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Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine ![]() |
Numéro | no 1, février 2024 |
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- La Responsabilité Territoriale des Entreprises, agenda de recherche - Maryline Filippi p. 5-23 Dans une société soumise aux demandes croissantes de prise en considération de l'environnement et du social, le territoire s'affirme plus que jamais comme le lieu des transformations et des réponses aux défis complexes. Alors que les entreprises peinent à établir leur responsabilité sociétale, cet article souligne l'originalité de la notion de Responsabilité Territoriale des Entreprises procédant à un changement radical d'approche. À partir d'une analyse de la littérature, nous étayons l'idée qu'il s'agit d'un entreprendre en collectif et en responsabilité pour le bien commun, renouvelant les cadres d'analyse des processus de développement territorial. Si l'Économie Sociale et Solidaire apparait comme un levier d'action pour impulser des dynamiques de coopération au sien des communautés, la RTE repose sur un basculement d'une conception individuelle à un construit collectif au plus près des besoins des acteurs dans les territoires, invitant à renouveler l'agenda de recherche.In a society subject to ever-increasing demands to take environmental and social dimensions into account, the territory is asserting itself more than ever as the place for transformations and responses to complex challenges. At a time when companies are struggling to establish their social responsibility, this article highlights the originality of the notion of Corporate Territorial Responsibility, which represents a radical change in approach. Based on an analysis of the literature, we support the idea that it's a question of undertaking collectively and responsibly for the common good, by renewing the frameworks for analyzing territorial development processes. While the Social and Solidarity Economy appears to be a lever for stimulating cooperative dynamics within communities, CTR is based on the transition from an individual conception to a collective construction that is as close as possible to the needs of local players. It underpins new, innovative and creative forms of collective action. The aim is to innovate in social and territorial practices that are specific to places and arrangements between players. It enables the sometimes-contradictory interests of local players to converge, and is part of a complex process of territorial anchoring, based on partnership, multi-level and long-term governance. Co-constructing schemes at the limits of public authorities' areas of competence requires innovation and the creation of new public, private and/or mixed partnerships. The territory becomes a means of recomposing the "making of society" by taking care of human and natural resources for living territorial ecosystems in the Anthropocene era. CTR thus invites us to rethink our analytical frameworks, identify new metrics and tools to measure the value created, and open up new research perspectives.
- Retour vers le Futur(oscope) : un développement territorial « bricolé » par un entrepreneur politique ? - Olivier Coussi, Bastien Bernela p. 25-45 Les politiques publiques de développement économique territorial s'inspirent depuis de nombreuses années de symboles comme celui de la Silicon Valley, alimentant les rêves des élus locaux. Si les processus d'évaluation permettent de dresser un état des lieux de l'efficience et de la performance ex post des chemins de développement territorial empruntés, ils ne permettent pas totalement de comprendre les mécanismes à l'œuvre dans leur fabrique. Cette recherche s'intéresse, de façon inductive, à la genèse et au développement du Futuroscope, figure emblématique et atypique du développement d'un territoire rural, au travers d'une étude de cas qualitative sur un temps long. Alors que la théorie du développement territorial néglige la dimension « action publique » et le rôle de l'élu comme entrepreneur politique, nous contribuons à cette littérature en proposant le concept de « bricolage territorial » comme mécanisme de production d'un chemin de développement territorial.For many years, public policies for territorial economic development have been inspired by symbols such as the Silicon Valley, fueling the dreams of local elected officials. While evaluation processes allow us to assess the efficiency and ex-post performance of the territorial development paths taken, they do not provide a complete understanding of the mechanisms at work in their manufacture. This qualitative research focuses inductively on the genesis and evolution of the Futuroscope, an emblematic and atypical figure in the development of a rural area, through a long-term case study. We therefore propose a secondary analysis in the form of a supra-analysis to clarify the mechanisms at work and to shed light on the case with the help of a specific theoretical approach. We show that territorial development does not necessarily produce a territorial ecosystem, or more precisely, that the implementation of a project can generate activity on a territory without sustainably creating productive interactions between stakeholders - interactions that are essential for the qualification of the ecosystem. While territorial development theory neglects the dimension of "public action" and the role of elected representatives as political entrepreneurs, we contribute to this literature by proposing the concept of "territorial bricolage" as a mechanism for producing a territorial development path. The identification of this mechanism of territorial innovation should be a source of inspiration for territorial managers in the implementation of public policies. In particular, in crisis situations, this innovation modality could produce a capacity for territorial resilience, in a combination of bricolage, effectuation and causation.
