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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 4, octobre 1984 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Les guerres de succession du Kremlin (1924-1984) - Hélène Carrère D'encausse p. 3-18 The Kremlin wars of succession (1924-1984), Hélène Carrère d'Encausse. The difficulties of succession which the Soviet System experienced on the deaths of Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Andropov are discussed. No apparent rule could ever be established in the USSR to ensure the transfer of power without a crisis. But a careful examination of the circumstances and the stakes of the wars of succession clarifies successively the roles of individuals until 1953, of the apparatus until 1982, and of the generational conflict within the party since the death of Brezhnev. History seems to reinforce Max Weber's analysis of the routinization of power and the final victory of the System over the individuals.
- L'évolution à long terme de la nationalisation en France - Pierre Bauchet p. 19-22 The long term evolution of French nationalization, Pierre Bauchet. A point by point comparison of the nationalizations of the 1930s, of 1945-1946 and of 1982 shows the originality of those of the Liberation. Their motives were in keeping with pre-war hopes. The urgency of a purge and the political conditions of the country helped to make them well accepted, and the management methods of the new national firms were to set the way for others. Today, however, the idea of nationalization is in a crisis. Having gone in 1982 beyond the limits set in 1945, France might do well to ponder : should there be denationalization ?
- Les troubles du nord-constantinois en mai 1945 - Charles-Robert Ageron p. 23-38 The North Constantine demonstration of May 1945 an insurrectional attempt ?, Charles-Robert Ageron. In May 1945, very violent demonstrations broke out in Algeria. Since then, various explanations have been given in an attempt to understand something that European public opinion hardly noticed. For some, it was an insurrectional attempt ; for others, hunger riots or a peasant uprising. All such theses were based on political biases. New sources now make it possible to evaluate better both the divergent interpretations of the events, the number of victims and the state of political forces of a budding nation. Thus the idea of a colonialist provocation or that of an Algerian Popular Party maneuvre can be rejected. On the other hand, the APP's leaders' hesitations concerning strategy and their catastrophic consequence on the movement itself can no longer be neglected. The demonstrations now appear to have been essential as preparations for the Algerian revolution.
- Colonisation, décolonisation et capitalisme (1880-1960) - Jacques Marseille p. 39-48 Colonization, decolonization and capitalism (1880-1960). Divorce, French style, Jacques Marseille. Decolonization has not been, as some politicians had predicted, a catastrophe for the French economy, far from it. In the decade which followed the downfall of the colonial empire, the growth of capitalism, seldom as vigorous, was accompanied by the structural transformations necessary to modernization. The business community seemed to understand that well before the state since, as early as the 1930s, certain economic agents were already feeling unsatisfaction. Public opinion relayed by political forces, became passionately and unexpectedly interes in the empire, just as the world of business and finance was moving away from it. A painful divorce, which only General de Gaulle alone could declare.
- Vienne fin de siècle - Michael Pollak p. 49-64 Vienna at the end of last century. The limits of the historic example, Michael Pollak. The cultural flowering of Vienna at the end of the 19th century fascinates many historians. They try to elucidate the apparent contradiction between the political decline of the Empire, undermined by the powerlessness of authoritarianism as of liberalism, ready to sink under the shock of the First world war, and the extraordinary artistic, literary, and philosophic flowering of its capital. Searching for their cultural identity, writers, journalists, and artists contributed to the glow and influence of a nation which was playing a lesser economic and diplomatic role. Is it proper to use this historical case to make a parallel with situations which are different in time and space, such as the United States in the 1970s? In history, what are the limits of historic example ?
- L'organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire (CERN) - Dominique Pestre p. 65-76 The European organisation for nuclear research (CENR). A political and scien-tific success, Dominique Pestre After 30 years of existence, the CENR (in French CERN) created in 1954, is a scientific as well as a political success. Launched after the Second World War the plan for a major European nuclear physics laboratory was implemented at the same time as the first Community organizations were being set up (ECSC, OEEC, etc.). Its success was due to the role of the « scientific administrators » and European physicists whose Community convictions were stronger than the politic differences among member states, to the impossibility for any European count to carry out such a scientific and financial endeavour alone, and to the quality of the discoveries of the CENR in the physics of nuclear particles.
