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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 59, juillet-septembre 1998 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- LE JUGE HENRI BERNARD AU PROCÈS DE TÔKYÔ - Jean Esmein p. 3-14 The Tokyo War Crimes Trial's French Justice Bernard and his Dissenting Judgment, Jean Esmein. Justice Röling of The Nederlands, who had been sitting in the judgment tribune close to Henri Bernard at the IMTFE, has said in his interviews, when The Tokyo Trial and Beyond was written, that thinking the Memorandum of Dissent of the Honourable Mr Justice Bernard over in the forty years after the trial, he had corne to esteem more and more his insight. Yet the french Indictment in Tokyo has not been much analysed until now, and the personality of the french representative at the IMTFE is still less known. This article tries to give an account of the action and afterthoughts of the french party.
- COMPLOTS ET PURGES DANS L'ARMÉE DE LIBÉRATION ALGÉRIENNE (1958-1961) - Charles-Robert Ageron p. 15-27 Plots and Purges in the Algerian Liberation Army (1958-1961), Charles-Robert Ageron. Spy mania, fear of betrayal, and sectarianism were responsible for " revolutionary" purges within the National Liberation Army during the Algerian war of independence. This on-going purge often decimated the officers and demoralized the men. This is the first article to look scrupulously at the violent revenge taken, wilaya by wilaya. It was useful today, it seemed to us, to recall the existence of these victims, sacrificed on the "altar of human stupidity".
- JOSEPH BARTHÉLÉMY ET LA CRISE DE LA DÉMOCRATIE LIBÉRALE - Gilles Martinez p. 28-47 Joseph Barthélemy and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy, Gilles Martinez. Joseph Barthélemy was the advocate of individual liberties before becoming Justice Minister in the Vichy government between 1941 and 1943. Such an apparently contradictory itinerary is exemplary in the path of a certain number of French liberals. It shows that their ideology was incapable of adapting to crisis periods and that they were able to rally to authoritarian solutions.
- 1815 EN 1945 : LES FORMES LITTÉRAIRES DE LA DÉFAITE - Anne Simonin p. 48-61 1815-1945: Literary Forms of Defeat, Anne Simonin. In 1945, the partisans of the Vichy regime and of a collaboration policy with Nazi Germany suffered a radical military and ideological defeat. This situation made writers, compromised in various degrees with the occupier, adopt an original literary strategy. They would mobilize the history of France — in particular the Restoration and 1814 and 1815 - in an attempt to impose a historical interpretation of the present and deny the radical change produced by the events that occurred between 1940 and 1945. If it were possible to compare 1945 and 1815, it would mean that there were no traitors ; that the purge was only a vicissitude of the White Terror ; that today's collaborators are yesterday's outlaws, in other words they are the temporary losers. On the left, Aragon understood, uncovered and fought this historico-literary operation, the base of a culture of bad faith to which some intellectuals on the right chose to attach themselves.
- ÉPURATION, DÉGAGEMENTS, EXCLUSIONS. LES RÉDUCTIONS D'EFFECTIFS DANS L'ARMÉE FRANÇAISE (1940-1947) - Claude d' Abzac-Epezy p. 62-75 Purges, Disengagements, Exclusions. Downsizing in the French Army (1940-1947), Claude d'Ahzac-Epezy. Whereas the status of military personnel guarantees them from arbitraiy exclusion, the 1940-1947 period was marked by a greater precarity in officers' careers, hit first by Vichy measures of exclusion and then by the purges of 1944-1945 and the disengagement of the officers of 1946-1947. The analysis of the different phases of the reduction of the force details the numeric scope of these reductions and shows the criteria of the dominant choices. There were more reductions in the professional elites than the political ones, but the arbitrariness of the procedures contributed to breaking the moral engagement that bound the officers to the State. The consequences were felt until the early 1960s.
- LES CONGRÈS SOCIALISTES DE L'APRÈS-GUERRE ÉTAIENT-ILS DÉMOCRATIQUES ? - Anne-Laure Anizan p. 76-90 Were the Post-War Socialist Conferences Democratic?, Anne-Laure Anizan. The French Socialist Party has always presented itself as the democratic party in France. Beyond the Party's rhetoric about itself, what was the reality of the relationship between the militant rank and file and the Parisian leaders? The SFIO Conferences, presented as the leading moments of the party's democratic life, showed that in the early 1950s, there was a division of labor: the leaders proposed and the base decided.
