Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Current Anthropology |
Numéro | Vol.61, n°2, 2020 |
- Striving toward Piety: Gendered Conversion to Islam in Catholic-Secular Spain - Mikaela H. Rogozen-Soltar p. 141–167
- Open Chests and Broken Hearts: Ritual Sequences and Meanings of Human Heart Sacrifice in Mesoamerica - Vera Tiesler and Guilhem Olivier p. 168–193
- Identity, Kinship, and the Evolution of Cooperation - Burton Voorhees, Dwight Read, and Liane Gabora p. 194–218
- Avoiding Sharing: How People Help Each Other Get out of Giving - Elise Berman p. 219–239
- The Art of Not Being Scripted So Much: The Politics of Writing Hmong Language(s) - Jean Michaud p. 240–263
- From Food to Grave Good: Nonhuman Primate Exploitation in Early to Mid-Holocene Eastern Java (Indonesia) - T. Ingicco, N. Amano, K. Setiagama, A. M. Moigne, Budiman, A. M. Sémah, T. Simanjuntak, and F. Sémah p. 264–277
Book and film reviews: New Ethnographies of Labor: Introduction to Book and Film Reviews
- Heath Pearson p. 278- Cati Coe. The New American Servitude: Political Belonging among African Immigrant Home Care Workers, 2019 - Yolanda Covington-Ward p. 278–279
- Penny McCall Howard. Environment, Labour and Capitalism at Sea: Working the Ground in Scotland, 2017 - Brandon Hunter-Pazzara p. 279–281
- Alex Blanchette. Porkopolis: American Animality, Standardized Life, and the Factory Farm, 2020 - Ilana Gershon p. 281–282