Contenu du sommaire : La guerre en son siècle
Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 3, juillet 1984 |
Titre du numéro | La guerre en son siècle |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
La guerre en son siècle
- C'est un très périlleux héritage que guerre - Philippe Contamine p. 5-16 «A very perilous heritage is war» Philippe Contamine. The medieval millennium is perceived as a long era of violence, with punitive expeditions and private wars as the most spectacular feature of the feudal System. Despite the efforts of the Church and later of the royal power, public insecurity could long be confused with the state of war in the modem sense. The major conflicts of the Middle Ages, and particularly the Hundred Years' War, caused real traumas among the people and disturbed the balance of society and power. Nevertheless, all things considered, the effects of the wars do not appear so negative. In the 14th and 15th centuries, the comparison between devastated France and better protected England is not so unfavourable to the country of Joan of Arc.
- Les guerres du siècle - Jean-Baptiste Duroselle p. 17-26 War in the plural : a classification of twentieth century wars, Jean-Baptiste Duroselle. Without engaging in the discussion about the « innate » or the « acquired » character of the phenomenon of war, the author proposes an empirical classification for the twentieth century : he identifies six criteria : « white » / « colonial », limited / long, Worldwide / short wars, scope of weapons, law and ethics, origins of conflicts. He concludes that there is no simple explanation, but observes a hiatus between the « early » and the « late » twentieth century and describes the horrendous emergence of the nation-states through wars throughout the century.
- Le passé insupportable - Maurice Vaïsse p. 27-40 The unbearable past: pacifisms, 1984, 1938, 1914. Maurice Waïsse An analysis of the pacifist movements in the 1980s, between the two world wars and before 1914, shows their heterogeneity, their many causes and their twin faces : Judaeo-Christian and socialist. There has not been one pacifism per war : each movement is unable to avert the storm ; the success or the failure of the causes of peace or war owe nothing to pacifism. In fact, in the twentieth century, we may have had only the pacifism of past wars and of related fears.
- L'exubérance de l'état en France de 1914 à 1918 - Fabienne Bock p. 41-52 The exuberance of the state in France from 1914 to 1918, Fabienne Bock. During the First World War, not only were the institutions of the French republic not shaken — the power of the state grew over many areas of social and economic life. Industrial and agricultural production, foreign trade, the distribution of the labor force and industrial relations were partially managed by a host of semi-official bodies, commissions, committees or offices which proliferated in relative anarchy. Even if in the 1920s France was relieved to go back to non intervention and was proud of a degree of désétatisation, the 1914-1918 war was an ambiguous stage in the growth of the state apparatus in the twentieth century.
- Nouvelle régulation ou retour à la normale ? - Anthony Rowley p. 53-68 New regulation or return to normal? The British case after 1918, Anthony Rowley. At the end of the First World War, the return to the gold standard in Great Britain illustrated the difficulty of maintaining both a deflationary policy and measures aimed at helping employment and creating a system of unemployment benefits. During this period, the role of the state in financial matters grew while maintaining at the same time a heterogeneous character. This development, begun at the end of the 19th century, picked up speed with the war economy and the necessities of a new economic regulation in the 1920s.
- Sur le front des sexes : un combat douteux - Michelle Perrot p. 69-76 On the sex front, Michelle Perrot The conclusions of a recent colloquium on « Women and War » organized by the Center for European Studies at Harvard University shake up the conventional wisdom that the 20th century wars helped in the emancipation of women. Two world conflicts certainly gave them « man's » work and greater individual freedom. But such changes hardly altered the inherited sexual roles : as nurses or Resistance flghters, factory workers or union activists, women are subjected to the power of man in war as in peace time. Wars accelerated some changes and retarded others. Contradictory in their impact, they helped the victory of feminist ideas, but announced the men's revenge.