- LA PHILATÉLIE ALLEMANDE ENTRE MÉMOIRE ET AMNÉSIE (1949-1989) - Frédéric Rousseau p. 91-103 German Philately between Memory and Amnesia (1949-1989), Frédéric Rousseau. Postage stamps, so sought after by philatelists, are neglected by historians. What a mistake. Because in a long-term analysis, stamps are the witness of memorialist policies of each issuing country. The study of West German stamps for the period from the creation of West Germany to the fall of the wall, unveils a deeply Christian and Western German identity. Moreover, the basic question of the relationship of the people with their past can be seen. Unlike its eastern neighbor who fostered a socialist and antifascist memory, West Germany, seeking normality, chose a less militant, more consensual memory, at the price of a few memory lapses and a big repression of the Nazi past.
- LES MÉTAMORPHOSES DU COMMUNISME ITALIEN DEPUIS 1989 - Lilly Marcou p. 104-119 The Metamorphoses of Italian Communism since 1989, Lilly Marcou. In the world process of Communist party transformation following the collapse of the USSR, the Italian Communist Party occupies a special place. Its own history, especially since 1945, placed it at the forefront of a western communism that wanted to detach itself from the Soviet experience by forging its own path and its own model of society. The consequence of this long period from Togliatti to Berlinguer was the 1989 to 1991 transformation from a communist party into a respectable social-democratic party, member of the International Socialist and mainspring of the entry of Italy in the European unification process. Altough the majority of the old ICP took this turn, a minority created a new party, the PR. This party did not consider itself as a continuation of the old one but it stands for the birth of another communism, one that takes into account both the failure of the Leninist model and also of the reformist one. The future will tell which of these two parties, offspring of the International Communist matrix, took the right road.
- LES «COLONNES» DE BUREN, UNE CRISE POLITICO-ARTISTIQUE - David Cascaro p. 120-128 Buren's "Columns". A Politico-Artistic Crisis, David Cascaro. Illustrating the renewed public commission policy for historical monuments in 1985, Daniel Buren's work, Les deux plateaux, in the Palais Royal's court of honor, rapidly became the archetype of official art. Built in a space concentrating powerful institutions (Conseil d'État, (State Council) Ministry of Culture, Conseil Constitutionnel (Constitutional Council)), right in the middle of the legislative electoral campaign, the work roused passions fomented by the record of five years of socialism. Interrupted by a legal question, would the work begun by the Cultural Minister, Jack Lang, be continued after the arrivai of his successor, François Léotard?
- L'ANTI-AMÉRICANISME FRANÇAIS FACE À LA GUERRE DU GOLFE - Anne-Marie Duranton-Crabol p. 129-139 Anti-Americanism and the Gulf War, Anne-Marie Duranton-Crabol. The Gulf War showed that a powerful anti-American current persisted in France in the 1990s in spite of the apparent seduction of the American model following the disappearance of De Gaulle and the Berlin wall. Latent among the French who sided the American led anti-Irakian camp, Americanophobia welded together the mixed bag of war opponents. Complaints such as the vassalization of the world, the thirst for gas, the confrontation of cultures, and media misinformation also expressed a profound worry about French identity itself.
- LA LIBÉRATION ET LA POLITIQUE DE L'INFORMATION - Michel de Boissieu p. 140-150 Information Freedom and Policy, Michel de Boissieu. As a young resistant who became head of the cabinet of the Ministry of Information with Pierre-Henri Teitgen, Michel de Boissieu was witness to the reorganization of the public service after the Liberation and helped to set up again a milieu that Vichy and the Resistance has separated for a few years. In a sector — Information — where everything was to be done, the difficulty came from the ambiguity of the mission given to the minister, the disorganization of the administration, the many pressures brought to bear by the press professionals, the politicians and the other ministries. The founding of Le Monde — Hubert Beuve-Méry immediately asserted his independence vis-à-vis the power in place - preceded the relaunching in the spring of 1945 of La Dépêche de Toulouse, suspended at the Liberation. These two episodes show the minister's will to assure the existence of a free and independent press in order to break with the practices of the between war period without yielding to the temptation of an official press.
