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International Review of Public Policy ![]() |
Numéro | vol. 6, n3, 2024 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Learning from Crisis: COVID-19 Agenda and Policy Change and What it Means for a Future Research Agenda - Deserai Anderson Crow, Elizabeth A. Albright, Kristin Taylor, Rob DeLeo, Thomas Birkland, Elizabeth Shanahan The COVID-19 pandemic and crisis rapidly changed the public and policymaking agendas for governments worldwide. COVID-19 highlighted failures and problems associated with public health preparedness, economic vulnerability, emergency response protocols, and sector-specific issues in healthcare, education, and beyond. This increased attention to COVID-19 – and pandemic response broadly – led to significant emergency policy action by governors and public health agencies across U.S. states. We ask whether this uptick in attention resulted in meaningful policy change. This paper constitutes a modest first effort to assess the extent to which the increase in agenda attention resulted in substantive changes to subnational public health institutions, thereby allowing them to better respond to the next pandemic. We specifically focus on U.S. state legislative policymaking because state governments retain the primary constitutional authority for responding to public health crises like COVID-19. Our analysis includes all legislation enacted by state legislatures in 2020 and 2021, building on prior work that examined emergency orders issued in 2020 across states. We aspire not only to track important changes in policy but also to spotlight potentially fruitful research initiatives that spring from our findings.
- Advocacy Coalitions' Diffuse and Discrete Emotion-Belief Expressions in a Transmission Line Siting Controversy - Emma Scheetz, Allegra H. Fullerton, Anna M. Crawford, Christopher M. Weible, Tanya Heikkila This paper builds on the burgeoning literature of emotion analyses in the policy process by examining how emotions are used and portrayed in locating a contentious renewable transmission line in Southern California, US. Using the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) as the theoretical guide, this paper finds evidence that actors experience similar emotions about beliefs to those within their coalition and dissimilar emotions about beliefs to actors in rival coalitions. This trend holds for diffuse (positive/negative) and most, but not all, discrete (e.g. anger, dismay, affinity) emotions expressions. Negative emotions also tend to define coalitions more strongly while positive emotions have varied patterns. The conclusion lays out future research directions to further our understanding of emotions and beliefs in policy and politics.
- The enabling role of an agency in the development toward a superficially fragmented institutional set-up – a study of Georgian debt enforcement - Johan Sandén, Nino Chalauri Agencification – the process of creating autonomous agencies from central government units – is intended as a means of achieving political decentralization in the post-communist transitional context. However, the present article argues that, in the case of Georgia's debt enforcement, agencification has become a means of developing a market (economic decentralization). Georgian debt enforcement has changed from being in-house, within the Ministry of Justice, to being the joint responsibility of a public agency (National Bureau of Enforcement; NBE) and private debt enforcement officers. The article reconstructs the reform process by drawing on documents and interview material from various stakeholders in the debt enforcement system. By describing and analyzing the development from 2008 to 2019, we show how the process has resulted in shifting roles for NBE and in various set-ups of debt enforcement. Theoretically, we stress the interplay between mechanisms for institutional change and argue that, while change may be tangible on a superficial level, this serves stability in a commitment to a pro-market agenda. Through the present analysis, we contribute to the agencification literature by showing how the creation of an agency shapes the resultant administrative set-up.
- Slaying the Dragon of Corruption: Application of Multiple-Streams Framework in Anticorruption Policy Processes in Devolved Systems of Government in Kenya - Justa Mwangi, Wilson Muna Although John Kingdon's multiple streams (MSF) framework is utilized to explain public policy processes in the US and western countries, little empirical evidence exists of its applicability in Africa. This paper addresses this gap by interrogating agenda setting processes that combat corruption in devolved systems of government in Kenya through the lens of this framework. The paper is the result of an empirical study that involved 126 interviews and two focus group discussions involving nine key stakeholders from the counties of Kiambu and Nairobi City, which are two devolved systems of government in Kenya. The paper examines how the state, business, and civil society are intertwined within the anticorruption agenda setting processes of these two counties. The results illuminate the complex relationships between these actors as they switch roles from being facilitators (enablers) of anticorruption agendas to accomplices of corruption (through convergence of mutual interests) and demonstrate the extent to which MSF theory may be considered appropriate in the analysis of such policymaking processes. The authors present several pathways that MSF's problem, policy, and political streams may converge to create policy windows to combat corruption, and calls for further studies in this area.