- Autant en emporte la guerre. Les régimes politiques à l'épreuve - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 77-90 Gone with the war: the testing of political regimes, Jean-Jacques Becker Unlike previous wars, 20th century conflicts do upset existing political regimes. The relation between war and political change is, however, not mechani-cal. In some instances, such as the growth of communism or fascism, war has played a crucial role. In others — the breakdown of the Central Empires in 1918, or the fall of France in 1940 — war accelerates change, but is not its prime cause. In the last analysis, Clausewitz's conclusions are no longer sufficient : explanation must at times take into account irrational elements.
- C'est un très périlleux héritage que guerre - Philippe Contamine p. 5-16
- Une généalogie guerrière de l'histoire - Yves Chevrier p. 91-114 A warlike genealogy of history. Mac-Neill's paradigm, Yves Chevrier History is produced by war, not the contrary. Such is the thesis of W.H. MacNeill, an American historian familiar with wide-ranging frescoes, in The Pursuit of Power (1982). This critical review places MacNeill's thinking in the wake of famous predecessors : Braudel, Weber, Marx, Clausewitz and Gibbon. It also defines his originality : thinking about war no longer in terms of its waging, causes and consequences, but seeing in it the mode of production of civilization and society. Like the class struggle, war is a motor of history. This is a revolutionary thesis, which raises many critical questions.
- Une généalogie guerrière de l'histoire - Yves Chevrier p. 91-114
Images et sons
- Les révolutionnaires du yiddishland - Jean Bouvier p. 115-117
- À propos du « bal » - Francois Garcon p. 117-119
- Récupérer Balthus - Étienne Fouilloux p. 119-124
- Audiovisuel pour les chinois - Judith Van Der Stegen p. 124-126
- Histoires de bureau - Danièle Voldman p. 126-129
- Réminiscences de guerre dans la bande dessinée - Henry Rousso p. 129-132
- Les révolutionnaires du yiddishland - Jean Bouvier p. 115-117
- La fidélité de la clientèle communiste - Philippe Ariès, Michel Winock p. 133-136
- La fidélité de la clientèle communiste - Philippe Ariès, Michel Winock p. 133-136
Avis de recherches
- Les ruptures de 1940 - Robert Frank p. 137-139
- Reconstructions : une architecture de catastrophe ? - Danièle Voldman p. 139-141
- La libération de la france - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 142-144
- Les ruptures de 1940 - Robert Frank p. 137-139
- Miquel Pierre, La Grande Guerre - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 145-148
- Cazals Remy, Marquié Claude, Piniès René, Années cruelles (1914-1918), Gaulle Charles de, Vendroux Jacques, Boud'hors Gérard, La génération du feu (1914-1918) - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 146-147
- "Répression. Camps d'internement en France pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. Aspects du phénomène concentrationnaire" - Claude Lévy p. 148-149
- Herbst Ludolf, Der totale Krieg und die Ordnung der Wirtschaft. Die Kriegswirtschaft im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Ideologie und Propaganda 1939-1945 - Michael Pollak p. 149-150
- Volkoff Vladimir, Yalta - Pierre Mélandri p. 150
- Bond Brian, War and society in Europe 1870-1970 - François Bédarida p. 150-151
- Thompson sir Robert, Les guerres de l'après-guerre. Conflits et guerres civiles dans le monde depuis 1945Kidron Michael, Smith Dan, Atlas du monde armé - Henry Rousso p. 151-152
- "Les filets de la guerre", L'Âne - Henry Rousso p. 152-153
