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20 & 21. Revue d'histoire Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 55, juillet-septembre 1997 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- UN SIÈCLE D'ENSEIGNEMENT MUSICAL A L'ÉCOLE PRIMAIRE - Michèle Alten p. 3-15 A Century of Music Education in Primary School, Michèle Alten. At a time when arts education for young people is listed as a national priority, this retrospective reminder shows that primary school, since Jules Ferry, has wavered between a rather unsinging citizen tradition except for the laborious learning of a few patriotic verses and a more melodious cultural tradition whose necessity never convinced the teachers. Only the Popular Front and the Vichy regime manifested a particular interest in school music. Theoretically obligatory but usually out of reach, a source of conflicts between musicians and pedagogues, here is the uninspired history of a discipline that doesn't sound good, of an education with troubling accents.
- ITINÉRAIRE D'UN PROPAGANDISTE : GUSTAVE HERVÉ, DE L'ANTIPATRIOTISME AU PÉTAINISME (1871-1944) - Gilles Heuré p. 16-28 A Propagandist's Path: Gustave Hervé from anti-patriotism to Pétainism (1871-1944) Gilles Heure. Gustave Hervé was a lycée professor won over to socialism. He had an active carreer as a militant socialist committed to antimilitarist and antipatriotic combat. His stands led him to imprisonment several times and made him Jean Jaurès' uncomfortable adversary in the beginnings of the SFIO. The disappointment in the workers' movement apathy, the membership in the holy Union, then the antibolshevism are the steps of shift to the right that led him between the two world wars to reinvest his propagandist talents in authoritarian national socialism and to become an admirer of Mussolini. He illustrates the ideological paths that crossed the Third Republic ; his itinerary is that of a polemicist who remained until the end a prisoner of the extremes in which he wrapped himself up.
- L'AMBASSADE ESPAGNOLE DE PÉTAIN (MARS 1939-MAI 1940) - Michel Catala p. 29-42
- LE MONUMENTAUX MARTYRS D'ORADOUR-SUR-GLANE PAR FENOSA - Bertrand Tillier p. 43-57 The Monument to the Martyrs of Oradour-sur-Glane by Fenosa, Bertrand Tillier. In 1944 while he was in Limousin, the Catalan sculptor Apel les Fenosa (1899-1988) - a republican refugee living in France since 1939 - received the commission for a monument to commemorate the destruction of the village of Oradour-sur-Glane. Exhibited in the Salon of Extra-in-dependents (des Surindépendants) in 1945, the work was generally favorably received by the critics at the same time that it was virulently refused by the Limoges religious anthorities who denonced its failure to commemorate the massacre and saw in it an insuit to the memory of the victims. Entered as part of the Paris National Museum of Modem Art collections in 1947 under the aegis of Jean Cassou, the monument was not installed in Limoges until 1981. This article attempts to analyze the various motivations that led to its eviction in the multiple post-war strata in which history, art, politics and the stakes of memory are all intertwined.
- L'OCCUPATION FRANÇAISE APRÈS 1945 ET LES RELATIONS FRANCO-ALLEMANDES - Rainer Hudemann p. 58-68 French Post-war Occupation in French-German Relations Since 1945, Rainer Hudemann. Recent research and the opening up of archives make it possible to reinterpret French-German relations concerning French occupation at the end of the Second World War. Many preconceived ideas have been challenged, particularly the fact that French policy concerning Germany in 1945 was a reprint of its 1919 economic and military security policy as well as its policy of obstruction on the Berlin Interallied Control Council in which it was very active. After 1945, important French initiatives were implemented on the ground in the occupation zone, preparaing for future cooperation.
- AUX ORIGINES DE LA GÉNÉRATION 1968 : LES ÉTUDIANTS FRANÇAIS ET LA GUERRE DU VIETNAM - Laurent Jalabert p. 69-81 Origins of the 1968 generation: French Students and the Vietnam War (1965-1968), Laurent Jalabert. The mobilization of French students against the war in Vietnam from 1965 to 1968 often seemed like a rehearsal of May 1968: rival revolutionary ideological de- mands, creation of competitive student committees, and street demonstrations are the main characteristics of this very active anti-American campaign. The contestation created lasting bonds between the students and some universities whose research involved them in third-world issues. This commitment of French intellectual youth contributed to the political training of the 1968 generation.
