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Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine ![]() |
Numéro | no 5, décembre 2022 |
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- L'impact de la délégation de service public (DSP) sur l'activité des aéroports locaux - Michel Carrard, Mourad Kertous, Abdelhak Nassiri p. 695-720 L'objectif de cette étude est d'identifier les effets de la mise en place de la DSP sur l'activité des aéroports. Elle est réalisée à partir des données de la DGAC sur des aéroports ayant une activité régulière de 1990 à 2017. Ces données caractérisent sept variables : nombre de passagers, mouvements d'avions, nombre de compagnies et de dessertes, taux de remplissage et nombre de tonnes de fret. Plusieurs résultats sont obtenus. Le premier souligne le transfert d'activité au profit des aéroports en DSP avec une augmentation du nombre de passagers des compagnies low cost. Le second montre une baisse du nombre de compagnies desservant les aéroports sous DSP avec une hausse en parallèle du taux de remplissage.The airport reform introduced by the 2004 law, which decentralised the 150 local airports to local authorities, allowed private operators to enter the French airport network with the implementation of the public service delegation (PSD) regime. This empirical study aims to identify the effects of the implementation of the Public Service Delegation (PSD) on the activity of local airports. To carry out this work, we use data from the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) on the activity of local airports from 1990 to 2017 and with regular commercial activity during this period. These data characterise the annual evolution of seven variables measuring airport activity: number of passengers (distinguishing low cost and traditional), number of movements, number of companies (low-cost and traditional), number of services, load factor and number of tonnes of freight. The statistical processing of these data allows a comparative analysis between the airports that have been awarded a DPS by the others and between two periods (before and after 2004). Several results emerge from this study. The first one highlights a transfer of activity to the benefit of the airports under PSD: the number of passengers of low-cost companies increases in these airports at the expense of the passengers of traditional companies and freight. This transfer is very clear after 2004. The second result underlines a decrease in the number of companies serving the airports under PSD with a concomitant increase in the aircraft load factor.
- Les activités sexuelles marchandes : entre territoire concret et numérisation - Salomé Donzallaz, Olivier Crevoisier p. 721-745 Depuis le milieu des années 1990, une nouvelle forme d'activités sexuelles marchandes (ASM) emblématique de la numérisation se développe rapidement : le sexcam (Jones 2020, 2016, 2015 ; Brasseur et Finez, 2020 ; Bleakley 2014). Les formes territoriales de ces activités expliquent leur essor, notamment parce que la numérisation rend possible une nouvelle division spatiale de la production et de la consommation. De plus, le contenu des services proposés se transforme, en comparaison avec les formes traditionnelles et plus concrètes d'ASM. Cet article vise à discuter des impacts de la numérisation et de l'économie des plateformes sur les activités sexuelles marchandes par la mobilisation de l'approche d'Adams (2010) sur la relation entre médias et espaces et celle de Hubbard et al. (2017) sur les liens entre espaces publics et privés, ville et sexe.Since the mid-1990s, a new form of commercial sexual activity (CSA) emblematic of digitalization has been developing rapidly: sexcam (Jones 2020, 2016, 2015; Brasseur and Finez, 2020; Bleakley, 2014). The territorial and temporal forms of these activities explain their rise, particularly because digitalization makes possible a new spatial division of production and consumption. By mobilizing Harcout and Donovan's (2005) dichotomy between direct and indirect sex, this article proposes to articulate the CSA market between digital and concrete spaces. A mixed methodology composed of both qualitative interview data, digital data and secondary documentation is mobilized, in order to understand how the use of digital allows for low production costs, the avoidance of certain dedicated concert spaces and thus the avoidance of certain stigmas on the part of both clients and performers. By comparing sexcam with traditional and more concrete forms of CSA through Tabet's (2004) continuum, the article studies the way in which the content of the services offered is spatio-temporally transformed. In this comparative perspective, the mobilization of the notions of scenes (Guex and Crevoisier, 2015) will also allow to decompose the spaces and temporality of a typical sexcam transaction. In summary, this article aims to discuss the impacts of digitization and the platform economy on commercial sexual activities by mobilizing different approaches : Adams' (2010) on the relationship between media and spaces, Hubbard et al.'s (2017) on the links between public and private spaces, city and sex, and the Global Production Network (GPN) on the subject of market and transactions.