- LES EXCLUS EN EUROPE VERS 1830 - VERS 1930 - Cécile Hochard p. 155-157
- FRANCE, FINS DE SIÈCLES - Claire Gorrara p. 158
- CUISINE ET POLITIQUE - Françoise Taliano-des Garets p. 160-161
- SUR LA «CRISE DE L'HISTOIRE» - Guillaume Garner p. 161-164
- LA SHOAH EN CD-ROM - Jean-Marc Dreyfus p. 166-167
- LA SHOAH EN CD-ROM - Jean-Marc Dreyfus p. 166-167
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 171-176
- COURTOIS Stéphane, WERTH Nicolas, PANNÉ Jean-Louis, PACZKOWSKI Andrzej, BARTOSEK Karel, MARGOLIN Jean-Louis, Le Livre noir du communisme. Crimes, terreur, répression - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 177-179
- LACORNE Denis, La crise de L'identité américaine. Du melting-pot au multiculturalisme - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 179-181
- COURTOIS Stéphane, WERTH Nicolas, PANNÉ Jean-Louis, PACZKOWSKI Andrzej, BARTOSEK Karel, MARGOLIN Jean-Louis, Le Livre noir du communisme. Crimes, terreur, répression - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 177-179
- LACORNE Denis, La crise de L'identité américaine. Du melting-pot au multiculturalisme - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 179-181
- CARON François. Les deux révolutions industrielles du 20e siècle - Jean-Charles Asselain p. 181-183
- LACORNE Denis, La crise de L'identité américaine. Du melting-pot au multiculturalisme - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 179-181
- CARON François. Les deux révolutions industrielles du 20e siècle - Jean-Charles Asselain p. 181-183
- FRIEDLÄNDER Saul,L'Allemagne nazie et les Juifs,1, Les années de persécution (1933-1939) - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 183-184
- CARON François. Les deux révolutions industrielles du 20e siècle - Jean-Charles Asselain p. 181-183
- FRIEDLÄNDER Saul,L'Allemagne nazie et les Juifs,1, Les années de persécution (1933-1939) - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 183-184
- SERENY Gitta, Albert Speer, son combat avec la vérité - Emmanuelle Loyer p. 184-185
- LEVISSE-TOUZÉ Christine, MARTENS Stefan (dir.), Des Allemands contre le nazisme. Oppositions et résistances (1933-1945) - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 185
- DE FELICE Renzo, Mussolini l'alleato, II, La guerra civile (1943-1945) - Paolo Modugno, Elena Aga-Rossi p. 186-187
- AGA-ROSSI Elena, ZASLAVSKY V., Togliatti e Stalin. Il PCI e la politica estera staliniana negli archivi di Mosa - Paolo Modugno, Gaetano Quagliariello p. 187-189
- BRUBAKER Rogers, Citoyenneté et nationalité en France et en Allemagne traduit par Jean-Pierre Bardos) - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 189-190
- FRIEDLÄNDER Saul,L'Allemagne nazie et les Juifs,1, Les années de persécution (1933-1939) - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 183-184
- BRUBAKER Rogers, Citoyenneté et nationalité en France et en Allemagne traduit par Jean-Pierre Bardos) - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 189-190
- VOGEL Jakob, Nationen im Gleichschritt. Der Kult der -Nation Waffen- in Deutschland und Frankreich (1871-1914) - Sarah Preibuch, Gabriele Lingelbach p. 190-191
- KOCKA Jürgen (dir.), Les bourgeoisies européennes au XIXe siècle - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 191-192
- GUILLAUME Pierre (dir.), La professionnalisation des classes moyennes - Sylvie Schweitzer p. 192-193
- CORNELISZEN Christoph, FISCH Stefan, MAAS Annette, Grenzstadt Straßburg. Stadtplanung, kommunale Wohnungspolitik und Öffentlichkeit (1870-1940) - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 193
- KRUSE Wolfgang (Hrsg), Der Große Krieg 1914-1918. Eine Welt von Feinden - Pascal Jardin p. 193-194
- DELAPERRIÈRE Maria, MARÈS Antoine (dir.), Paris, "capitale culturelle" de l'Europe centrale ? Les échanges intellectuels entre la France et les pays de l'Europe médiane (1918-1939) - François Chaubet p. 194-195
- VERGNON Gilles, Les Gauches européennes après la victoire nazie. Entre planisme et unité d'action (1933-1934) - Gilles Candar p. 195-196
- FOUCART Claude, Le temps de la "gadouille" ou le dernier rendez-vous d'André Gide avec l'Allemagne (1933-1951) - Michel Trebitsch p. 196-197
- FLEURY Antoine, FRANK Robert (textes réunis par), Le rôle des guerres dans la mémoire des Européens. Leur effet sur la conscience être européen - Nicolas Roussellier p. 197-198
- DUMOULIN Michel (études réunies par), Penser l'Europe à l'aube des années trente. Quelques contributions belges - Nicolas Roussellier p. 198
