Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Revue française d'administration publique |
Numéro | no 13, 1980/1 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n° 13 - p. 1 page
Fiscalité et développement. Travaux du séminaire organisé par les ministères de l'Économie et du Budget. Paris, 26-30 novembre 1979
- Avant-propos - Philippe Rouvillois p. 2 pages
- Présentation générale - Bernard Castagnède p. 6 pages
Fiscalité, croissance et modèles de développement
- Panorama de la croissance économique des États africains, 1960-1977 - Daniel Duverger p. 22 pages Overview of economic growth trends in African States-1960-77. The first two papers, discussing growth factors in African economies, arrive at similar conclusions through divergent analyses: the great variety of economic growth patterns, on the one hand and the sizable share of foreign trade and respective terms of trade in the growth of public revenue, on the other.
- Fiscalité et croissance dans les États de la Zone franc - Daniel Duverger p. 9 pages Taxation and growth in the Franc-zone States. The first two papers, discussing growth factors in African economies, arrive at similar conclusions through divergent analyses: the great variety of economic growth patterns, on the one hand and the sizable share of foreign trade and respective terms of trade in the growth of public revenue, on the other.
- Éléments du débat - Bosc, Daniel Duverger, Pierre Lalumière, Bernard Castagnède p. 7 pages
- Fiscalité et modèles de croissance - Gaston Olive, Annick Letourmy p. 10 pages Taxation and growth models. G. Olive and A. Letourmy present a model which serves to illustrate the relations existing between taxation and the economy, and more particularly the possible interaction between growth rates in production and the tax burden. After outlining a simplified development model indicating the main links between taxation and the economy, but leaving aside indirect effects of tax policies and growth stimulants on model ratios, they offer a more complete model affording a more realistic approach than the first.
- Les difficultés de la réforme fiscale : l'exemple du Pérou - Jacques Garelick p. 7 pages The difficult tax reform : the Peruvian example. J. Garelick outlines the difficulties of tax reform in Peru to point out that the main issue was one of compatibility of the financial imperatives of tax reform with the political goals of government, which he illustrates by listing the various hurdles the government had to clear to be able to streamline the system.
- Panorama de la croissance économique des États africains, 1960-1977 - Daniel Duverger p. 22 pages
Fiscalité et investissement
- Le régime juridique et fiscal des mesures d'encouragement aux investissements dans les pays en voie de développement : les codes des investissements - François Corfmat p. 18 pages The Legal and Fiscal Aspects of Investment Promotion in Developing Countries. After listing the main policies for encouraging investment through favorable taxation as found in most of the investment codes of French-speaking Africa, the author questions the economic advantages resulting from or meant to result from favorable taxation. He states that in some cases fiscal advantages granted to stimulate investment may have boomerang effects on the economy, to finally outline the proper conditions which tax advantages ought to meet for investment purposes, viz — the need for selecting the right economic sectors to privilege — the need for selecting feasible projects — the need for costing exemptions in terms of loss of revenue for the State.
- Investissements étrangers dans les pays en développement : aspects fiscaux internationaux - Jean-François Court p. 24 pages Foreign Investment in Developing Countries : International Taxation Issues. Naturally, foreign investments raise international taxation issues. This imposes on grantees and more particularly developing countries political options to take in matters of economy and taxation which call for due consideration of whatever interaction there may be with the tax system of the developed countries of origin. Such an interaction, if any, has to be regulated by bilateral ad hoc arrangements or more conventional tax agreements. The latter undoubtedly present advantages for foreign investors through extending a safe protection of their interests.