- L'impact du zonage conventionnel sur la répartition territoriale des infirmières et infirmiers libéraux en France - Fanny Duchaine, Guillaume Chevillard, Julien Mousquès p. 747-777 Des disparités territoriales de répartition des infirmières libérales subsistent en France, malgré une progression constante de leurs effectifs. Afin de les réduire, les pouvoirs publics ont mis en place un zonage servant de cadre d'application à des incitations financières dans les zones déficitaires ou pour limiter les installations dans celles sur-dotées. A travers l'étude de l'évolution d'indicateurs relatifs à l'offre de soins dispensés par les infirmières libérales et d'une analyse d'impact, nous montrons dans cet article une amélioration globale de l'accessibilité et une réduction des inégalités territoriales entre 2006 et 2016. Nos analyses permettent de conclure à un impact positif, bien qu'à nuancer, de ces dispositifs et la nécessité de mesures complémentaires pour attirer davantage d'infirmières libérales dans les zones déficitaires.Self-employed nurses play a significant role in the French health care system. This is especially true in a context of increasing care's need due to population growth and ageing because they are the key providers in home-based and dependency care. However, in 2021, we still observe territorial disparities in the distribution of self-employed nurses in France, despite a constant increase in their numbers in the last few years. The public authorities have set up a licensure to practice installation regulation since 2012 in order to reduce these disparities. It aims to be used as a framework for applying financial incentives in areas with a shortage of nurses or for limiting their number in areas with an excess of nurses. Using a quasi-experimental analysis framework, based on exact matches between intervention and control areas and difference-in-difference estimation methods, we study the evolution of indicators relating to the supply of care provided by self-employed nurses and the impact of this conventional zoning and associated measures. We show in this article an overall improvement in accessibility and a reduction in territorial inequalities between 2006 and 2016. Indeed, care's supply provided by nurses has increase in underserved areas while the growth has been slower or even negative in overserved spaces. Our analyses allow us to conclude that these measures have a positive impact. However, additional measures concerning the installation's determinants are needed to attract more self-employed nurses to areas with a shortage of nurses and in order to improve accessibility to health primary care.
- La vente informelle de légumes dans le système d'approvisionnement alimentaire de Hanoï - Roman Delmotte, Quentin Le Loarer, Hai-Vu Pham, Corinne Tanguy, Michaël Bruckert, Claudia Atomei p. 779-805 Cet article étudie la vente informelle de légumes dans l'espace urbain de la ville de Hanoï au Vietnam, phénomène jusqu'à présent peu étudié dans la littérature économique. De manière à analyser le rôle et le fonctionnement de la vente informelle, nous avons réalisé un travail de recensement afin de cerner son ampleur et sa répartition spatiale, puis des entretiens pour comprendre les stratégies de vente et d'adaptation des vendeurs dans le contexte urbain. La présence de nombreux marchés de rue de tailles différentes montre à la fois leur caractère fonctionnel et structurant dans le système alimentaire de la ville. Quatre profils de vendeurs informels se distinguent montrant la diversité des situations et stratégies, témoignant de l'importance du rôle d'intermédiation de ces acteurs dans l'approvisionnement de Hanoï malgré l'absence de reconnaissance de leur statut par l'administration.This article studies the informal sale of vegetables in the urban space of Hanoï City, Vietnam, a phenomenon that has been little studied in the economic literature until now. In order to analyse the role and the scope of informal selling, we carried out a spatial screening of Hanoï, mapped the distribution of informal vendors. We then interviewed them to understand their selling and adaptation strategies in the urban context.In results, the presence of many street markets of different sizes, significantly correlated with population density, shows, both their functional and structural characters in the city's food system. Four profiles of informal vendors have been distinguished in regard to the diversity of situations and strategies, which show the importance of the intermediation role of these actors in the supply of Hanoï despite the lack of recognition of their status by the administration.This census also shows the importance of proximity regarding the city's food supply chains. Informal vendors play a key role in developing close relationships with vegetable suppliers. They are able to transport food products rapidly and make them available close to the consumers. Transactions are frequent and, as in a recurring game, trust relationships are established. These complex links combine legal and illegal, written and oral contracts, officials and under-the-table payments, rules that can be referred to as proximity governance. This is one of the main reasons why informal food selling practices persist, despite the modernisation policy of developing infrastructure of food markets and shopping outlets in Hanoï.