- A 40-Year Retrospective of John Kingdon's Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policies - Nikolaos Zahariadis, Evangelia Petridou
- Alive and Kicking at 40. From Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies to a Policy Process Framework - Reimut Zohlnhöfer, Nicole Herweg On the 40th anniversary of John Kingdon's Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies, the Multiple Streams Framework (MSF) is more vibrant than ever. In this contribution, we briefly summarize the development of the MSF from its inception to the present day. Next, we present three important theoretical and methodological advances in the MSF over the past decade. Regarding theoretical advancements, we focus on (1) the application of the MSF to stages of the policy process following agenda-setting, (2) the transfer of the MSF to different institutional contexts, and (3) the development of new actor roles in MSF reasoning. In our discussion of methodological advancements, we highlight (1) the development of MSF hypotheses, (2) best practices for operationalizing the framework's figurative concepts, and (3) suggestions for quantitatively testing individual aspects of MSF theorizing. We conclude by assessing that MSF research has addressed many criticisms from the literature (such as inconsistent operationalization of key concepts or story-telling rather than hypotheses-testing). However, scholars must also use these advancements and apply the framework rigorously to take advantage of the explanatory potential of the framework.
- Policy Implementation and the Multiple Streams Framework: Key Findings and Future Research Directions - Luke Fowler Although MSF scholars often overlook implementation, notable progress on this front has been made in recent years that captures what happens after agendas are set and policies adopted, including studies that that directly apply MSF and develop its theoretical components as well as others that leverage its theoretical or empirical observations indirectly in the context of implementation. Given this, the goal of this review is to summarize the basics of MSF as applied to implementation in its current state and assess the research agenda moving forward. Although the body of work is limited, extant scholarship establishes that MSF is a fruitful theoretical framework to both examine policy implementation through and to expand our understanding of the policy cycles. However, additional studies are needed to both provide further evidence supporting its application and to answer key theoretical and practical questions.
- The multiple streams framework beyond democracies: Reflections on existing and future research - Annemieke van den Dool, Caroline Schlaufer Since Kingdon's 1984 canonical study of federal-level agenda setting in the USA, the multiple streams framework has been used to examine not just other democracies, but also autocracies. Based on a dataset of 101 English language journal articles, we provide an overview of how the MSF has been used to examine policy processes in autocracies. Priorities for future MSF research on autocracies are (1) integrating the literature on authoritarianism (2) shifting from case studies to examining individual MSF elements across time, jurisdictions, and policy areas. To this end, we present a list of theory-grounded expectations and corresponding research questions pertaining to each MSF element. To make it easier for future MSF studies to connect their findings to prior research on authoritarian settings, we provide a list of existing MSF journal articles on autocracies.
- Kingdon's multiple streams framework: what happens next? - Paul Cairney The multiple streams framework (MSF) has much to offer new and experienced scholars. Kingdon's agenda setting book on US policymaking inspired one of the most applied theories in international policy research. Compared to other theories, this activity emerged in the relative absence of central direction. In this context, I argue that instilling MSF direction and rigour will appeal to a small core group but not to a large periphery. If most MSF applications are by scholars who have only bought Kingdon's work so far, how can we sell them the entire state-of-the-art MSF package?
- A 40-Year Retrospective of John Kingdon's Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policies - Nikolaos Zahariadis, Evangelia Petridou
- Institutional Transformations of Global Governance – Key Challenges for International Organisations - Jacint Jordana, Adam Holesch, Lewin Schmitt, Charles Roger, Alexandros Tokhi, Kari Otteburn, Angel Saz-Carranza, Marie Vandendriessche, Michael Zürn, David Coen, David Levi-Faur, Axel Marx This article examines the evolving institutional challenges of global governance by analyzing four key sectors: trade, security, environment, and finance. Recent transformations have increased their complexity and fragmentation in these sectors, challenging the traditional dominance of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). Based on the findings of the H2020 GLOBE project and a survey of 1,004 IGO staff, we discuss four major cross-sectoral challenges: decision-making gridlocks, organizational inefficiencies, weak institutional autonomy, and operational difficulties. Sectoral differences highlight the need for adaptive governance strategies, as a one-size-fits-all approach is insufficient. While IGO staff remain optimistic about their organizations' ability to adapt, our study underscores the importance of reinforcing IGOs' in a rapidly shifting global landscape.
- Institutional Transformations of Global Governance – Key Challenges for International Organisations - Jacint Jordana, Adam Holesch, Lewin Schmitt, Charles Roger, Alexandros Tokhi, Kari Otteburn, Angel Saz-Carranza, Marie Vandendriessche, Michael Zürn, David Coen, David Levi-Faur, Axel Marx
Book Review