Contenu du sommaire : Twin Transition

Revue Journal of Innovation Economics Mir@bel
Numéro no 45, 2024/3
Titre du numéro Twin Transition
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • Focus

    • The Twin Digital and Green Transition: Paradigm Shift or Tech Fix? - Ben Vermeulen, Andreas Pyka p. 1-29 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The concept of the twin transition promotes leveraging synergies between the digital and sustainability transitions. This introduction to the special issue takes an innovation economic perspective to examine the development of digital green technologies for, and the adoption by, carbon-intensive sectors. It reveals how entrepreneurial activity and the innovation system evolution have led to cost-economic, organizational, and technical lock-ins. Moreover, it shows that to reduce CO2 emissions, firms favor (digital) green ‘tech fixes' to increase efficiency or save energy (e.g., by adding data collection and smart process control) over pursuing a ‘paradigm shift' toward a decarbonized production system (e.g., by electrification, or changing feedstock or chemical agent). Recognizing that deep decarbonization may not be possible within the necessary time window, digital green tech plays an indispensable, transitory role. Consequently, innovation (system) policy thus has to promote both entrepreneurship for digital green tech and governance of a sector-transcending, transformative innovation system for deep decarbonization. The six papers in this special issue address various aspects of the digital green tech development path.JEL Codes: O31, O14, O33, Q55, Q58, Q52
    • Technological Revolutions and the Co-Evolution of Green and Digital Transformation Processes: Tapping the Potential of Diversified Energy Networks - Mark Knell p. 31-55 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      This paper explores the potential of renewable energy technologies and smart grids to drive a transformative shift in the energy landscape. Drawing inspiration from the concept of technological revolutions, the paper examines historical examples of techno-economic paradigms and their reliance on abundant and low-cost energy resources. It highlights the current emergence of low-carbon energy generation technologies, such as wind, solar, and hydropower, and their integration into the digital technoeconomic paradigm. The paper emphasizes the co-evolution of green and digital transition processes and their potential to create diversified energy networks. It investigates the connections between technological revolutions, renewable energy sources, and smart grids, suggesting that these elements will shape the future energy transition.JEL Codes: O13, O33, O44
  • Twin Transition – Hidden Links between the Green and Digital Transition - Matthias Müller, Stephanie Lang, Lea F. Stöber p. 57-94 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    In this article, we analyze the literature on the simultaneous green (or sustainable) and digital transition, or simply the twin transition. We conduct a bibliometric analysis based on a citation network of scientific articles on digitalization and sustainability. Our results show that both research strands have well-established but largely separate research traditions. Only recently, there has been a growing interest in studying them together. An in-depth analysis of the community structure of the citation network reveals that the literature is highly fragmented, with a significant number of hidden links between the two research strands, connecting seemingly unrelated thematic clusters.JEL Codes: O25, O30, Q56
  • Digitalization and the Emergence of E-Mobility Technology in German Regions : Exploring the Initial Appearance of Patent-Based and Funded-Project-Based Collaboration Events - Patrick Wolf, Muhamed Kudic, Tobias Buchmann p. 95-122 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The automotive industry is extremely important in Germany and its OEMs and suppliers are still globally competitive. However, the shift from combustion engines to e-mobility drive trains is restructuring the industry. Accordingly, this paper analyzes the determinants affecting the emergence of e-mobility drive technologies in the automotive sector. In doing so, we emphasize the role of digital technologies in the sector's environmental transformation, drawing from the “twin-transition” framework, where digital and green shifts mutually influence one another. Methodically, we use an event-history approach to empirically explore the early appearance of R&D activities in the form of patent-based or funded-project-based collaboration events at the regional level over the period 1990 to 2018. Our results indicate positive and significant relatedness between various digitalization variables and the early emergence of e-mobility activities in regions. At the same time, the geographical context appears to be only of marginal importance.JEL Codes: O30, O33, P25
  • Digital Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Evidence from the European Union - Björn Jindra, Matheus Eduardo Leusin p. 123-157 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This paper demonstrates that digital sustainability inventions have started to emerge but constitute few of the EU27's inventions during 2001-2018. This is the case even though the region offers the greatest breadth of relevant technological specialisations, which currently concentrate primarily in transportation and energy sectors. Nonetheless, the analysis shows that the EU27 lacks specialisation advantages in some key ICT-related technologies, as well as in the top four climate change mitigation and adaption technologies associated with digital sustainability inventions. The paper outlines possible pathways for smart specialisation in digital sustainability technologies, including in renewable energies, transportation, and carbon capture storage, using existing or complementary specialisations as well as international collaboration. We also provide open access to SQL queries, which can be used to recreate the dataset of digital sustainability inventions. JEL Codes: O33, O38, Q55
  • Economic Measurement of the Environmental Benefits of Information and Communication Technologies: Experiences for Germany - Jochen Dehio, Ronald Janssen-Timmen, Michael Rothgang p. 159-188 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    This paper develops three scenarios for the future environmental benefits of information and communication technologies to assess the future potential of twin transition. We estimate market and cost values for (i) technology diffusion, (ii) economic and environmental cost savings, and (iii) monetary values of green IT and the IT-related potentials of home office in Germany. The analysis addresses a research gap as the few existing papers on the topic focus on the development of qualitative scenarios and do not try to assess market values for twin transition effects. We employ quantitative models which are based on reasonable assumptions on possible future paths. Our results show that there is a substantial potential for future economic benefits of twin transition, which – however – can only be exploited under favorable framework conditions.JEL Codes: Q51, Q55, O33, O44
  • Responsible Research and Innovation for the Twin Transition: The Effect of Digitalisation Support in Regions - Manfred Paier, Sabine Neuberger p. 189-215 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The twin transition of the economy cannot be imposed top-down but requires an active involvement of all relevant stakeholders. The European Commission has promoted Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) as a policy framework to ensure that research and innovation activities lead to socially desirable, ethically acceptable, environmentally sustainable and economically feasible outcomes. Postulating that RRI can effectively support the twin transition if implemented well at the regional level, concrete measures must be strongly backed and sustained by all relevant stakeholder groups: civil society, industry, government, as well as science and research. This paper aims to analyse the effect of RRI-oriented, stakeholder-driven roadmapping on advancing the twin transition in three pilot European regions. A survey of pilot project participants reveals positive effects of the described approach, providing a promising model on how to organise discussions and deliberation processes to proceed effectively with the twin transition of regions. JEL Codes: O32, O33, P36, R58
  • Varia

