Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Revue des Etudes Slaves ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 80, no 4, 2009 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Повторяемость и вид в русском языке - Ilya Shatunovsky p. 411-425 Repetition and Aspect in Russian The concept of repetition is of greatest importance to human cognition and therefore language. We can identify different types of repetition dependent on what exactly is repeated in repeated events. The expression of repetition in Russian is closely connected to the opposition of imperfective and perfective aspects. The character of repetition expressed by imperfective and perfective verbs is motivated by their invariant / prototypical meanings. Imperfective verbs are denoting the repetition in the full sense of the word — the repetition involving the same individual objects. The perfective aspect specializes in expressing a distributive repetition, that is to say a repetition with different individual objects of the same kind. It can also express repetition of higher levels of abstraction, namely a repetition of different types of events belonging to some more general types of events. The indication of repetition by means of perfective verbs can also be used as characteristic of the subject involved in the repetition.
- К вопросу о возникновении деепричастия в древнерусском языке : cогласование кратких действительных аппозитивных причастий в Синайском патерике - István Pozsgai p. 427-442 The Concord of the Short Active Appositional Participles in the Sinai Patericon The aim of this work is to examine the concord of the short active appositional participles in the Sinai Patericon, a manuscript which was copied from an Old Slavic manuscript in Old Russian language area in the 11-12th centuries. The author is first concentrating on those phenomena, which can give us information about the genesis of a new part of speech, which is the adverbial participate (deepričastie). He is also showing the concord of the short active participles which are used in attributive functions and in near to apposition functions too.
- L'enthymème entre la philosophie et le style dans la Rhétorique de Mixail Speranskij - Raïssa Gorbounova p. 443-457 The Enthymeme Between Philosophy and Style in Mixail Speranskij's Rhetoric The author of this article is looking into the enthymeme which, since Aristotle, has been used as a philosophical argument and stylistic device. He is attempting to show, through Speranskij's Rhetoric (1792), that in Russia at the end of the eighteenth century, the prominence of the enthymeme was linked, on the one hand, to the rise of empiricism, and on the other hand, to the birth of the new style of the Russian language.
- Voltaire et l'Académie des sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg - Michel Mervaud p. 459-471 Voltaire and the Petersburg Academy of Sciences : The Correspondance Between Voltaire and Kirill Razumovskij in the Light of the Conflict between Joseph Nicolas Delisle and the Petersburg Academy of Sciences This article analyses three letters sent by Kirill Razumovskij to Voltaire. Razumovskij, president of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences, urged Voltaire to ‘ break off dealings' with the French astronomer Delisle. Is it really proved that a relationship existed between Voltaire and Delisle? Voltaire denied these relations which were so displeasing to Russian scholars and authorities. Yet it seems highly probable that Voltaire and Delisle had been introduced to each other and we here reveal the base of our hypothesis. Besides, we show that many aspects of the relationship between Voltaire and the Petersburg Academy of Sciences are still to discover.
- Повторяемость и вид в русском языке - Ilya Shatunovsky p. 411-425
- Thèses de doctorats et habilitations à diriger des recherches soutenues en 2009 - p. 473-478
Comptes rendus
- Aux origines du monde : contes et légendes d'Ukraine, contes réunis et traduits par Galina KABAKOVA, nouvelle édition révisée et augmentée - Elena Balzamo p. 479-480
- Kahn Andrew, Pushkin's lyric intelligence - Andreas Schönle p. 480-482
- Gustave Chpet et son héritage : aux sources russes du structuralisme et de la sémiotique, édition Maryse Dennes, Département de slavistique de l'université de Toulouse II – Le Mirail, Centre de recherches Interculturalité et monde slave [ CRIMS – LLA] - Bernard Marchadier p. 482-483
- Ginzburg L. Ja.,Работы довоенного времени : статьи, рецензии, монография, introduction de Stanislav Savickij, ; «Младоформалисты» : русская проза [édition Tynjanov et Èjxenbaum, 1926], édition Jan Levčenko - Catherine Depretto p. 483-485
- Čudakova Mariètta,Новые работы, 2003-2006 - Catherine Depretto p. 485-487
- Nivat Georges, Le Phénomène Soljénitsyne - Daria Sinichkina p. 488-490
- Goldman Wendy Z., Terror and democracy in the age of Stalin : the social dynamics of repression - Jean-Paul Depretto p. 490-493
- Aux origines du monde : contes et légendes d'Ukraine, contes réunis et traduits par Galina KABAKOVA, nouvelle édition révisée et augmentée - Elena Balzamo p. 479-480
- Thèses de doctorats et habilitations à diriger des recherches soutenues en 2009 - p. 473-478
- Liste des ouvrages reçus (2009) - p. 495-518
- Wladimir Troubetzkoy (1942-2009) - Michel Cadot p. 519-522
- Wladimir Troubetzkoy (1942-2009) - Michel Cadot p. 519-522
- Summaries / Résumés - p. 523-525