- Microaventure : une autoproduction sauvage de l'expérience touristique de proximité ? - Hélène Michel, Marielle Salvador, Dominique Kreziak p. 807-824 Cette recherche analyse la microaventure, une aventure courte et proche de chez soi, comme une nouvelle forme d'expérience touristique qui réenchante le quotidien et le rapport au territoire de proximité. Une étude exploratoire a été réalisée auprès de groupes de pratiquants de microaventure au sommet du Mont Aiguille (Alpes françaises). Elle révèle trois registres d'expérience : la performance, la collection et le jeu. Si la microaventure correspond à une expérience autoproduite, nos résultats soulignent les subtilités de l'autoproduction d'expérience dans un contexte touristique en distinguant trois formes : accompagnée, facilitée et sauvage. Cette dernière se caractérise par une liberté débridée de ses adeptes qui la rendent délicate à apprivoiser par les acteurs touristiques.Microadventure is a short and local adventure, popularized by the exploratory and author Alistair Humphreys in 2014. This term may cover already existing practices that are not necessarily designated as such by its followers. Microadventure is a form of the “staycation” phenomenon, a neologism mixing the terms “stay” and “vacation”, which designates the fact of spending one's holidays on one's own territory. Microadventure has received increasing interest from consumers, the media and tourism stakeholders, but little attention from the scientific community. By catalyzing questions about several emerging tourism phenomena, it offers an opportunity for original analysis. Indeed, this could increase in the coming years with growing geopolitical, health, ecological and economic constraints.This research analyzes microadventure as a new form of tourist experience re-enchanting everyday life and the surrounding area, from the perspective of self-production of tourism experience and consumer agency. Data were collected from three groups of local mountain climbers at a famous climbing site in the French Northern Alps (Mont Aiguille), during a two-day trip including an overnight wilderness camping at the top of the moutain. Following an ethnomarketing approach, data emcompass on site interviews on motivations, expectations, inspirations and material equipment from technical technical gear, to food and artefacts, immersive observations, research logbook, pictures, and feedback from the respondents. Our results reveal three categories of microaventure practices: performance, collection and play, echoing an assisted, a facilitated and a wild form of self-produced tourist experience. The latter is characterized by an unbridled freedom of its followers that make it difficult to tame by tourist actors.
- L'impact de la délégation de service public (DSP) sur l'activité des aéroports locaux - Michel Carrard, Mourad Kertous, Abdelhak Nassiri p. 695-720
Note de recherche
- L'État dans la régulation locale : le cas des aides fiscales à l'investissement locatif des ménages en France - Pierre Le Brun p. 827-841 Cette note de recherche documente l'influence de l'État central dans l'orientation géographique des investissements immobiliers. Depuis 2009, les aides fiscales à l'investissement locatif des ménages (actuel dispositif Pinel) ne sont disponibles que sur une part de plus en plus restreinte du territoire national. Le recul des périmètres d'éligibilité à ces dispositifs, mis en place par étape, s'accompagne d'une augmentation de leur poids budgétaire global. Il résulte de cette politique une concentration géographique des aides à l'investissement immobilier des ménages dans les zones où la demande locative est estimée suffisante. Ce fléchage géographique des aides semble répondre à une volonté des décideurs publics de protéger la rentabilité des investissements locatifs des ménages en les canalisant vers les zones dites tendues où la demande locative est plus forte. Les résultats présentés soulignent l'intérêt d'une étude des formes géographiques de la régulation des marchés du logement.This paper looks into the connections between housing production, public policies and household wealth accumulation. It argues that institutional forms of regulation should be considered through a geographical lens. Relying on the study of place-based rental investment tax subsidies for households in France, the main argument is that despite the decline of Fordism, the central State remains very influential in channeling the rental investments of households to specific geographical areas. While households benefitting from tax subsidies financed around a third of new French multifamily housing during the 2000s, the eligible areas for this scheme have been significantly reduced since 2009. Although this tax incentive is commonly acknowledged as a pillar of housing production regulation, little attention has been paid to its geographical dimension. This paper shows how the progressive reduction of the areas eligible for these schemes has gone hand in hand with an increase in their overall budgetary weight. In 2009, the tax rebate was available throughout the country and cost around 0.59 billion euros. In 2018, only 6.4 % of French municipalities were eligible for the scheme, for a loss in tax revenue of over 2.1 billion euros. The geographical concentration of these subsidies has targeted high demand areas (metropolitan, coastal or cross-border municipalities). Drawing on an examination of grey literature and minutes from National Assembly debates, the paper argues that this geographical targeting stems from the desire of policymakers to protect the profitability of household investments. Finally, it suggests that by constructing rental housing as a low-risk, subsidised investment for households, policymakers are likely to foster the "rentierization" (Christophers, 2019) of the French housing economy.
- L'État dans la régulation locale : le cas des aides fiscales à l'investissement locatif des ménages en France - Pierre Le Brun p. 827-841
Lectures bibliographiques
- Lectures - Ludovic Jeanne, André Joyal p. 845-852
- La chronique de Claude Lacour - Claude Lacour p. 853-870
- Lectures - Ludovic Jeanne, André Joyal p. 845-852