- AGA-ROSSI Elena,QUAGLIARIELLO Gaetano (dir.),L'altra faceia della luna. I rapporti PCI. PCF e Unione Sovietica - Paolo Modugno, Giovanni Orsina p. 198-200
- Collectif, De Gaulle et l'Italie. Actes du colloque organisé par l'École française de Rome et la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques - Paolo Modugno, Gaetano Quagliariello p. 200-201
- KOSELLECK Reinhart,L'expérience de l'histoire - François Dosse p. 201-202
- MAUSS Marcel, Écrits politiques - Christophe Prochasson p. 202-203
- BRUBAKER Rogers, Citoyenneté et nationalité en France et en Allemagne traduit par Jean-Pierre Bardos) - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 189-190
- MAUSS Marcel, Écrits politiques - Christophe Prochasson p. 202-203
- SAGNES Jean (dir.), Pratiques et cultures politiques dans la France contemporaine. Hommage à Raymond Huard - Nicolas Roussellier p. 203-204
- BLUM Léon, Discours politiques - Nicolas Roussellier p. 204
- KEIGER J. V., Raymond Poincaré - Nicolas Roussellier p. 204-205
- PESCHANSKI Denis, Vichy (1940-1944). Contrôle et exclusion - Eric Alary p. 205-206
- D'ABZAC-EPEZY Claude,L'armée de l'air de Vichy (1940-1944) - Marc Olivier Baruch p. 206-207
- PIKETTY Guillaume, Pierre Brossolette. Un héros de la Résistance - Jean-Marie Guillon p. 207
- MURACCIOLE Jean-François, Histoire de la France Libre - Eric Alary p. 207-208
- Collectif, Henri Frenay, De la Résistance à l'Europe - Olivier Wieviorka p. 208
- MARCUS Paul, Bourgès-Maunoury, républicain indivisible - Olivier Wieviorka p. 208-209
- BODIN Michel, Soldats d'Indochine (1945-1954) - Jacques Dalloz p. 209
- ELGEY Georgette (avec la collaboration de Marie-Caroline Boussard), Histoire de la IVe République. La République des tourmentes (1954-1959), tome 2, Malentendu et passion - Éric Duhamel p. 209-210
- LEFEUVRE Daniel, Chère Algérie. Comptes et mécomptes de la tutelle coloniale (1930-1962) - Raphaëlle Branche p. 210-211
- JEANNENEY Jean-Marcel, Une mémoire républicaine, Entretiens avec Jean Lacouture - Éric Duhamel p. 211-213
- CARLE Françoise, Les archives du president. Mitterrand intime - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 213
- CHAUVEAU Agnès, L'audiovisuel en liberté ? Histoire de la Haute Autorité - Sophie Bachmann p. 214
- BODIN Louis, Les intellectuels existent-ils ? - Nicole Racine p. 214-216
- MAUSS Marcel, Écrits politiques - Christophe Prochasson p. 202-203
- CHAUVEAU Agnès, L'audiovisuel en liberté ? Histoire de la Haute Autorité - Sophie Bachmann p. 214
- BODIN Louis, Les intellectuels existent-ils ? - Nicole Racine p. 214-216
- VIGARELLO Georges, Histoire du viol (16e- 20e siècles) - Danièle Voldman p. 216-217
- DESPORTES Marc, PICON Antoine, De l'espace au territoire. L'aménagement en France (16e-20e siècles) - Danièle Voldman p. 217-218
- COLIN Pierre,L'audace et le soupçon. La crise du modernisme dans le catholicisme français (1893-1914) - Denis Pelletier p. 218
- THIESSE Anne-Marie, Ils apprenaient la France. L'exaltation des régions dans le discours patriotique - Pierre Albertini p. 219
- OMNES Catherine, Ouvrières parisiennes, marchés du travail et trajectoires professionnelles au 20e siècle - Sylvie Schweitzer p. 219-220
- BLOCH Marc, Écrits de guerre (1914-1918) - Danièle Voldman p. 220-221
- MOUTET Aimée, Les logiques de l'entreprise : la rationalisation dans l'industrie française de l'entre-deux-guerres - Sylvie Schweitzer p. 221
- CHARPENTIER-MORIZE Micheline, Perrin savant et homme politique - Jean-François Picard p. 221-222
- FISHMAN Sarah, Femmes de prisonniers de guerre (1940-1945) - François Cochet p. 222
- PERRIN Luc, Paris à l'heure de Vatican II - Denis Pelletier p. 222-223
- FOHLEN Claude, HEFFER Jean, WEIL François, Canada et États-Unis depuis 1770 - Nicole Fouché p. 223-224
- CHAUVEAU Agnès, L'audiovisuel en liberté ? Histoire de la Haute Autorité - Sophie Bachmann p. 214
- FOHLEN Claude, HEFFER Jean, WEIL François, Canada et États-Unis depuis 1770 - Nicole Fouché p. 223-224
- MOHSEN-FiNAN Khadija, Sahara occidental. Les enjeux d'un conflit régional - Daniel Rivet p. 224-225
- PICAUDOU Nadine, Les Palestiniens, un siècle d'histoire. Le drame inachevé - Omar Carlier p. 225-226
- BERNAND Carmen, Histoire de Buenos Aires - Danièle Voldman p. 226-227
- FOHLEN Claude, HEFFER Jean, WEIL François, Canada et États-Unis depuis 1770 - Nicole Fouché p. 223-224
- Livres reçus - p. 228-231
- ABSTRACTS - p. 232-234