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Revue des Etudes Slaves ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 71, no 3-4, 1999 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Les Frères de Sérapion et les voies de la littérature russe du XXe siècle, recueil d'articles préparé par Efim Etkind et publié sous la direction de Catherine Depretto-Genty
- От редакции - Efim Etkind p. 529-530
- Серапионовы братья — кто они такие? - Lev Ozerov p. 531-539
- «С кем же мы, Серапионовы братья?» : Документальная история Серапионова братства по страницам архива музея К. А. Федина - Natalia Slomova p. 541-551
- Temps-mouvement, espace-lumière : effet cinéma. Zamjatin et la prose des années vingt - Leonid Heller p. 553-569
- Zoščenko : médecine et pouvoir - Alexander Zholkovsky, Vardan Tchimichkian p. 571-583
- Зощенко и клио : исторические отступления в Голубой книге - Igor Yefimov p. 585-597
- Le frère Aléoute : Vsevolod Ivanov, de l'Est à l'Ouest - Elena Krasnoshchekova, Vardan Tchimichkian p. 599-609
- Une pièce peu connue de Vsevolod Ivanov sur Paul Ier, d'après les archives de l'écrivain - Vjačeslav Ivanov, Vardan Tchimichkian p. 611-632
- Жить у Кремля и писать не для печати : романы Всеволода Иванова 1930-х годов - Aleksandr Etkind p. 633-648
- Aspects du mythe soviétique dans les romans de Veniamin Kaverin et principalement dans les Deux Capitaines - Yuri Shcheglov, Vardan Tchimichkian p. 649-671
- Литературное самоубийство Николая Тихонова - Efim Etkind p. 673-680
- Илья Груздев — биограф Горького - Barry Scherr p. 681-691
- Les Frères de Sérapion et les voies de la littérature russe du XXe siècle : travaux récents et perspectives de recherche - Catherine Depretto p. 693-702
- Quelques titres concernant les écrivains du groupe des frères de Sérapion depuis 1986 (classement par ordre chronologique) - p. 703-707
- От редакции - Efim Etkind p. 529-530
- Письма В. А. Злобина 3. Н. и Д. С. Мережковским, 1934-1936 - Temira Pachmuss p. 709-730
- Письма В. А. Злобина 3. Н. и Д. С. Мережковским, 1934-1936 - Temira Pachmuss p. 709-730
À propos de
- Lioubimov : la Taganka, sous la direction de Béatrice Picon-Vallin - Gérard Abensour p. 731-742
- Lioubimov : la Taganka, sous la direction de Béatrice Picon-Vallin - Gérard Abensour p. 731-742
- René Girault (1929-1999) - Jean-Paul Depretto p. 743-746
- René Girault (1929-1999) - Jean-Paul Depretto p. 743-746
- Contribution à l'histoire de la synonymique russe : étude de deux sources - Raïssa Gorbounova p. 747-750
- Le préverbe vy- en russe contemporain : étude sémantique et syntaxique - Irina Svetsinskaïa p. 751-761 Verbal prefix vy- in modern russian language : study of the semantic and syntactic features The results of this study confirms the hypothesis based on D. Paillard's approach according to which the invariant is situated on the functional and not on the semantic level, unlike the approaches consisting in the search for the invariant on the levels of concrete meanings (particularly in the spatial meaning). Не suggests describing the verbal prefixes as 'relators' (in terms of a 'scenario'). The vy- prefix establishes a relation between X ('repéré') et Y ('repère'). In the statements containing the verbs with vy-, the prefix has the role of the predicative, as it expresses the Xvy-Y2 'evenť: X appears to be in Y2 (space or state which belongs to Y domain divided in two zones Yl and Y2, with a boundary between them). Y2's characteristics are determined in relation to Yl's characteristics: Yl and Y2 are in a binary opposition. Y2 is not only a complementary set to Yl, but it also has its own status, as the division into Yl and Y2 exists prior to the 'intervention' of the vy- prefix. The study of a large range of werbs with vy- prefix in their contexts allowed to characterize Yl and Y2 and to establish the functioning regularities of the prefix, verb stem and context for each group of verbs singled out on the basis of formal criteria derived by semantic and syntactic analysis of the verbs with vy- prefix in the main types of situations arising from the nature of Y and the boundary separating Yl and Y2. Comparison, allowing for the semantics and syntax of the direct objects and/or adverbal modifiers of verbs with vy- prefix and verbs formed from the same stems with other prefixes (s-, po-, iz-) and considered to be 'synonyms', leads to the statement that this 'synonymy' doesn't stand on the level of the prefixes, or isolated prefixal verbs, but in certain contexts on the level of the prefixal verbs.