- Éléments du débat - M. Penouil, M. Baconnier, Bernard Castagnède p. 6 pages
- Le régime juridique et fiscal des mesures d'encouragement aux investissements dans les pays en voie de développement : les codes des investissements - François Corfmat p. 18 pages
Fiscalité et politique de développement agricole
- Note introductive - Philippe Benedic p. 21 pages Taxation and Agricultural Development Policy. A Short Introduction. The author presents an overview of agricultural taxation in Africa by discussing successively : direct taxation, indirect taxation and the problem of State pricing of agricultural produce, to arrive at the following main conclusions : As regards direct taxation, the real-estate tax yield still offers ample space for improvement depending preeminently on political options to be decided upon by the various States. As regards indirect taxation, exit dues charged on export goods account for a large part of State revenue. The pricing of agricultural produce represents quite a powerful tool in the hands of the State by enabling it to guarantee an attractive income to farmers, develop agricultural production, and streamline cash-flow into Treasury. Nevertheless, it is liable to get diverted from its original purpose.
- Éléments du débat - M. Winter, Pierre Lalumière, Philippe Benedic, M. Penouil, Schmandt p. 5 pages
- Note introductive - Philippe Benedic p. 21 pages
Techniques fiscales et développement économique
- I. Le contrôle fiscal dans les états en développement : l'exemple de la Haute-Volta - Olivier Stein p. 11 pages Taxation techniques and economic development. This topic was presented through a live picture of taxation in Upper Volta by Olivier Stein. After explaining the reasons for requiring tax controls referring in particular to mushrooming of African companies which on account of their being outside the normal fiscal flow are quite unable to jump in for retreating European firms by taking up their tax burden, the author indicates various policies adopted in this country to tax wider parts of local populations, whereby he shows that there is no point in just extending tax assessment by imposing new taxes or checking systematically tax relief claims, but that it is necessary instead to integrate into the “normal taxation process” all those which move within — official or unofficial — economic channels and which are not at all concerned by taxes.
- II. Éléments du débat général - Bosc, Pierre Lalumière, Conrie, David, Gaston Olive, Bernard Castagnède, Olivier Stein p. 8 pages
III. L'informatisation des procédures fiscales et douanières
- 1. Aperçu général - Jean-Paul Baquiast p. 2 pages
- 2. Exposé du système SUD (Système unifié de dédouanement) - Jean-Claude Lasserre p. 10 pages
- 3. Éléments du débat - p. 4 pages
- I. Le contrôle fiscal dans les états en développement : l'exemple de la Haute-Volta - Olivier Stein p. 11 pages
- Liste des participants - p. 5 pages
Chronique de l'administration française
- Au jour le jour (1er novembre 1979 — 31 janvier 1980) - Georges Dupuis, Céline Wiener, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Violaine Massenet p. 18 pages
- Le point sur : les nouvelles institutions administratives de l'informatique - Herbert Maisl p. 4 pages
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion, Michel Durupty p. 18 pages
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Bayart (Jean-François) : L'État au Cameroun. Paris, Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1979 - Yves-André Fauré p. 3 pages
- Bourges (Hervé), Wauthier (Claude) : Les 50 Afriques. Préface de Joseph Ki-zerbo et Postface de Samir Amin. 2 t. Paris, Le Seuil, 1979 (Coll. « L'histoire immédiate ».) - Pierre Mirel p. 3 pages
- Dufau (Jean) : Les concessions de service public, Paris, Éd. du Moniteur, 1979 - Jean de Gaudusson p. 3 pages
- Favoreu (Louis), Philip (Loïc) : Les grandes décisions du Conseil constitutionnel, Paris, Sirey, 1979, 2e éd - Pierre Sadran p. 2 pages
- Les Entreprises publiques en Afrique noire par F. Constantin, C. Coulon, J. du Bois de Gaudusson, J.-C. Gautron, B. Zuber. Avant-propos de D.-G. Lavroff. Paris, Pedone, 1979, 285 p. (Bibliothèque de l'Institut d'études politiques de Bordeaux, Centre d'Étude d'Afrique noire) - Marc Debene p. 4 pages
- Thuillier (Guy) : Regards sur la haute administration en France. Paris, Éditions Economica, 1979 - Jeanne Siwek-Poudesseau p. 3 pages
- Revues et périodiques - p. 22 pages
- Résumés des articles - p. 11 pages