    • The Implications of Artificial Intelligence for Management Decision-Making Innovativeness: Insights from Contemporary Chess Practice - Hongxia Peng p. 217-245 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The automation of decision-making supported by digital processes of artificial intelligence (AI) is considered one of the outcomes of digital innovation rendering management decision-making more optimized, accurate and replicable. In parallel, dynamic capabilities are identified as critical resources for sustaining management decision-making innovativeness. Based on an analogy-based framework and a qualitative observation of AI-driven chess practice, this research examines how and why decision-making automatism (DMA) interacts with decision-making dynamism (DMD) and, consequently, could reshape management decision-making innovativeness. The analysis stipulates that AI-driven decision-making might, on the one hand, optimize tactical decision-making by favoring DMA and, on the other hand, affect DMD by mitigating dynamic capabilities, especially the inductive dynamic capabilities required for unprecedented decision-making. A typology and four theoretical propositions conceptualize these findings. The article ends by suggesting more strategic considerations with regard to the preservation of decision-making innovativeness in the mobilization of AI in management decision-making.JEL Codes: M10, O33
    • Entrepreneurship versus Intrapreneurship: Are the Antecedents Similar? A Cross-Country Analysis - Surender Mor, Anju Rani, Arvind Ashta p. 247-282 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The study examines the antecedents of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in 54 countries and finds similarities in six out of eight variables considered. Regression analysis reveals that entrepreneurship is influenced directly and positively by employment and the control of corruption and negatively by tertiary enrolment and innovation. Intrapreneurship is influenced directly and positively by per capita income. The analysis of developed and developing countries reveals that some antecedents of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are similar (employment and corruption), others are different (income, education, and innovation), and even the direction may be different (inequality). Some factors we analyzed had no significant direct relationship to entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship (economic freedom and ease of doing business). Mediation analysis reveals that entrepreneurship is influenced negatively by income inequality and economic freedom and positively by the ease of doing business through per capita income and control of corruption, respectively. In contrast, tertiary enrolment influences intrapreneurship positively but indirectly.JEL Codes: O31, O50, C2
    • Financialization and Innovation Management: A Model of Impacts and Evidence from Case Studies in Brazilian Companies - Jonas Lucio Maia, Luiz Carlos Di Serio p. 283-322 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Recently, the so-called “world of finance” has gained relevance in the business environment, where the financialization process takes place. Thus, the main research question addressed through case studies carried out in five companies in Brazil was “what are the impacts of financialization on firms and their innovation management process?”, with the following objectives: (1) understanding the impacts of financialization on firms; and (2) exploring its impacts on their innovation management process. The main conclusions regarding financialization are related to cultural aspects, owners' mentality, short-termism, need for flexibility and liquidity, shadow banking use and conservatism in financial leverage decisions. On the other hand, conclusions related to innovation management concern risk tolerance, the subtleness of the interaction between finance and innovation, applied financial tools, the relative long-termism of innovation, and funding through dividends. Also, industry characteristics behave as key conditional factors of decisions in both fields.JEL Codes: G32, O32, O31
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