Contenu du sommaire : L'administration économique et financière.

Revue Revue française d'administration publique Mir@bel
Numéro no 10, 1979/2
Titre du numéro L'administration économique et financière.
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Sommaire du n°10 - p. 3 pages accès libre
  • Études

    • L'administration de l'Économie et des Finances en France - Philippe Huet p. 30 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Economic and financial administration in France The author examines structural changes that hâve taken place since 1929 within the French Economie and Finance Department by showing how the new reality resulting from the extraordinary development of the State function in our advanced industrial society has been grafted on an ancient institution to meet the basic requirements of any constituted body corporate, viz. to have the ways and means for common action. By pinpointing the continued adjustment process which transpires from the history of this department to meet new challenges, the author bears out the fact that Administration is living and reacting like a living organism which will stick to traditional values while adjusting for pressing demands from its social environment and new tasks assigned by the body politic to justify its lasting existence.
    • L'Administration économique et financière en Grande-Bretagne : le mécanisme budgétaire central - Maurice Wright p. 30 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Economic and financial administration in Great-Britain : the central budgetary mechanism There is no medium-term economic planning in Great-Britain. The economy is governed by a short-term, day-to-day System. In addition, there is a well-established public sector resource allocation planning System. The author focusses his attention on this aspect rather than on the formulation and implementation of economic policies. A spécial section deals with resource allocation in the wider context of mechanics and procedures whereby économie, financial and fiscal policies are formulated ; a detailed analysis is provided of the planning System and expenditure control in the public sector.
    • Le système d'information dans la planification budgétaire et financière dans l'exécution du budget en République Fédérale d'Allemagne - Winfried Roth p. 15 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The information system in budgetary and financial planning and budget implementation in the federal republic of Germany The author analyses the information system which is operative in financial planning and budget implémentation to demonstrate that despite some analogies, there are substantial différences in organization and procedure as regards the information process applicable during both stages. Thus, even though the targets are identical, viz. provide the decision-makers with the necessary data, actual procedures vary according to the individual needs of each process.
    • L'administration économique et financière aux États-Unis - Joseph Pois p. 20 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Economic and financial administration in the United-States The author analyses the various factors which have contributed to the présent structure whereby the United-States formulate and implement fiscal, monetary and économie policies. A survey is provided of some salient features of economic and financial administration in the United-States, in particular the Treasury Office of Management and Budget, the Council of Economic Advisers and the Federal Reserve System. He finally stresses the important function of Congress by discussing the General Accounting Office.
    • L'Administration économique au Maroc - Abdallah Berrada, Alain Claisse p. 22 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Economic administration in morocco The full deployment of national resources, both manpower and material, has started right on Independence Day and has been taken care of by a large Economie and Finance Department, which had to face very soon the political and social discrepancies and conflicts that beset the new Moroccan society (1956-1966). After a period of hésitation when the need for maintaining the existing political order prevailed over the urge for a well-ordered économic development, Morocco set up quite an advanced forecasting and planning mechanism which was getting dominated by an expanding financial administration. The Moroccan economic administration witnesses, at présent, a somewhat artificial growth of its central services. This difficulty, which implies a strong risk of entailing a process of administrative balkanisation, is due to a lack of necessary différentiation between management and control, effective and formai control ; this drawback might be overcome by a better grasp of the économie mechanism and an increased rigour in management and control.
    • Les rapports de pouvoirs entre l'INSEE, la Direction de la prévision et le Commissariat général du plan et leur évolution. Un cas exemplaire : l'élaboration du modèle physico-financier (FIFI) utilisé pour le VIe plan - Lucien Nizard p. 28 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The present state and developments of the relations of power between the INSEE, the directorate of forecasting and the french planning authority The author analyses recent changes in the relations of power between these three public bodies following the formulation and use of the quantitative-financial model set up for the 6th Plan, for indeed the use of the Fifi model has brought about a major change in relations between forecasters and decision-makers, on account of two types of constraints : those imposed by the model on experts and those, different from the first, imposed on the decision-makers through the straight and fast dividing-line set by the model between forecasting and decision-makiug. This provides the expert with stronger powers, since his control is undetermined, as it seems. Yet his autonomy decreases with respect to the decision-maker. The inter-relationship between both has to become such as to establish a continued collaboration where forecasting and decision-making become an intimate mix.
  • Chroniques

  • Informations bibliographiques

  • Résumés des articles - p. 12 pages accès libre