- La quête mystique de Vladislav Xodasevič : essai d'interprétation de l'œuvre du dernier symboliste russe - Emmanuel Demadre p. 763-774 The mystic quest of Vladislav Khodasevich : an approach to the poetry of the last Russian Symbolist The poetry of Vladislav Xodasevič (1886-1939) has now regained the place it deserves; however the significance of this work when seen in its full chronological development raises interesting questions. We think the main thread of his poetry is a truly mystic quest, which accounts for its complexity, its contradictions and its irregular dynamics up to the silence of his last ten years. We have studied the successive stages of Xodasevič's poetic career, starting from a corpus of early poems (1904-1906), unpublished until 1989, which shows how deeply his yearning for transcendence — for a return to the native world of the soul — was linked to a radical rejection of this world. The failure of the initial phase of his quest gives a better understanding of the decadent character of his first book of verse, Molodosť (1908), whereas the main theme of the second, Sčastlivyj domik (1914) is an attempt at serene acceptance. However, in Putëm žerna (1920), the culminating point of his search, he finds his way to a spiritual reawakening, and even though he does not attain the direct revelation of God he had so ardently longed for at the beginning of his quest, he reaches moments of luminous plenitude when reality seems to be transfigured by reflections of eternity. But his very negative outlook on this world can be felt again in Tjaželaja lira (1922), and finally in Evropejskaja noc' (1921) — composed during the emigration — , it leads him to an inescapable feeling of imprisonment in a degraded world. In spite of its singularity (classicism in cultural references and style, ironic distancing and an acute vision of prosaic reality), the work of Xodasevič because it is inseparable from a conception of poetry that unites the search for transcendence with poetic inspiration, appears to us as fundamentally belonging to the mystical idealism of Russian Symbolism
- Contribution à l'histoire de la synonymique russe : étude de deux sources - Raïssa Gorbounova p. 747-750
Comptes rendus
- L'Héritage de Bakhtine, édition préparée par Catherine Depretto - Jean-Claude Lanne p. 775-779
- Kuznecova V. S., Дуалистические легенды о сотворении мща в восточнославянской фольклорной традиции - Galina Kabakova p. 779-780
- Stangé-Zhirovova Nadia, Une autre Russie : fêtes et rites traditionnels du peuple russe, préf. Boris Chichlo - Michel Niqueux p. 780-782
- Советская деревня глазами ВЦКГПУ-НКВД : документы и материалы, t. 1 : 1918-1922 - Jean-Louis Van Regemorter p. 782-787
- Karnoouh Claude, Vivre et survivre en Roumanie communiste : rites et discours versifiés chez les paysans du Maramureş - Claudio Ingerflom p. 787-788
- Peris Daniel, Storming the heavens : the Soviet League of the militant godless - Michel Niqueux p. 788-790
- Gorizontov Leonid Efremovič, Парадоксы имперской политики : Поляки в России и Русские в Польше, ХІХ-начало XX в - Daniel Beauvois p. 790-792
- Du Castel Viviane, Biélorussie : une indépendance à la dérive : un nouveau défi pour l'Europe de demain - Bruno Drweski p. 792-793
- Язык и речевая деятельность - Roger Comtet p. 794-797
- Mokienko V. M., Sldorenko К. Р., Словарь крылатых выражений Пушкина - Valentina Danilovna Černjak p. 797-800
- Schaarschmidt Gunter, A historical phonology of the upper and lower Sorbian languages - Jean Kudela p. 800-802
- Jackson Timothy L., Tchaikovsky : Symphony No. 6 (Pathétique) - Walter Zidarič p. 803-806
- L'Héritage de Bakhtine, édition préparée par Catherine Depretto - Jean-Claude Lanne p. 775-779