- LES MYTHES POLICIERS DU CINÉMA FRANÇAIS DES ANNÉES 1930 AUX ANNÉES 1990 - Yannick Dehée p. 82-100 Police Myths in French Cinema, from the 1930s to the 1980s, Yannick Dehée. Through the example of the police in French cinema, "popular" films called will be analyzed as a political myth. The police hero as seen on the screen, from Maigret of the 1930s to Belmondo of the 1970s and the Ripoux of the 1980s, underscore the change in people's mentalities and reveal a growing malaise as to the state of society.
- ENQUÊTE SUR UNE ÉMISSION LÉGENDAIRE DE LA TÉLÉVISION FRANÇAISE : LES CINQ DERNIÈRES MINUTES (1958-1973) - Muriel Favre p. 101-111 Enquiry on a French Legendary Television Program: Les Cinq Dernières Minutes (The hast Five Minutes) (1958-1973), Muriel Favre. In the 1960s, television viewers were wild about the investigations carried out by Inspector Bourrel and his assistant Dupuy in Les Cinq Dernières Minutes. A minute examination of this program shows how television functioned at the beginning and provides additional proof that the interest of police series is as an indicator of the cultural and mental state of a society.
- RADIO-CANADA ET LA PROMOTION DE LA CULTURE FRANCOPHONE (1936-1997) - Aurélie Luneau p. 112-123 Radio-Canada and the Promotion of Francophone Culture (1936-1997), Aurélie Luneau. In the service of 6.5 million Francophones, Radio-Canada (SRC) has been fighting since 1936 against Anglophone assimilation. From the promotion of Francophone artistic talents to the Frenchification of sport vocabulary, the defense of French culturs has been accompanied by a constant effort to assure the literary quality of the spoken language. The French spoken on the SRC today plays the role of language reference. But the undertaking has been suffering since 1986 by a budget squeeze, to the extent of seeing its mission put into question.
- À LA RECHERCHE DES MAJORITÉS INVISIBLES, UN PARCOURS ESPAGNOL DU SECOND 20e SIÈCLE - Mercedes Vilanova p. 124-139 Looking for Invisible Majorities, a Spanish Itinerary of the Second Half of the 20th Century, Mercedes Vilanova. In explaining his research - from the study of the elections during the Spanish Second Republic to that of the phenomenon of illiteracy, the author illustrates the caracteristics of Spanish contempory historiography in the second half of the 20th century, marked by the consequences of the civil war. Election abstentionism, considered for a long time as a tacit agreement with anarchist movement theses, has, from this point of view, to be reconsidered in the light of illiteracy and of a relative autonomy of the Spanish masses towards the passwords of parties and trade unions.
