Contenu du sommaire : Prévoyance ou providence : la protection sociale
Revue |
Revue Tiers-Monde ![]() |
Numéro | no 175, juillet-septembre 2003 |
Titre du numéro | Prévoyance ou providence : la protection sociale |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Prévoyance ou providence : la protection sociale
- Sous la direction de Blandine Destremau et Bruno Lautier- Introduction : Prévoyance ou providence : la protection sociale. - Blandine Destremau
- Gestion du risque social : la Banque mondiale et la protection sociale dans un monde en voie de mondialisation. - Robert Holzmann Management of social risk : the World Bank and social protection in a world of globalisation Social protection is back on the development agenda. Long-time dismissed as ineffective, expensive or even detrimental to development in third-world countries, there is now an increasing understanding that assisting individuals, households and communities in dealing with diverse risks is needed for accelerated poverty reduction and sustained economic and social development. The paper outlines the development aspect of social protection, presents briefly the social risk management concept and its operationalization in risk and vulnerability evaluations, explains the focus on vulnerable groups (such as children and disabled), and briefly reviews traditional programs such as labor market and pensions through the srm lens.
- La protection sociale dans le Bresil de Lula : trop de dépenses, ou trop peu de recettes ? - Bruno Lautier Social protection in Lula 's Brazil : too much expenditure or too little revenue ? The social protection debate re-launched by the election of Lula focuses on two issues : The « zero hunger » programme and public sector retirement pensions. Social protection however amounts to more than these two. After a brief review of the situation of the 90s, this paper underlines the principal reasons for the Brazilian social protection crisis, mainly poor revenues and the reasons thereto. Room for manœuvre depends on capacity to build a project and a consensus on social protection, but that is hardly in sight.
- La résurgence des politiques sociales au Mexique. - Enrique Valencia Lomeli The resurgence of social policies in Mexico. This article retraces Mexican social policies, from the import substitution period to current liberal inroads. It first analyses social policies related to the growth period : The social risk management forms, the integration of the whole population in a social security system and the limits of the strategy. It follows with a presentation of the reforms of the 90s, featuring new policy targets. The discussion leads to an appraisal of social policies issuing from political regime change with particular regard to the resultant social risks of exclusion. The current debate in Mexico, dubbed as the « re-emergence of the social », appears to be a factor of major political confrontation.
- Colombie : un pari encore incertain. - Yves Le Bonniec Colombia : an uncertain bet. The recent Colombian attempt to ensure universal health insurance stems from a political conjuncture featuring social protection reform as solution to a serious political legitimacy crisis. Engaging in such a program have been impossible without this particular historical context, which draws the limits of the reform. The universalising process focuses on health insurance coverage to groups with no access to the contributory scheme. The implementation of this program reveals the ambiguities and constraints of a politically driven process that simultaneously aims at health protection and poverty reduction. Finally, by using structural analysis to several welfare regimes, one may outline the paradigm likely to shape the Colombian social protection system.
- Corée du Sud : vers une société d'assurances sociales. - Eric Bidet South Korea : towards a society of social insurances In the recent years following its adhesion to the oecd in 1996 and the 1997- 1998 crisis, South Korea has achieved remarkable progress in developing and orienting its social welfare system towards universal expectations. Given a country known for sacrificing social welfare in favour of growth, the measures taken constitute a decisive turn that may crown the emergence of new social consensus and, eventually, a new model of socio-economic development. The new dispositions are however hampered by shortcomings still tending to limit their scope and effectiveness.
- La protection sociale au Vietnam : de la fiction égalitaire à la marchandise. - Bernard Hours, Monique Selim Social protection in Vietnam : from egalitarian fiction to merchandise This article, based on field surveys and interviews, examines the stakes social protection in a non-communist Vietnam exploding with social disparities. It presents current relations in the backdrop of past heroically shared misery as observed in different quarters and workshops. Solidarity appears minimal and social protection largely dependent on party power. As regards health insurance, State assistance is lacking, despite a system whose scope of social re-distribution is modest in respect of State accounting and generalized predating that can be observed here, as in other cases of market opening.
- Le capital social comme protection sociale ? Le cas de la Mauritanie. - Jérôme Ballet, Bilal Hamzetta Social capital as social protection ? The case of Mauritania The associative or communal approach presupposes that the spontaneous organization of individuals and the issuing binding norms suffice to ensure adequate protection and a whole set of social goods and services. This article illustrates the difficulties that such a proposition may be confronted with in the case of Mauritania. While distinguishing voluntarily mobilized social capital as opposed to social capital mobilized through constraint, it shows that in both cases, the well-to-do still get better social protection to the expense of the poor. This partly explains the shortcomings of social protection based on associative capital.
- La performance opérationnelle des ONG humanitaires : une analyse en termes d'enjeux institutionnels. - Erwan Queinnec The operational performance of humanitarian NGOs ; an analysis featuring institutional stakes. After two decades of almost unconditional success, ngos are now being questioned on their operational success mainly by funding agencies. So while the need for humanitarian services for beneficiary societies remains unchallenged, consensus still lacks on ways to conceive them. Indeed, beyond exhortations, humanitarian action is also belied by incentives, sanctions and institutional constraints. The author maintains that humanitarian action could in fact thrive without being really assessed, and as such appears to be resorting to a « resource economy » model.
- Le cercle vicieux des crises bancaire, monétaire et financière en Turquie. - Jean-Claude Verez The vicious circle of banking, monetary and financial crises in Turkey. Turkey suffered a serious economic crisis in 2001. The national income fell by 10 % ; the number of the unemployed grew by a million, the exchange rate has been falling regularly and inflation remains very high. The causes are of banking, monetary and financial nature. While the financial liberalization of the 90s affecting the region since the gulf war may contribute to the explanation, the main reasons are structural. So while Turkey's candidature for the membership in the European Union is accepted, the current situation remains full of incertitude.
- La performance opérationnelle des ONG humanitaires : une analyse en termes d'enjeux institutionnels. - Erwan Queinnec
Analyses Bibliographiques
- Introduction : Prévoyance ou providence : la protection sociale. - Blandine Destremau