- Mickey go home ! - Pascal Ory p. 77-88 Mickey go home! The de-Americanization of the comic strip (1945-1950), Pascal Ory. American cultural hegemony, which had reached France even before the Second World War, became more marked after 1945. In the case of the comic strip, a Francophone tradition succeeded in resisting the influence of American funnies. Thanks to protectionist legislation, a «moderate synthesis», joining moralism and modernity inspired by Catholic movements, managed to impose a style, a « clean line », which long ensured the reputation of a French-Belgian school (Herge, Jacobs, Franquin, etc.) at the expense of American heroes.
- Les origines du répertoire d'action collective contemporaine en France et en Grande-Bretagne - Charles Tilly p. 89-108 Origins of the contemporary collective-action répertoire in France and Great Britain, Charles Tilly. Eight examples of various types of conflict from 1682 to 1982 divide into two relatively distinct repertoires of collective action. The first, localized and oriented largely to local powerholders, lasted until the 19th century. The other, more national and autonomous, came to predominate in Great Britain around 1832 and in France around 1848. Compared to the 19th, the 20th century produced few changes in the repertoire ; with respect to organization and action even the « new social movements » occurring since 1968 do not constitute a large innovation. The forms of collective action result from a cumulative historical process.
- La micro-informatique en territoire historien - André Zysberg, Henry Rousso p. 109-116 Micro-data processing in the historians' territory. A talk with Andre Zysherg. In the 1960s, heavy data processing invaded the historians' territory but change basically neither the topics nor the methods of history. While it undoubtedly made a contribution, its results are nevertheless negative on the whole. Today, micro data processing makes it possible to have greater and easier access to certain efficient techniques. But historians must learn to recognize the objective limits of such a to and not rely only on the computer to improve their research.
- La micro-informatique en territoire historien - André Zysberg, Henry Rousso p. 109-116
Images et sons
- Bonnard en suspens - E. Van De Casteele p. 117-120
- Défi américain et atlantisme français. "the right stuff" - F. Garçon p. 121-125
- Images et imaginaires d'architecture - F. Torres p. 125-126
- Bonnard en suspens - E. Van De Casteele p. 117-120
- Le dilemme du socialisme moderne - François Bédarida p. 127-132
- Le dilemme du socialisme moderne - François Bédarida p. 127-132
Avis de recherches
- La modernisation en Chine aux 19e et 20e siècles - Y. Chevrier p. 133-137
- Inclassable Hannah Arendt - É. Vigne p. 137-140
- Gestion ouvrière et nationalisations à la libération en France - C. Andrieu p. 140-146
- La fête d'une autre histoire à Berlin - M. Pollak p. 146-148
- Informations sur l'histoire contemporaine des juifs - J. Laloum p. 148-150
- La modernisation en Chine aux 19e et 20e siècles - Y. Chevrier p. 133-137
Nazisme et seconde guerre mondiale
- Bessel Richard, Political violence and the rise of nazism : the storm troopers in Eastern Germany 1925-1934 - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 151
- Jean Moulin et le Conseil national de la Résistance - Dominique Veillon p. 152-153
- Veillon Dominique, La Collaboration. Textes et débats - Henry Rousso p. 153
- Bessel Richard, Political violence and the rise of nazism : the storm troopers in Eastern Germany 1925-1934 - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 151
