Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Revue de Géographie Alpine ![]() |
Numéro | vol. 64, no 1, 1976 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Les moniteurs du Ski Français - J.-P. Guérin, Hervé Gumuchian p. 25 pages Abstract. — The 3 185 " moniteurs du Ski Français" are all members of a Union; they are — most of them — native inhabitants of Northern Alps. If we examine their second profession, we soon realize they still remain closely linked to country life. Thanks to their sense of organising they succeeded in protecting their freedom in spite of the fast growing of winter sports-resorts.
- Ski en moyenne montagne : L'exemple du massif préalpin de la Chartreuse - Hervé Gumuchian p. 26 pages
- Colonies de vacances, classes de neige, classes de nature : distribution géographique et impact économique dans les Hautes-Alpes, l'Isère, la Savoie et la Haute-Savoie - Robert Mériaudeau, René Borel, Nicole Carrel, Claude Chambonnet, Monique Desfourniaux p. 22 pages Abstract. — In France, the departments of Haute-Savoie, Isère, Savoie, Hautes-Alpes are the first four as concerns the number of children and teenagers attending holiday camps as well as winter and summer classes. This type of social and educational tourism is concentrated in the mountains, mainly those of medium height. Their seasonal activity tends to be equally important in the summer and the winter season. Unfortunately that type of tourism provides very few jobs and secures small profits fort the villages that receive children and teenagers. Most of the economic advantages go to the cities, mainly the largest cities. A joint financial policy on a national scale would be the only way to promote the development of that very special type of tourism.
- Adaptation de la morphologie quaternaire à la structure tectonique dans la région du Bas-Chablais (Haute-Savoie) - Robert Vial, Daniel Jamier, Philippe Olive p. 14 pages
- L'homme influence-t-il le cycle hydrométéorologique ? - Jean Loup p. 10 pages
- Echantillons de bois chalcolithiques de la Station des Baigneurs, 38 - Charavines (France) - J. Florence-Schueller. p. 11 pages Summary. — Indications concerning the lumber used in the construction of villages built above bodies of water (« palaffittes »), have been obtained through the anatomical and microscopic obsevation of two samples taken from digs near lake Paladru (Isère, France). Microscopic studies of the various types of lumber show that they were of two main types-hard and soft-corresponding to either fir or beech. (These species have always been present in this area, in greater or lesser quantities). The annual growth rings, serving as a chronology, show that the two samples date from the same era (and are approximatively the same age). They appear to come from the same region (environmental factors) and moreover from the same forest; it would also appear that they were used simultaneously. Teir age in absolute value could be determined through further research using a cross-dating method with appropriate references.
- L'homme influence-t-il le cycle hydrométéorologique ? - Jean Loup p. 10 pages
Comptes rendus critiques
- Enjalbert (H.). — Histoire de la vigne et du vin. L'avènement de la qualité - Paul Veyret p. 1 page
- Lévi-Pinard (Germaine). — La vie quotidienne à Vallorcine au XVIIIe siècle. - Pierre-Yves Péchoux p. 1 page
- J. Dercourt et J. Paquet. Géologie. Objets et méthodes. - Robert Mériaudeau p. 1 page
- R. Arlery, H. Grisolet et B. Guilmet. ― Climatologie. Méthode et Pratiques. - Robert Mériaudeau p. 2 pages
- Destefanis (M.) et Vasseur (A.-M.). — Le fonctionnement d'un marché du travail local : le bassin de main-d'œuvre d'Annecy. - Jean David p. 2 pages
- I.N.S.E.E. (Lyon). Annuaire Rhône-Alpes, 1974. — Principaux résultats statistiques en 1974. - Jean David p. 1 page
- Schreiber (D.). — Edwurf einer Klimaeintelung fur landwirtschaftliche Belange (Ebauche d'une classification climatique au service de l'économie agricole). - Jean Loup p. 2 pages
- Vivian (R.). — Les glaciers des Alpes occidentales. - Paul Veyret p. 3 pages
- Enjalbert (H.). — Histoire de la vigne et du vin. L'avènement de la qualité - Paul Veyret p. 1 page