Contenu du sommaire : Femmes, familles, fécondité - De la baisse de la fécondité à l'évolution du statut des femmes
Revue |
Revue Tiers-Monde ![]() |
Numéro | no 182, avril 2005 |
Titre du numéro | Femmes, familles, fécondité - De la baisse de la fécondité à l'évolution du statut des femmes |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Femmes, familles, fécondité - De la baisse de la fécondité à l'évolution du statut des femmes
- Sous la direction de Olivia Samuel et Isabelle Attané- Femmes, familles, fécondité : de la baisse de la fécondité à l'évolution du statut des femmes. Introduction - Olivia Samuel et Isabelle Attané p. 247
- Femmes africaines, activités économiques et travail : de l'invisibilité à la reconnaissance - Jacques Charmes p. 255 African women, economic activities and labour : From invisibility to recognition Measuring women's work remains an enduring problem though recent efforts have begun to yield fruit. Rates of women's employment are still far from being translated into gdp terms, which would otherwise be the logical outcome. Since the Beijing Conference in 1995, we see the emergence of the notion of labour, broadly defined, which underscores the gender gap, in Africa and elsewhere. An increasing number of surveys reveal the actual contribution of African women to national production and to the welfare of households. The article outlines the current state of affairs and indicates the research trends in this field.
- Démographie, femme et famille : relations entre conjoints en Iran post-révolutionnaire - Marie Ladier-Fouladi p. 281
- Devenir parents en milieu rural malgache. Evolutions dans la province d'Antananarivo - Bénédicte Gastineau p. 307
- La femme chinoise dans la transition économique : un bilan mitigé - Isabelle Attané p. 329 Chinese women in a period of economic change : A mixed assessment Since the start of economic reforms, major upheavals are occurring in Chinese society. The status of women, in particular, has undergone significant albeit ambivalent changes. Whereas on one hand the decline in fertility tends to favour women with respect to family life, the economic and social liberalization that accompanies the reforms does not necessarily contribute towards improving their status. This study outlines recent changes affecting women, both in terms of the means at their disposal for attaining greater autonomy and the manner in which their status is currently evolving.
- L'évolution des scénarios de la vie reproductive des femmes au Brésil. Médicalisation, genre et inégalités sociales - Michel Bozon p. 359
- Quelle perspective pour l'approche par les capacités ? - Alexandre Bertin p. 385 What perspectives for the « capacities » approach ? Over the last thirty years, the utilitarian approach to well-being has been questioned by many authors. Amartya Sen, in particular, made a significant contribution by pioneering new concepts like « capabilities », thereby bringing about a reassessment of poverty not only along monetary lines but also using philosophical, anthropological and political criteria. The question however is whether the progression and the enrichment of this approach by numerous authors can lead to a new economic paradigm or whether it amounts to no more than the enrichment of the utilitarian paradigm. The answer is negative as Amartya Sen remains a utilitarian economist.
- L'éducation en Afrique subsaharienne. Les indicateurs d'efficience et leur utilisation politique - Jean-Bernard Rasera p. 407 Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Indicators of efficiency and their policy applications This paper challenges the opinion that educational systems in Africa suffer less from a lack of resources than from an inefficient use of resources. This idea is based on two arguments. The first derives from the results of international comparisons in schooling efficiency. An indicator such as the ratio of the average schooling period to the share of educational expenditure in gdp does not measure efficiency adequately. The second builds on estimates of educational production functions, the results of which have led to erroneous interpretation. Such debatable arguments act to limit substantial increases in foreign aid and foster the expansion of systems where limited resources produce mediocre outcomes that will be increasingly hard to put right.
- Quelle perspective pour l'approche par les capacités ? - Alexandre Bertin p. 385
- Le financement de la sécurisation du commerce international pour les pays en développement - une approche en termes de bien public mondial - Philippe Dulbecco et Bertrand Laporte p. 427 The financing of international trade security for developing countries : An approach in terms of « global public good » The aim of this article is to identify the modalities of financing international trade security, more specifically for developing countries. It characterises security using a global public good framework, before studying the conditions of financing the supply of the global public good security. A critical analysis of the various sources and instruments for financing allows the authors to propose different financing scenarios, based on specific allocations of responsibilities among the actors involved in security. The article concludes by considering the role of international institutions as managers of the financing and implementation of security in international trade.
- Le financement de la sécurisation du commerce international pour les pays en développement - une approche en termes de bien public mondial - Philippe Dulbecco et Bertrand Laporte p. 427
- Femmes, familles, fécondité : de la baisse de la fécondité à l'évolution du statut des femmes. Introduction - Olivia Samuel et Isabelle Attané p. 247