Contenu du sommaire : Entre les genres. L'écriture de l'intime dans la littérature russe XIXe-XXe siècles

Revue Revue des Etudes Slaves Mir@bel
Numéro Vol. 79, no 3, 2008
Titre du numéro Entre les genres. L'écriture de l'intime dans la littérature russe XIXe-XXe siècles
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Entre les genres l'écriture de l'intime dans la littérature russe XIXe-XXe siècles

    • Conscience historique et écriture de soi : la place des écrits personnels dans la culture russe : introduction - Catherine Depretto p. 303-315 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Historical Consciousness and Writing of the Self : Diaries, Memoirs, Autobiographies in the Russian Culture Diaries, memoirs and autobiographies have always been of great interest to historians and philologists as private, unofficial sources. In Russia, according to P. A. Zajončkovskij's fundamental bibliography, the number of these texts grew from the XVIIIth century to the beginning of the XXth; they did not disappear in the Soviet period, as one usually believes, even if at this epoch they need a specific approach. However, diaries and memoirs are not only historical testimony, they are also of literary interest. This issue of the RES is precisely devoted to the literary aspects of the question and analyses personal texts of such writers (in a broad sense) as Aleksandr Turgenev, Aleksandr Družinin, Vjačeslav Ivanov, Leonid Andreev, Andrej Belyj, Mixail Bulgakov, Jurij Oleša. An article analyses memoirs and autobiographies concerning the Russian Jewish culture.
    • Articles
      • Journal, lettres, chronique culturelle : le cas d'Aleksandr Turgenev - Véra Milchina p. 317-332 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        Diary and Letters as Cultural Chronicle : The Case of Aleksandr Turgenev (1784-1845) The article analyses an inedited fragment from the Parisian diary of Aleksandr Turgenev (1784-1845) dated by September 17, 1835 and his letter to P. Ja. Čaadaev of the same date, in which he presents in a more detailed way subjects mentioned in the diary entry. This quite frequent case in Turgenev 's heritage demonstrates how his diary and letters were complementary and helped the author to register most important cultural events side by side with personal ones. The transformation of cultural facts into one's private life is a specific feature of Turgenev's style and mentality.
      • De l'intime à la fiction : une ébauche en français de Polin´ka Saks d'Aleksandr Družinin - Michel Niqueux p. 333-348 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        From the Inner Self to Fiction : An Outline in French of Polin´ka Saks by A. V. Družinin Publication and presentation of four unpublished texts of A. V. Družinin, written in French (RGALI): - An epistolary novel, Platonic Love (1842), which represents the first outline of Polin´ka Saks (1847), in which the deceived lovers take revenge on the Devil's advice; - A fragment of an unknown play, which deals with a child's revenge; - A poem of 1842 on the theme of 'misleading illusions;' - The prologue of Polin´ka Saks, in Rabelaisian style. The first three texts have in common an autobiographical origin (a deceived love), and a different way of giving the intimate experience a more or less distant literary form. The motive of revenge is prevailing there although it will be overcome by the magnanimity in Polin´ka Saks.
      • Письмо – дневник – устная новелла – проза в практике символистов : Вячеслав Иванов и Л. Д. Зиновьева-Аннибал - Nikolai Bogomolov p. 349-360 accès libre avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
        Lettre, journal, récit et prose littéraire dans la pratique des symbolistes : Vjačeslav Ivanov et Lidija Zinov´eva-Annibal L'article est consacré aux processus de transformation de la correspondance et des journaux personnels des symbolistes en des formes littéraires, remplissant des fonctions autres que celles imparties traditionnellement aux journaux et aux lettres. Sur l'exemple de Vjačeslav Ivanov et de sa seconde épouse Lidija Zinov´eva-Annibal, l'auteur montre comment une lettre peut devenir page de journal, récit et œuvre en prose, et, à l'inverse, comment un fragment de journal peut devenir lettre et prose littéraire.
        Letter – Diary – Oral Novella – Prose in the Symbolist's Literary Practice : Vjačeslav Ivanov and Lidija Zinov´eva-Annibal This essay is devoted to the various ways that the Symbolists transformed their correspondence and diaries into texts that functioned in a completely different manner than traditional diaries and letters. Using examples from the diaries and the correspondence of Vjačeslav Ivanov and Lidija Zinov´eva-Annibal, the article studies the process whereby a letter is turned into a diary, an oral novella and a prose work as well as the way a diary entry becomes a letter and then a prose work.
      • La Révolution comme épreuve personnelle : le Journal de Leonid Andreev (1914-1919) - Serge Rolet p. 361-374 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        Revolution as Personal Ordeal : Leonid Andreev's Diary (1914-1919) Written for the most part in Finland between April 1918 and September 1919, Andreev's Diary is not 'a writer's journal' as such. It relates important family events, and contains Andreev's general impressions on contemporary politics, as well as giving an insight into the writer's seriously impaired mental and physical health. Andreev thinks in a highly allusive, metaphorical way, which is both unconnected and obsessive. This produces discourse which, rather than being literary, is coarse and obscene. In order to gain a better understanding of Andreev's stance on various issues (not just his hatred of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, but also his stinging criticism of supporters of bourgeois democracy and of those intellectuals who rushed to support the new régime), it is essential to place the diary in its context. By this we mean his active support for the war effort, and his work as editor of the patriotic journal Russkaja volja (Dec. 1916 – Oct. 1917). In Andreev's eyes, war and revolution are completely inseparable, which is why for him the victory of Bolshevism signifies the end of révolution.
