marie-Noëlle, Histoire du Chili de la conquête à nos jours - Camille Goirand p. 162
- Cahiers du Brésil Contemporain, « Le statut de la terre : trente ans de questions agraires au Brésil » - Camille Goirand p. 162
- BELLAMY William, Une identité nouvelle pour l'Afrique du Sud - Hélène Almeida-Topor p. 162-163
- Livres reçus - p. 164-168
- ABSTRACTS - p. 169-172