Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Revue de Géographie Alpine |
Numéro | vol. 67, no 3, 1979 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Changement social et structures spatiales dans l'agglomération et les quartiers de Grenoble (1968-1975) - Henri Guibourdenche, Jacques Joly p. 23 pages and the socialist municipality of Grenoble, resulting from the elections oj 1965, 1972 and 1977 has consciously fought against social segregation. Although its initial profile was different the recent social change can be found in Grenoble as elsewhere: the aging of the population, growth of the tertiary sector, a relative drop in working class numbers, more olerical staff and executives, a rise in female employment and a tendency towards payment by salary. The intention of this article is to show that these changes have not lessened social specification in the different neighbourhoods of the town or in the districts of the urban area; the policy of the Grenoble municipality has been mined by the lack of a coordinated policy for the area and by the structures of society in general. Nevertheless it does contain the seeds of new attitudes...
- Les stations de ski de la Haute-Maurienne : un exemple original d'aménagement touristique - Alain Marnezy p. 27 pages Abstract. — The skiing-resorts of the Haute Maurienne region which have been wanted, created and managed by the local population, are an interesting example of touristic equipment: their profits come back mainly to the inhabitants of the mountain. Beside a real contact with nature, the customers come here to find some form of human specific to these skiing-resort villages.
- Aspects géomorphologiques d'une montagne semi-aride : le Jbel Sarhro et de sa retombée saharienne - Jean Riser p. 19 pages Abstract. — Land forms in cristallyne rocks of a hight arid mountain (Jbel Sarhro, Morocco) are described and explained according to structural features, lithology and weathering. In this large place is devoted to the mineral composition of rocks in a new. Then, new look is given about genesis of aggraded basin-plains and superficial loud forms such as patina (composition, topographie situation...).
- Géographie physique et informatique. Plaidoyer et propositions pour l'édification d'une base de données graphiques - Gérard Bocquet p. 19 pages Abstract. — 2. Pleading and proposals for the edification of a graphic data base. The setting up an informatic method of lecture of the records implicates, to enrich the stock or to exploit it, a system of management of the card - indexes elaborated in that manner. The whole of these two elements makes up an automatic library liable to become in a near future a graphic data base exploited by a system of computers. This orientation compels to privilege the criterions of simplicity and easiness of management without however neglecting the aspect of efficiency. Then, the proposed system will chance to collect the approbation of a good many potential users and, consequently, this undertaking will be valorized.
- Introduction à la Bioclimatologie. Sensibilités aux changements de temps et au fœhn - Gian Gensler, Claude Buchot p. 10 pages
Comptes rendus critiques
- Monjuvent (G.). — Le Drac, morphologie, stratigraphie et chronologie quaternaires d'un bassin alpin. - Michel Chardon p. 3 pages
- Uhlig (Otto). — Die Schwabenkinder aus Tirol und Vorarlberg. - Jacky Herbin p. 2 pages
- Faugeres (L.). — Recherches géomorphologiques en Grèce septentrionale. - Michel Chardon p. 3 pages
- Chabert (L.). — Les Grandes Alpes industrielles de Savoie. Evolution économique et humaine. - Paul Veyret p. 3 pages
- Taillefer (F.), et collaborateurs. — Atlas et Géographie du Midi Toulousain. - Paul Veyret p. 3 pages
- Samivel. — Le Grand Oisans sauvage. - Paul Veyret p. 1 page
- Chabert (L.). — Aimer la Maurienne. - Paul Veyret p. 1 page
- Claval (P.). — Atlas et Géographie de la Haute Bourgogne et de la Franche Comté. - Paul Veyret p. 3 pages
- Avalanches : prévention, recherche, secours. Fondation internationale "Vanni Eigenmann". - Marcel Jail p. 2 pages
- Guichard (François). — Atlas démographique du Portugal. - Jean Loup p. 2 pages
- Archives départementale de la Drôme. — Service éducatif. Pochette pédagogique n° 11. Valence, 1978 : l'industrie drômoise 1850- 1914. - Jean Loup p. 1 page
- Bulletin bibliographique des Alpes Françaises pour 1978. - Gilbert Armand, Marie-Geneviève Durand, Marcel Jail, Françoise Vigny p. 14 pages
- Observations météorologiques dans le département de l'Isère pour l'année 1978. - Marcel Jail, J. Marchini p. 64 pages