- Miquel Pierre, La Grande Guerre - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 145-148
Nazisme et néofascisme
- Bytwerk Randall L., Julius Streicher, The man who persuaded nation to hate Jews - Henry Rousso p. 153
- Lang Jochen von, Eichmann, interrogatoire - Henry Rousso p. 153-154
- "Nuova destra e cultura reazionaria negli ottanta" - Jean-Luc Pouthier p. 154-155
- Chélini Jean, L'Église sous Pie XII. La tourmente (1939-1945) - François Bédarida p. 155
- Bytwerk Randall L., Julius Streicher, The man who persuaded nation to hate Jews - Henry Rousso p. 153
- Chélini Jean, L'Église sous Pie XII. La tourmente (1939-1945) - François Bédarida p. 155
- Delpech François, Sur les juifs - André Kaspi p. 156
- Baubérot Jean, Le pouvoir de contester. Contestations politico-religieuses autour de "mai 1968" et le document "Église et pouvoirs" - Étienne Fouilloux p. 156-157
- Kepel Gilles, Le prophète et pharaon. Les mouvements islamistes dans l'Égypte contemporaine - Robert Ilbert p. 157
- Robrieux Philippe, Histoire intérieure du Parti communiste - Denis Peschanski p. 157-158
- Chélini Jean, L'Église sous Pie XII. La tourmente (1939-1945) - François Bédarida p. 155
- Kepel Gilles, Le prophète et pharaon. Les mouvements islamistes dans l'Égypte contemporaine - Robert Ilbert p. 157
- Robrieux Philippe, Histoire intérieure du Parti communiste - Denis Peschanski p. 157-158
- Pike David Wingeate, Jours de gloire, jours de honte. Le Parti communiste d'Espagne en France depuis son arrivée en 1939 jusqu'à son départ en 1950 - Félix Torres p. 158-159
- Zunz Olivier, Naissance de l'Amérique industrielle. Détroit 1880-1920 - Pierre Mélandri p. 159-160
- Kepel Gilles, Le prophète et pharaon. Les mouvements islamistes dans l'Égypte contemporaine - Robert Ilbert p. 157
Industries et régions
- Zunz Olivier, Naissance de l'Amérique industrielle. Détroit 1880-1920 - Pierre Mélandri p. 159-160
- Deniot Joëlle, Usine et coopération ouvrière. Métiers, syndicalisation, conflits aux Batignolles - Sylvie Van de Casteele-Schweitzer p. 160-161
- L'Ouest bouge-t-il ? Son changement social et culturel depuis trente ans - Jacqueline Sainclivier p. 161
- Gravier Jean-François, L'espace vital, du paradis terrestre à l'aménagement du territoire - Danièle Voldman p. 161-162
- Lottman Herbert R., Pétain - Jean-Pierre Azéma p. 162
- Lattre De Tassigny (maréchal Jean de), Ne pas subir. Écrits 1914-1952 - Maurice Vaïsse p. 162-163
- Zunz Olivier, Naissance de l'Amérique industrielle. Détroit 1880-1920 - Pierre Mélandri p. 159-160
Biographies, écrits et souvenirs
- Lottman Herbert R., Pétain - Jean-Pierre Azéma p. 162
- Lattre De Tassigny (maréchal Jean de), Ne pas subir. Écrits 1914-1952 - Maurice Vaïsse p. 162-163
- Garbarz Moshè et Élie, Un survivant. Pologne 1913-1929. Paris 1929-1941. Auschwitz-Birkenau-Jawischowitz- Buchenwald 1942-1945 - Claude Lévy p. 163-164
- Vernier Claude, Tendre exil. Souvenirs d'un réfugié antinazi en France - Denis Peschanski p. 164-165
- Lorin Claude, Le jeune Ferenczi, premiers écrits 1899-1906 - Antoine Bouillon p. 165-166
- Nixon Richard, Leaders - Michael Pollak p. 166
- Ricoeur Paul, Temps et récit - Eric Vigne p. 166-167
- Lottman Herbert R., Pétain - Jean-Pierre Azéma p. 162
Temps et mémoire
- Nixon Richard, Leaders - Michael Pollak p. 166
- Ric?ur Paul, Temps et récit - Eric Vigne p. 166-167
- Namer Gérard, Batailles pour la mémoire. La commémoration en France de 1945 à nos jours - Danièle Voldman p. 168
- Nixon Richard, Leaders - Michael Pollak p. 166
- Livres reçus - p. 169-170
- Abstracts - p. 171-172
- Dans ce numéro - p. 173-176