- Appréhender la proximité organisée avec la textométrie et l'analyse de réseaux : Une illustration par la gouvernance territoriale logistique en Région Occitanie - Julien Le-Van-Suu p. 47-75 Cet article propose différentes métriques pour évaluer la proximité organisée. La textométrie est notamment utilisée pour explorer un corpus d'entretiens semi-directifs afin d'appréhender la logique de similitude qui relie les acteurs du secteur logistique en Région Occitanie.Actuellement, la coordination entre secteur logistique et territoire repose sur des institutions telles que le Cluster Tenlog. Cependant, la création seule de ces instances ne peut répondre aux défis du secteur logistique, étant donné que les acteurs ont peu d'objectifs collectifs. Ainsi, la construction d'un langage commun, de modes de travail et d'une confiance mutuelle joue un rôle central dans les processus de coordination. La gouvernance logistique en Région Occitanie, dynamique et transactionnelle, constitue donc un exemple pertinent pour tester la méthodologie proposée.This article suggests multiple methods to approach organised proximity. A set of semi-structured interviews is analysed using textometry to explore the similarities between stakeholders in the logistics sector.A novel methodological approach provides quantifiable metrics for two essential logics: "similarity", which refers to a mental alignment with shared ideas, and "belonging", defined as the process of integrating individual actors into a unified network. In broadening the scope of organised proximity research, this study unveils a comprehensive framework that fuses textometry and network analysis. This integration offers a multidimensional viewpoint for understanding and gauging stakeholder interactions, significantly enriched by the introduction of a new entropy indicator.Public actors are engaged in promoting innovative, eco-friendly practices in logistics to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance spatial equity. They seek to establish themselves as coordinators in the sector, shaping strategies that address the collective needs of private actors. As it stands, institutions like the Tenlog Cluster may facilitate coordination. However, these organisations only partially meet the challenges in the logistics sector given that stakeholders frequently have disparate interests and objectives.As a result, coordination relies on institutions and associations such as the Tenlog Cluster. However, the creation of these entities cannot fully address the challenges of the logistics sector, as stakeholders have limited shared interests and objectives. Building a common language, working habits, and mutual trust may also improve the coordination process. The dynamic and transactional nature of logistical governance in the Occitanie region provides a relevant example establishing a connection between textometry, network analysis, and organised proximity.Going beyond theoretical contributions, this research offers actionable tools for logistics stakeholders. These tools can inform more effective policy-making by identifying areas where enhanced coordination can yield operational benefits.
- Achat public et restauration scolaire : motivations, freins et mise en œuvre de l'achat local en Île-de-France - Anaelle Mazin, Charlotte Da Cunha p. 77-102 Pour leur restauration scolaire, les collectivités territoriales cherchent de plus en plus à s'approvisionner en denrées alimentaires locales. Avec un focus sur l'Île-de-France, l'objectif de cet article est de comprendre comment les collectivités définissent le local, leurs motivations à s'approvisionner localement et comment cette volonté est mise en œuvre. Nous étudions les points de vue et pratiques de six collectivités territoriales au travers d'une enquête qualitative. Nous constatons que la définition du local peut varier entre et au sein des collectivités. Les acheteurs publics font face à des difficultés pouvant freiner leur capacité à acheter des produits locaux (législation, offre locale insuffisante, etc.). En nous inspirant de deux démarches concluantes, nous posons, en discussion, l'hypothèse qu'une approche mutualisée permettrait aux petites et moyennes collectivités de faciliter l'approvisionnement en denrées locales de la restauration scolaire grâce au recrutement d'un service dédié capable de développer une connaissance approfondie du tissu économique local.Even though favouring local goods is prohibited by the public procurement code, public buyers are increasingly keen to buy local foodstuffs for school catering. This article aims to understand what buying local foodstuffs means to public buyers and how they proceed to do so, with a focus on the Île-de-France region. In a qualitative survey, we interviewed six local authorities as well as various actors in the supply chain. We asked them to explain their perspectives and practices with regard to buy-local initiatives. In this article, we mainly use the data collected during interviews with local authorities and we found that there is no single accepted definition of what a local product is. There are almost as many definitions as there are actors. This article starts by introducing land-use planning policies in France and the will of local authorities to buy local foodstuffs. Next, we present the stakeholders we interviewed and the methods we used to collect and analyse data. Results are examined under two headings. First, the criteria public buyers value for their school catering are analysed, as well as the buyers' motivations to request such criteria. Then, we describe how local authorities implement their buy-local strategies and the difficulties they are confronted with. Results are then discussed in light of the scientific literature. Drawing from two successful experiences, we conclude that a pooling approach for policy-making for school catering within a territory might facilitate local procurement. We assume that the standardisation of the definition of a local product and of buying practices would clarify the demands of public buyers. Having only one contact point might also facilitate dialogue between stakeholders, enabling each other to take into consideration requirements and obstacles of other stakeholders.
