Contenu du sommaire : Le système de santé en question.

Revue Revue française d'études américaines Mir@bel
Numéro no 77, juin 1998
Titre du numéro Le système de santé en question.
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Introduction - Eveline Thevenard p. 18 pages accès libre
  • Professionalism and Institutional Ethics: Salvaging the Future of American Medecine - Eliot Freidson p. 17 pages accès libre avec résumé
    Au cours des trois dernières décennies le système de santé américain a subi de profonds bouleversements : la généralisation des systèmes d'assurance, l'apparition de technologies sophistiquées et la prolifération de structures médicales à but lucratif ont eu une influence considérable sur les conditions d'exercice de la médecine. La relation médecin-malade se trouve modifiée, le praticien n'est plus libre de ses décisions cliniques. Ces changements menacent le professionnalisme des médecins et risquent de les réduire à de simples techniciens. Le code de 1847, qui énonce les principes fondamentaux de l'éthique médicale, doit être adapté, afin de définir des normes régissant les rapports des médecins avec leur environnement économique dans le but de préserver l'intérêt du patient et de sauvegarder le caractère spécifique de la profession médicale.
  • Managed Care et Pharmacy Benefit Managers : une source d'inspiration pour la France ? - Pierre-Jean Lancry p. 8 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This article provides a brief overview of a specific aspect of managed care : Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs), which are used by an increasing number of health insurers interested in controlling prescription drug costs. The article highlights their role in managing costs and providing better coordination of health services. In spite of major differences between the two systems, recently proposed health care reforms in France also aim to control costs and coordinate services. Can managed care be the solution ?
  • La procréation médicalement assistée : enjeux et politiques - Jennifer Merchant p. 16 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This article seeks to explore the major techniques, issues, and nascent public policy governing the practice of medically assisted procreation (MAP). On the one hand, the absence of federal regulation has encouraged the development of what some analysts call the "supermarket of procreation" , wherein only financially privileged individuals have access to new reproductive technologies. This market's value is inflated by alarmist discourses, both in popular and scientific literature, relative to supposed high rates of sterility among Americans, especially women. Meanwhile, throughout the different states, access to MAP is undergoing a certain number of restrictions. Regulations varying from state to state, for the most part emanating from the judicial system or adopted by state legislatures in accordance with judicial rulings, have a tendency to facilitate this access for married heterosexual couples with significant financial means. This has led to the political mobilization of a number of feminist, homosexual, and consumer interest groups who denounce discriminatory practices and call for unlimited access to MAP in the name of the "right to privacy" in matters of procreation as established by the Supreme Court from Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) to Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992).
  • Les effets pervers des réseaux de soin coordonnés - Elisabeth Chamorand p. 16 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    For-profit corporations have transformed the health care delivery system with the growth of prospective payment. This paper explores the consequences of this "managed care revolution " for patients, caregivers and the public at large.
  • Les entreprises américaines et l'assurance maladie des retraités : la norme comptable 106 - Michel Antoine p. 10 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The adoption in 1990 by the Financial Accounting Standards Board of a new standard (SFAS 106) on accounting for post-retirement benefits other than pensions triggered off significant cuts in the retiree health benefits granted by many U.S. corporations to their former employees. This paper investigates the circumstances in which this new standard was issued, and used by employers for terminating some of their earlier commitments.
  • Fédéralisme et système de santé : initiatives locales de réforme de l'assurance maladie - Eveline Thevenard p. 15 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Even before the demise of the Clinton reform plan, some states and localities had taken the lead in expanding health insurance for their residents. The failure of the federal initiative along with exploding costs has encouraged many states to move forward with their own efforts to implement reform. Can local initiatives be an engine of change, both on the state and federal level ? These local policy innovations also raise the issue of the role of federalism in health care reform and highlight the need for a new intergovernmental partnership.
  • Hors thème

    • La justice-spectacle aux Etats-Unis - Régine Hollander p. 18 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The theatricality of American justice is inscribed in the U.S. Constitution and inherent in the adversarial system of jury trials. Far from frowning upon the commercial exploitation of the legal process by the cinema, American professors occasionally use movies as teaching tools in law schools. U.S. trial lawyers often see themselves as actors in real-life courtroom dramas and some even take acting classes. A few find a second career on television where numerous programs tap the theatricality of American justice and the interest it inspires in TV-viewers.
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