      • Une descente aux enfers : le projet autobiographique ? Andrej Belyj et son séjour à Berlin (1922-1923) - Wolfgang Kissel p. 375-388 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        A Descent Towards Hell : Belyj's Autobiographical Project and His Sojourn in Berlin (1922/23) The symbolist poet and novelist Andrej Belyj is known to have been a prolific memoir writer as well. This paper examines the emergence of his complex autobiographical project in the wake of his travelogue on a journey to Egypt in 1911 and his memoir on Blok. After the death of his friend and rival Blok in 1921 Belyj embarked on writing a lengthy memoir in which he tried to tell the story of their troubled friendship and to justify his own behaviour towards his dead friend. As he felt unsatisfied by the outcome he continued to rework Blok's image and gradually became intrigued by the prospect of giving a detailed picture of the whole prewar and prerevolutionary epoch. These ramifications were later to develop into the three volumes of his memoirs On the Border of Two Centuries (1930), The Beginning of the Century (1933) and Between Two Revolutions (1934). Yet in 1922 he first went for several months to Berlin probably in order to consider the perspectives of exile, an option which he nevertheless discarded categorically at the end of his stay. Instead he decided to return to the Soviet Union and to write a hybrid description of the city Berlin - part travelogue and part confession of a tormented soul - which already contains key notions of the fully elaborated memoirs. Belyj compares the German capital to an ancient Egyptian necropolis thus highlighting the decline of a quintessential Western city against the backdrop of the rising Soviet capital Moscow, the centre of a new civilization the author is going to choose as his permanent home. The paper gives special attention to the chronotope 'Egypt' which serves as a semantic link between the early travelogue on Egypt, the Berlin memoir piece and the last chapters of the third volume of the memoirs Between Two Revolutions. From this chronotope emerges a complex figure of modernity incorporating ancient as well as contemporary elements and emphasizing a tendency towards ambivalence which precludes any unilateral or teleological interpretation.
      • Автор, лирический герой, адресат в писательских дневниках в России 1920-1930-х годов: Михаил Булгаков и Юрий Олеша - Violetta Gudkova p. 389-403 accès libre avec résumé avec résumé en anglais
        Auteur, héros lyrique et destinataire : les journaux d'écrivains dans la Russie soviétique des années 1920-1930 (Bulgakov et Oleša) L'article est consacré aux journaux d'écrivains rédigés à la période soviétique. Sur l'exemple de Bulgakov et d'Oleša, l'auteur montre comment l'accès à leurs écrits intimes a modifié nos représentations de chacun d'eux. Elle insiste sur les particularités énonciatrices, structurelles et stylistiques de ces ego-textes. Si pour Bulgakov, le journal reste une pratique annexe, assurée à certains moments par sa correspondance (lettres à P. S. Popov), pour Oleša, il s'agit d'une activité centrale, qui tient lieu de création littéraire originale, reçue comme telle par le lecteur de la fin du XXe siècle.
        Author, Lyrical Hero and Addressee : Writer's Diaries in the Soviet Russia of the 1920s-1930s (Bulgakov and Oleša) The paper is devoted to the writers' diaries of the Soviet period. Primarily concerned by the case of Bulgakov and Oleša, the author shows how important their personal writings are for our understanding of these two novelists. She also analyses the structural and stylistic particularities of each 'diary'. For Bulgakov diary writing is a secondary practice, which sometimes is assured by his correspondence (Letters to P. S. Popov) ; as for Oleša it's rather an original literary creation.
      • Géographie de la mémoire dans la littérature russe-juive - Boris Czerny p. 405-419 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        The Geography of Memory in Russian Jewish Literature The article is a reflection on the content and the way books of memories concerning the Russian Jewish world are composed. Since the 1990's and above all the beginning of the 21st century, there has been an increase in the publishing of letters and memories of either well-known people or mere witnesses of the evolution of the Russian Jewish world in the 19th and 20th centuries. The three texts I analysed, The Remembrances of a Grandmother by Polina Vengerova, Memories of a Life by Klavdia Starkova and The Book of my Life by the historian and politician Semen Dubnov, are all characterized by when they were written and by the cultural and religious origins of the authors. I have chosen these particular works so as to grasp the complexity of the relationships between Jews and Russians in the intimacy of memories and the assertion of a double identity, Jewish and Russian. Studying these three distinct works has enabled to define a common geography with elements of a Jewish and of a Russian landscape. The emphasizing of the convergences of this landscape should permit to define the Russian Jewish world in an original way, as an addition of Russian and Jewish elements with an identical weight and importance.
  • Chronique: thèses & HDR

  • Chronique : comptes rendus

  • Summaries / Résumés - p. 461-466 accès libre