- Objectif ZAN : comment prendre en compte les objectifs de non artificialisation des sols dans les schémas d'aménagement régionaux ? - Gwénaël Doré p. 103-129 En France, la loi portant sur la nouvelle organisation territoriale de la République (loi NOTRe) du 7 août 2015 a obligé les régions à se doter d'un SRADDET (Schéma régional d'aménagement, de développement durable et d'égalité des territoires) qui se veut prescriptif par rapport aux documents d'urbanisme inférieurs. Parallèlement, au cours des dix dernières années, s'est imposé un objectif de zéro artificialisation nette (ZAN), désormais rendu obligatoire par la loi Climat et résilience du 22 août 2021. Mais malgré leur caractère prescriptif fixé par la loi NOTRe, les SRADDET adoptés jusque-là s'avèrent peu prescriptifs à l'égard des documents d'urbanisme infrarégionaux, notamment en matière d'artificialisation des sols (ZAN). Or ils vont désormais devoir fixer des objectifs chiffrés en matière d'artificialisation des sols. Comment les SRADDET révisés vont-ils mettre en œuvre l'objectif de ZAN qui devra être répercuté dans les documents d'urbanisme inférieurs ?In France, the law on the new territorial organization of the Republic (NOTRe law) of August 7th 2015 obliged the regions to adopt a SRADDET (Regional Planning, Sustainable Development and Territorial Equality Scheme) which is intended to be prescriptive compared to inferior urban planning documents. At the same time, over the past ten years, a goal of zero net land artificialization (ZAN) has been imposed, now made mandatory by the Climate and Resilience Law of August 22nd 2021. In terms of artificialization, a favorable evolution has been noticeable in France for about ten years. As the largest territory of all the countries of the European Union, France is not threatened by massive artificialization. However, it is above the European average in terms of artificialization. The SRADDETs adopted so far are not very prescriptive with regard to sub-regional urban planning documents, particularly in terms of ZAN, but they will now have to set quantified objectives in terms of land artificialization, according to a timetable spread out until 2028. The objective of the ZAN puts the desire for development of all territories in tension against metropolitan concentration. We therefore need to consider how the provisions relating to the ZAN objective adopted in the framework of the Climate and Resilience Law of August 2021 will be taken up in the SRADDETs that need to be revised, and then in the lower urban planning documents. This article presents the process of implementation of the ZAN, analyses the content of the previously adopted SRADDETs and takes stock of the relations and exchanges between the region and the local levels, with a view to the territorialization of the ZAN objective.
- La mobilité domicile-travail des nouveaux résidents des villes moyennes françaises - Alexis Poulhès, Angèle Brachet p. 131-155 La récente mise en lumière des villes moyennes bouscule leur image de villes en déclin. Pourtant dans ces villes, peu de solutions modales alternatives à la voiture apparaissent efficaces aujourd'hui. Dans ce contexte de territoire à l'immobilier encore relativement abordable, le moment du déménagement est-il l'occasion pour les ménages de se rapprocher de leur lieu d'emploi ? Cette recherche mobilise le recensement de 2016 pour analyser les migrations résidentielles en lien avec les déplacements vers le travail. La distinction entre les nouveaux qui viennent de l'extérieur et ceux qui y habitaient déjà confirme de grandes différences de comportement. L'ancrage local permet de stabiliser ces distances au lieu de travail alors qu'au contraire près de 30 % des nouveaux arrivants continuent de travailler à l'extérieur en faisant de longues distances (> 55 km en moyenne). Le déménagement ne s'accompagne pas d'une diminution de l'usage de la voiture déjà largement dominant.The recent highlighting of medium-sized cities reverses their image as shrinking cities. However, in these cities, few alternatives to the use of cars appear to be efficient today. In this context of a territory where real estate market is not particularly tight, is the moment of relocation an opportunity for households to move closer to their workplace? In this article, we aim to better understand the residential migration of workers in medium-sized cities. This relocation will be studied in relation to their workplace and their previous place of residence. In this article, we use individual data on workers residing in 116 French medium-sized cities. The 2016 census enables the joint analysis of the change in place of residence and commuting. For each worker, the main mode of travel as well as a calculation of the distance between the place of residence and the workplace enables a comparison of commuting between previous residents and those who have moved in the last two years. Distinguishing between urban contexts allows us to refine these comparisons of residential strategies. The relocation does not reduce the already dominant use of cars, whatever the situation. The residential strategy of staying in the same territory accounts for a large proportion of moves and is coupled with a decrease in the distance between residence and workplace. However, nearly 30 % of new entrants to a medium-sized city continue to work outside the city, with a workplace over 50 km from their residence. The contrast between the employment attractiveness policies of metropolises and the residential attractiveness of medium-sized cities questions the sustainability of the overlapping lifestyles that are thus created.
- Defalvard H (2023), La société du commun. Pour une écologie politique et culturelle des territoires, Les Éditions de l'Atelier/Éditions ouvrières, Ivry-sur-Seine, 264 pages - Frédéric Wallet p. 159-163
- Dixon T. et Tewdwyr-Jones, M. (2021), Urban Futures: Planning for City Foresight and City Visions, Bristol: Policy Press, 290 pages - Richard Shearmur p. 164-166
- Métropoles et métropolisations : les unes et les autres - Claude Lacour p. 167-185