- LES FRONTS POPULAIRES ET LA QUESTION NATIONALE - Philippe Poirrier, Jean Vigreux p. 140-142
- DES REVUES SOUS L'OCCUPATION - Anne Simonin p. 142-143
- INTELLECTUELS ET SOCIÉTÉ - Michel Trebitsch p. 143-145
- CLERCS DE TOUS LES PAYS... - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 145-148
- HOMMAGE À OLIVIER MESSIAEN - Myriam Chimènes p. 151-153
- L'ART FACE À L'HISTOIRE - Astrid Gerecke p. 153-156
- L'ART DES ANNÉES 1930 EN EUROPE - Annick Lantenois p. 156-158
- UN NOUVEL ESPACE POUR LE 7e ART : LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE DU FILM - Odile Gaultier-Voituriez p. 160-161
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 162-167
- CARLIER Omar, Entre Nation et jihâd. Histoire sociale des radicalismes algériens - Daniel Rivet p. 168-170
- TEMIMI Abdeljelil (dir.), Mélanges Charles-Robert Ageron - Stéphanie Chauvin p. 170-171
- RECHAM Beikacem, Les musulmans algériens dans l'armée française (1919-1945) - Charles-Robert Ageron p. 171
- DÉLOYE Yves, Sociologie historique du politique - Nicolas Roussellier p. 171-172
- RECHAM Beikacem, Les musulmans algériens dans l'armée française (1919-1945) - Charles-Robert Ageron p. 171
- DÉLOYE Yves, Sociologie historique du politique - Nicolas Roussellier p. 171-172
- RIOUX Jean-Pierre, Tombeaux pour la gauche - Odile Rudelle p. 172
- DOUGNAC Bernard, Suzanne Lacore biographie 1875-1975. Le socialisme-femme - Florence Rochefort p. 173
- AUBRAC Raymond, Où la mémoire s'attarde - Claude Lévy p. 173-174
- DE TARR Francis, Henri Queuille en son temps - Édouard Lynch p. 174-175
- OLIVESI Dominique, Virgile Barel 1889-1979. De Riquier à la Crimée française - Yves Santamaria p. 175
- LONDON Lise, L'écheveau du temps : le printemps des camarades - Frédéric Monier p. 175-176
- STRUVE Nikita, Soixante-dix ans d'émigration russe, 1919-1989 - Natacha Laurent p. 176
- JUILLIARD Jacques, WiNOCK Michel (dir.), Dictionnaire des intellectuels français. Les personnes, les lieux, les moments - Martyn Cornick p. 176-177
- BADIE Bertrand et SADOUN Marc (dir.), L'Autre - Étienne François p. 177-178
- PINOL Jean-Luc (dir.), Atlas historique des villes de France - Danièle Voldman p. 178
- PICON Antoine (dir.), La ville et la guerre - Gérard Monnier p. 178-179
- PINOL Jean-Luc (dir.), Atlas historique des villes de France - Danièle Voldman p. 178
- PICON Antoine (dir.), La ville et la guerre - Gérard Monnier p. 178-179
- FOURCAUT Annie (dir.), La ville divisée. Les ségrégations urbaines en question. France XVIIIe-XXe siècles - Danièle Voldman p. 179-180
- RAUCH André, Vacances en France de 1830 à nos jours - Alfred Wahl p. 180-181
- MARCO Luc (dir.), Les revues d'économie en France (1751 -1994) - Pascal Le Merner p. 181
- NACCI Michela, La barbarie del comfort. Il modello di vita americano nella cultura francese del '900. - Gaetano Quagliariello p. 181-182
- "Le cinéma face à l'Histoire", Vertigo - Nicolas Roussellier p. 182-183
- KLEMPERER Victor,LTI, la langue du IIIe Reich. Carnets d'un philologue - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 183-184
- KLEMPERER Victor,LTI, la langue du IIIe Reich. Carnets d'un philologue - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 183-184
- SALVEMINI Gaetano, TASCA Angelo, Il dovere di testimoniare (carteggio a cura e con introduzione di Elisa Signori) - Gaetano Quagliariello p. 184-185
- SEMELIN Jacques, La liberté au bout des ondes, du coup de Prague à la chute du mur de Berlin - Anne-Chantal Lepeuple p. 185
- JAFFRELOT Christophe (dir.), L'Inde contemporaine de 1950 à nos jours . SOFRI Gianni, Gandhi et l'Inde - Michel Boudineau p. 185-186
- SEMELIN Jacques, La liberté au bout des ondes, du coup de Prague à la chute du mur de Berlin - Anne-Chantal Lepeuple p. 185
- JAFFRELOT Christophe (dir.), L'Inde contemporaine de 1950 à nos jours . SOFRI Gianni, Gandhi et l'Inde - Michel Boudineau p. 185-186
- MILLER Michael B., Shanghai on the Métro: Spies, Intrigue and the French between the Wars - Peter Jackson p. 187-188
- SAPIR Jacques, La Mandchourie oubliée. Grandeur et démesure de l'art de la guerre soviétique - Mariya Sevela p. 188
- HAMER David, Can Responsible Government Survive in Australia ? - Jacques Leruez p. 189-190
- Livres reçus - p. 191-193
- ABSTRACTS - p. 194-196