Contenu du sommaire : L'administration et la construction européenne
Revue | Revue française d'administration publique |
Numéro | no 48, 1988/4 |
Titre du numéro | L'administration et la construction européenne |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n°48 - p. 4 pages
L'administration et la construction européenne
- Avant-propos - Edith Cresson p. 1 page
Administrations centrales : quelles contraintes ?
- L'administration française face à la règle communautaire - Alexandre Carnelutti p. 17 pages EEC Law and the French Government. The extension of EEC authority and norms confronts the French Government with a new situation. It is becoming increasingly involved in shaping the new norms, and having to revamp its administrative procedures for maximum impact upstream in the EEC decision-making processes. More French experts are spending more time in Brussels. Domestic application of EEC law présupposés substantial commitments to publication and transposition into domestic legal terms - France is ail too frequently faulted for applying EEC law incompletely or not at ail. The French Government should learn to adopt an EEC frame of mind when formulating national policy in future.
- La collaboration entre les communautés et les administrations nationales - Sean Van Raepenbusch p. 5 pages Member Governments and the EEC. This article covers the committees and teams of government experts that interface at ail levels of the EEC and member governments to assist the Council and Commission. It also describes the civil servant exchange program between the Commission and member governments that was started in 1977.
- L'application des directives communautaires par les administrations nationales (étude comparative) - Heinrich Siedentopf, Christoph Hauschild p. 9 pages Application of EEC Directives by Member Governments. This article describes a systematic comparative study of how EEC legislation has been applied by member governments, and shows that the considerable inconsistencies of application resuit from the same obstacles and bureaucratie resistance facing national legislation. The study begins by mapping government administrative areas of responsibility and stresses the need for adequate administrative resources to implement EEC law. It then distinguishes between pragmatic and legislative government administrations, and between private interest groups whose relationships with governments are based on either conflict or consensus.
- L'administration française face à la règle communautaire - Alexandre Carnelutti p. 17 pages
Collectivités locales : quelles perspectives ?
- La Communauté et les collectivités locales - Jacques Biancarelli p. 15 pages Local Authorities and the EEC. Local authorities have become fully subject to EEC law. This article explains their new obligations, including tendering procedure, hiring policy and economie intervention, as well as new legal and Financial rights. It further examines the complexity of EEC/local authority relations, since EEC law ambivalently provides for interventionist means to attain non-interventionist ends, and covers the resulting conflicts arising in certain member countries between national govemment and local authorities over respective areas of responsibility : to date ail have been settled in favor of central government. It also shows how local authorities have become a key issue in shaping the European Community since both the EEC and member governments seem reluctant to facing up to powerful, independent authorities by 1993.
- La Communauté et les collectivités locales - Jacques Biancarelli p. 15 pages
Fonctions publiques nationales et impératifs communautaires
- La Communauté et les fonctions publiques nationales (l'article 48, § 4 du traité CEE) - Julian Currall p. 10 pages National Public Administrations and Article 48 (4) EEC Treaty. Nationals of one Community member State have access to ail jobs in every other, except those in the “public administration” : Article 48 (4) EEC Treaty. Community case-law defines this exception narrowly : it only covers jobs involving exercise of public authority and protection of essential national interests. The Commission of the European Communities therefore considers that among the public sector jobs open to ail Community nationals are : teaching in State schools, most jobs in public hospitals and jobs in public commercial organisations. The article examines the case-law, explains the Commission's view and deals with some unjustified fears which have been aroused in the Member States.
- La formation des fonctionnaires en droit communautaire. Extrait d'une étude de la Section du rapport et des études du Conseil d'État - p. 7 pages EEC Law and Civil Servant Training. Almost no EEC law is taught in French civil service initial training at présent. Indeed, there are very few legal experts in EEC affairs. The Single European Act will lead to increased demand in this field, requiring more training in EEC law, basic and advanced. This article examines how a spécial school of EEC law might meet such demand. It also makes recommendations for the legal affairs departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SGCI, the French coordinating body for EEC affairs.
- La Communauté et les fonctions publiques nationales (l'article 48, § 4 du traité CEE) - Julian Currall p. 10 pages
Vie économique et professions dans la communauté
- 1988, Année «Marchés publics» ? - Christine Bréchon-Moulènes p. 12 pages 1988 : Government Contracting Year. The EEC Commission declared government contracting a priority issue for 1988. Its motives were the alarming cost of ‘Non-Europe' cited in one survey, and the symbolic value of government procurement as an indicator of the common will to make a success of 1992. This article covers the three types of directives being drafted. The former Capital Schemes and General Supplies Directive involves a straightfor-ward rewrite of the General Supplies text and a true overhaul for ‘Special Capital Schemes'. The second type of directives cover new domaines (water, energy, public transport and telecommunications) with vast economie interests at stake. Under-standably, the Commission is busy building Europe with one eye on the USA and the other on Japan. Lastly, the Recourse Directive opens a Pandora's box due do the sensitivity of member governments about national sovereignty and to fundamental differences in existing national legal Systems.
