Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Revue de Géographie Alpine ![]() |
Numéro | vol. 63, no 1, 1975 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Les sociétés sportives d'alpinistes et les refuges de montagne dans les Alpes françaises depuis 1874 - Marcel Jail p. 46 pages Summary. — Mountaineers associations-the most notable was the Club Alpin Français-were founded between 1874 and 1914. Their creation was made possible by the increasing importance of sports and patriotism after the defeat of 1870. For a long time summer mountaineering (climbing and rambling) was the main activity of these associations. They carried out a programme dealing with an increased knowledge of the moutains and sporting facilities in the Alps. Building shelters was their main concern. Science 1950 the creation of technical organisations encouraged the growth of mountaineering for every one. As a result the role of these associations has been reduced, except for the C.A.F. association, and they still survive because of skiing. They con only hope to carry on and grow by practising a more various and complete alpinism.
- Alpages et stations de sports d'hiver à l'Est de l'X tarin - Annie Reffay p. 26 pages Abstract. — East of the famous valley cross in the lower Tarentaise, winter-ressorts are generally built in the forest lower down; but plenty of ploughing and sowing takes place on the mountain pastures, as these are very suitable for ski-tracks. As the resort managers need the farmer help to keep the country pleasant for summer tourism, traditional traushumance, with milking cows and common grazing, still survives. But sometimes mountain farming has already gone down to such a low level that tourist requirements can hardly be met.
- Les nouvelles orientations industrielles des Grandes Alpes de Savoie - Louis Chabert p. 26 pages Abstract. — The new trends of industry in the « Grandes Alpes de Savoie ». The strong imprint left by electro-chemistry and electro-metallurgy is still evident in the inner valleys of the Alpes. Various signs point toward what the future might be like. The Régie Renault, with its branch at Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne, has initiated the reconversion of heavy industry. The smaller metallurgical enterprises are trying to steer a new course, either by specializing in an original product or by offering their traditional services to customers throughout the country. Lastly, the decline of the factory-worker/ peasant way of life makes available a feminine labour-force adjusted to urban living patterns.
- Un siècle de créations et de fusions de communes dans la région Rhône-Alpes - Robert Mériaudeau p. 15 pages
- La vallée de la Vaugelette (Drôme). Vingt-cinq habitants. Un cadre de vie en 1973 - Michèle Barrier p. 21 pages
- L'évolution récente du trafic du tunnel du San Bernardino (Grisons, Suisse) - Henri Rougier p. 3 pages
- Un symposium sur la montagne atlantique galloise (Gregynog-Plynlinon, 25-26 septembre 1974) - Annie Reffay p. 2 pages
- Le ramassage de la neige en haute vallée du Djadj-e-Roud (Elbourz central, Iran) - Bernard Hourcade p. 3 pages
- L'évolution récente du trafic du tunnel du San Bernardino (Grisons, Suisse) - Henri Rougier p. 3 pages
Comptes rendus critiques
- Dacharry (Monique). — Hydrologie de la Loire en amont de Gien. - Paul Veyret p. 2 pages
- Aliprandi (L. et G.) et Pomella (M.). — Le Grandi Alpi nella Cartografia dei secoli passati (1482-1865). Con gli itinerari dei valichi tra la Val d'Aosta, la Savoia e il Valese e considerazioni sulla zona del Gran Paradiso. - Paul Veyret p. 2 pages
- Renucci (J.). — Corse traditionnelle et Corse nouvelle. - Paul Veyret p. 2 pages
- Herbert (W.). — Par-delà le sommet du monde. Piétons des mers glaciales. - Paul Veyret p. 2 pages
- Le Coz (J.). — Les réformes agraires. - Paul Veyret p. 1 page
- Blanc (A.). — L'Europe socialiste. - Paul Veyret p. 1 page
- Wachter (Heinz). — La Météorologie. Larsson (Peter et Kaye). — Trad. С. Fons, 1974, Grange Batelière. - Marcel Jail p. 2 pages
- Club Alpin Français, section de l'Isère. ― Alpes Dauphiné-Savoie. - Marcel Jail p. 1 page
- Dacharry (Monique). — Hydrologie de la Loire en amont de Gien. - Paul Veyret p. 2 pages