Europe méridionale
- Gage Nicholas, Eleni - François Bédarida p. 154-157
- Carrillo Santiago, Le communisme malgré tout. Entretiens avec Lilly Marcou - Denis Peschanski p. 154-155
- Aït Ahmed Hocine, Mémoires d'un combattant. L'esprit d'indépendance 1942-1952 - Gilbert Meynier p. 155
- Gage Nicholas, Eleni - François Bédarida p. 154-157
- Aït Ahmed Hocine, Mémoires d'un combattant. L'esprit d'indépendance 1942-1952 - Gilbert Meynier p. 155
- Vatin Jean-Claude, L'Algérie politique : histoire et société - Gilbert Meynier p. 157-158
- Mauriac François, L'imitation des bourreaux de Jésus-Christ. Présentation des Blocs-notes sur la torture, Garanger Marc, La guerre d'Algérie vue par un appelé du contingent - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 158-159
- Affergan Francis, Anthropologie à la Martinique - Antoine Bouillon p. 159
- Mitscherlich Margarete, La fin des modèles - Sylvie Van de Casteele-Schweitzer p. 159-160
- Aït Ahmed Hocine, Mémoires d'un combattant. L'esprit d'indépendance 1942-1952 - Gilbert Meynier p. 155
Femmes, féminisme
- Affergan Francis, Anthropologie à la Martinique - Antoine Bouillon p. 159
- Mitscherlich Margarete, La fin des modèles - Sylvie Van de Casteele-Schweitzer p. 159-160
- Women, the family and freedom, the debate in documents - Danièle Voldman p. 160-161
- Le torchon brûle (1971-1973) - Sylvie Van de Casteele-Schweitzer p. 161
- Stratégies des femmes - Danièle Voldman p. 161-162
- Knibiehler Yvonne, Dupont Hesse Odile, Leroux-Hugon Véronique, Tastayre Yolande, Cornettes et blouses blanches. Les infirmières dans la société française 1880-1980 - Danielle Tucat p. 162-163
- Herzlich Claudine, Pierret Janine, Malades d'hier, malades d'aujourdhui. De la mort collective au devoir de guérison - Marie-José Imbault-Huart p. 163-164
- Jequier François, avec la collaboration de Schindler-Pittet Chantal, De la forge à la manufacture horlogère, XVIIIe-XXe siècles (cinq générations d'entrepreneurs la vallée de Joux au coeur d'une mutation industrielle) - Sylvie Van de Casteele-Schweitzer p. 164-165
- Descostes Marc, Robert Jean-Louis, Clefs pour une histoire du syndicalisme cadre - Serge Berstein p. 165
- L'école de Chicago. Naissance de l'écologie urbaine - Philippe Gresset p. 165-166
- Affergan Francis, Anthropologie à la Martinique - Antoine Bouillon p. 159
- Descostes Marc, Robert Jean-Louis, Clefs pour une histoire du syndicalisme cadre - Serge Berstein p. 165
- L'école de Chicago. Naissance de l'écologie urbaine - Philippe Gresset p. 165-166
- Carter Jimmy, Mémoires d'un président - Pierre Mélandri p. 166-167
- Kennan George F., Le mirage nucléaire. Les relations américano-soviétiques à l'âge de l'atome - Pierre Mélandri p. 167-168
- Balvet Marie, Itinéraire d'un intellectuel vers le fascisme : Drieu La Rochelle, Boutang Pierre, Maurras. La destinée et l'oeuvre - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 168-170
- Descostes Marc, Robert Jean-Louis, Clefs pour une histoire du syndicalisme cadre - Serge Berstein p. 165
Droites en France
- Balvet Marie, Itinéraire d'un intellectuel vers le fascisme : Drieu La Rochelle, Boutang Pierre, Maurras. La destinée et l'oeuvre - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 168-170
- Pierrard Pierre, L'Église et les ouvriers en France (1840-1940) - Étienne Fouilloux p. 171
- Balvet Marie, Itinéraire d'un intellectuel vers le fascisme : Drieu La Rochelle, Boutang Pierre, Maurras. La destinée et l'oeuvre - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 168-170
- Livres reçus - p. 172-174
- Abstracts - p. 175-178
- Dans ce numéro - p. 179-180