Contenu du sommaire : Le management public.
Revue | Revue française d'administration publique |
Numéro | no 24, 1982/4 |
Titre du numéro | Le management public. |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n°24 - p. 3 pages
Le management public
- Avant-propos - Jean-Marie Duffau p. 4 pages
- Science administrative, management public et analyse des politiques publiques - Jean-Pierre Nioche p. 15 pages Administrative science — public management analysis of public policies. Outlining an interpretation of how the main types of administration analysis and their interrelationship have evolved, the author sets out to define the nature of the organizational revolution of which public management is an essential part, as against the institutional tradition of administrative science. An assessment of the limits of this revolution leads to query whether the analysis of public policies does not open up a third avenue, next to the two first-mentioned procedures, of analysis and action upon the administrative phenomenon.
- Productivité et évaluation de programme aux États-Unis - Charles R. Wise, Lois Recascino-Wise p. 13 pages Productivity and program evaluation in the United-States. A growing need has made itself felt over the past years within US administration for accounting for administrative action, leading to a ‘productionist movement', based upon two main ideas : the development of a precise and usable evaluation of the output and productivity of organizations and that of a method by which it would be possible to translate evaluation findings into reliable and adequate data on current programs with a view to spelling out organizational objectives and achieving relevant results.
- Les paradoxes du management public - Romain Laufer, Alain Burlaud p. 14 pages Paradoxical issues of public management. Public management having reached a certain apex by now, one may query whether there will remain a lasting impact upon the process of public administration, particularly in the face of quite a series of paradoxical issues which have arisen in this context. There is flrst of all the paradox of the French public sector's development without a parallel growth in public management ; another paradox lies in the very definition of public management ; ail these issues find a concrete illustration in the case of nationalizations.
- Rationalité juridique et rationalité managériale dans l'Administration française - Jacques Chevallier, Danièle Lochak p. 42 pages Legal and managerial rationale in the french administration. If one follows the statements of higher French civil servants, one is led to believe that the French administration is completely given over to management and its logics. However, even though such statements reveal quite a change in approach and valuation within the upper ranks of civil servants, the fact remains that the traditional administrative model still prevails, the machinery being caught between two conflicting rationalities, one legal, the other managerial, which oppose each other (cf. lst part : the conflicting rationale), while they also combine in practice (cf. part 2 : the interweaving rationale).
- Gestion et différences culturelles - Guy Desaunay p. 8 pages Management and cultural discrepancies. With a European-style managerial System, African companies do not reach corresponding performance levels. Among the many reasons therefore, cultural factors cannot be denied. Indeed, what accounts for the lower yield of techniques and their poor image or infrequent use in strategies is the different mental and moral background of users as against that of those who created them to their image and likeness. Such a différence is not to be viewed as either a gap or backwardness, but rather originates from the socio-cultural idiosyncracy of the African countries whose organizations cannot work according to alien raies, which are therefore inappropriate.
Chronique administrative
- Au jour le jour (15 juillet-15 octobre 1982) - Yves Mény, Philippe Dressayre, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger p. 15 pages
- Le point sur : La réforme du statut de la communication audiovisuelle - Yves Mény, Philippe Dressayre, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger p. 7 pages
- Annexe : Décentralisation, liste des textes intervenus depuis la loi du 2 mars 1982 - Yves Mény, Philippe Dressayre, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger p. 3 pages
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion, Michel Durupty, Cécile Bourcheix p. 16 pages
Chronique des colloques
- I. La recherche locale et la science administrative (Note de synthèse) - Jacques Chevallier p. 5 pages
- II. Formation et éducation dans l'administration publique. Colloque organisé à La Haye les 26, 27 et 28 mai 1982 - Jean-Pierre Dubois, Pierre Boutelet p. 11 pages
- III. Les missions de l'Université française à l'égard du tiers-monde. Colloque organisé à Paris VII Campus Jussieu, les 22, 23 juin 1982 - Brigitte Nicolas p. 3 pages
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Camau (Michel), Amrani (Fadila), Ben Achour (Rafaâ) : Contrôle politique et régulations électorales en Tunisie. Centre d'études, de recherches et de publications, Faculté de Droit de Tunis. Collection Maghreb contemporain, Centre d'études et de recherches sur les sociétés méditerranéennes, Edisud ; Imprimerie officielle de la République tunisienne, 1981 - Jean-Philippe Bras p. 2 pages
- Delion (André G.) et Durupty (Michel), Les nationalisations 1982, Economica, Paris, 1982 - Achille Mestre p. 2 pages
- Linotte (Didier), Mestre (Achille) : Services publics et Droit public économique, Tome 1. Librairies techniques, 1982 - Laurent Richer p. 2 pages
- Loquet (Patrick) : Les commissions parlementaires permanentes de la Ve République. Paris, PUF, 1982 - Christian Bidegaray p. 3 pages
- Mescheriakoff (Alain-Serge) : Le droit administratif ivoirien, Collection La vie du droit en Afrique, Economica, Paris, 1982 - Jean de Gaudusson p. 2 pages
- Padioleau (Jean-G.) : Quand la France s'enferre. PUF. Coll. Sociologis. 1981 - Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot p. 3 pages
- Revues et périodiques - p. 12 pages
- Résumés des articles - p. 4 pages