- Les professions réglementées face à 1992 - Jean-Pierre Boivin, Alexandre Carnelutti p. 15 pages Regulated Professions and the 1992 Challenge. A proper understanding of the legal and economie framework for the Single European Market should dissipate any fears of over-aggressive competition. In fact, the Single Market will mostly affect those professions already having international operations. However, the service sector will expand considerably to the detriment of any nation caught unprepared. Furthermore, the French professions suffer from certain serious and specifie handicaps. This article argues that the Single Market offers unique opportunities given the momentum for greater mobility in the service sector that results from the Single European Act. Member States and national professional bodies should take the lead without awaiting some hypothetical consensus to materialize.
- Les chambres de commerce face au grand marché - François Essig p. 8 pages Member Chambers of Commerce and The Single European Act. Through ‘Eurochamber', chambers of commerce throughout EEC Member States were among the earliest supporters of the Single European Market. This article reviews the major training programs and information campaigns involved. It describes the leading role played by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry since 1987 in founding the Mission Europe 1992 think tank, an information and advisory service, and the large-scale information campaign launched nationwide by the CCI Permanent Assembly. It also describes the recently established europewide business information service.
- 1988, Année «Marchés publics» ? - Christine Bréchon-Moulènes p. 12 pages
- Dimension territoriale de la politique et dynamiques d'échange - Leonardo Parri p. 14 pages The Territorial Dimension of Politics and Exchange Dynamics. Criticizing the traditional formal and hierarchical approaches, the article presents an exchange-based conceptual framework for the understanding of the relations between the levels of government. National and subnational governments are considered as complex organizations exchanging the power resources they possess in the course of the negotiation of the contents of the outputs and outcomes of the nationwide integrated public policies. This policy-linked negotiation is called territorial political exchange, TPE. On the basis of the concept of TPE, classic notions like territorial politics, centralization level and peripheral autonomy are reformulated.
- Élaboration des politiques publiques et mobilisation sociale : le cas de l'environnement, de la consommation et des droits de la femme - Calliope Spanou p. 11 pages Public Policymaking for the Environment, Consumer Action and Women's Rights. Support from non-profit action groups has considerably enhanced the efficacy of the Ministries of the Environment, Consumer Rights and Women's Rights. Ministries are now coordinating activities directly with such groups. This article describes why this approach is less effective for the formulation of public policy or where potential support lacks organizational structure, homogeneity or coherence.
- Dimension territoriale de la politique et dynamiques d'échange - Leonardo Parri p. 14 pages
Chronique de l'administration française
- Au jour le jour (1er juillet 1988 - 15 octobre 1988) - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 10 pages
- Le point sur : l'impact de la décentralisation sur la coopération intercommunale - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 8 pages
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion, Michel Durupty p. 15 pages
Chronique des colloques
- Rencontre entre le Conseil d'État français et la Cour suprême des États-Unis d'Amérique. IIAP, Paris, 11-13 juillet 1988 - p. 4 pages
- Administration sans bureaucratie. Table ronde organisée par l'Institut international des Sciences administratives (USA), Budapest, 30 août-2 septembre 1988 - Catherine Bourtembourg p. 3 pages
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Rouban (Luc). - L'État et la science -La politique publique de la science et de la technologie. - Paris : Éd. du CNRS, 1988 - Alain Claisse p. 2 pages
- Gaillard (J.). (Textes rassemblés et présentés par). - Politique , programmation, gestion de la recherche pour le développement. - Paris : IIAP, Ministère de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur, ministère de la coopération, UNESCO, 1988 Booth (Tim). - Developing Policy Research - Adlershot : Gower, 1988 - François Durand p. 2 pages
- Ménier (Jacques). - Les inspections générales. - Paris : Bcrger-Levrault, 1988 - Anne Gazier p. 2 pages
- Mercier (Jean). - Les Québécois, entre l'État et l'entreprise. - Montréal : Éditions de l'Hexagone, 1988 - Anne Gazier p. 2 pages
- Drewry (Gavin) ; Butcher (Tony). - The Civil Service today. - Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1988 - p. 1 page
- Abstracts - p. 3 pages